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Reviews for The Seduction Game

By : Grill
  • From ANON - ancientgirl on June 19, 2004
    Awesome chatpter. I had a feeling Hermione would feel bad about Lucius at first but then realize it was the best punishment. I can't wait to read your next chapter. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - innogen on June 12, 2004
    Really good chapter. I wonder what kind of person Lucious will grow to be. He will have to have a new personality. Hopefully his knowledge on how to survive day to ay will not be lot to him. I think Hermione is going to be pissed at Severus for some reason. (yes, I know they are not real people...but I live in my own fantasy world). I am looking forward to your next upate. --Innogen
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  • From ANON - golsnikthewikked on June 10, 2004
    Your Hermione showed the fire and bravery (not to mention the *intelligence*) of Rowling's (the girl who, after all, slapped Draco in the face). Not every fanfic Hermione does. For a while, I thought she was too wimpy and OoC for being too trusting of Malfoy. I mean, that old seduction tactic of Casanovas, "come over to my place and see my ________." is soo cliche.

    Severus' retaliation against Malfoy seems a bit drastic. Is it permanent, this mindwipe? I thought Snape would simply stun Lucius, put him into stasis and body bind him, and let the Aurors or Ministry officials determine further punishment. Oh well, I guess it makes sense in your story because the Ministry officials are corrupted by Malfoy's bribes. Please continue!!
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  • From ANON - golsnikthewikked on June 10, 2004
    your story has a lot of promise and potential, not to mention suspense. Please consider getting a beta reader and proofreading (use spell check in your word processing program) before posting, because spelling & grammar errors detract from what is otherwise an enjoyable re In In this chapter (10), you have Severus "twinkle," something characteristic of Dumbledore & very OoC of our favorite potions master. Snape *smirks*. ^_^

    I really like the way you have Severus' tender and sweet (aww!) oldfashioned gentlemanly courtship of Hermione contrast with Lucius' brutal, violent campaign of revenge. Also, don't drop the plotline about the "seid" Norse magic book of Lucius'. I'd like to see Hermione research it. Please continue the story; I'm very interested in seeing how things will turn out.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on June 09, 2004
    Chapter 13... What a FABULOUS revenge!!! I am glad to see that you didn't have Severus get violent & I do believe that the punishment was what fit that & all other crimes that Lucius had committed!!!

    Looking forward to the "bit of smutty goodness" as well as finding out what happens when Lucius is found!!! Til chapter 14, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - azulkan2 on June 08, 2004
    Now that is what I call justice. Lucius not being able to remember who he is. Great story. Looking forward to more soon please.
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  • From shellylynnc on June 03, 2004
    Good chapter. Lucius is such a dark bastard this suits him to a tee. I'll bet he's going to be pissed that Hermione outsmarted him though...
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  • From ANON - ChevyBaby on May 24, 2004
    Grrrr! Lucius really needs to get what he deserves... And I know just the man to give it to him ;o) Way to go, Hermione! Great update :o)
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  • From ANON - azulkan2 on May 22, 2004
    Damn that was a great chapter. Can't wait for Severus to kick his butt. Good thinking on Hermiones part. More soon please.
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  • From on May 21, 2004
    Yay! She escapes! I really don't want Lucius to have her. Not when Snape wants her. More...MORE!!!
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  • From ANON - alicat on May 21, 2004
    I can't wait to read more, I wanna see SS and LM have a heated interaction, and I wanna see some more SS/HG interaction, I just want so much but your the author and the one who has to make it happen, so I will wait in anxious anticipation for your next update which I do hope you will bring forth quickly. XOXO
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  • From ANON - Ophelia Immortal on May 20, 2004
    That was brilliant! I loved your twists. Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on May 20, 2004
    Chapter 12... It was nice to se that you had Hermione use her head & not just fall prey to Lucius!!! I can't wait to see what Sevrus will do to him!!! Til chapter 13, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on May 20, 2004
    Well did we really think Lucius would give up? I love the way Hermione played him and made him believe she wanted what he was offering. It was really the only way to get out of there. Please don't keep us waiting too long for another chapter. I can't wait to see what Severus does to his old friend.
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  • From ANON - AriadneElda on May 20, 2004
    Oh, this is the third time I try to post this review. AdultFanFiction.Netays ays makes my life difficult. Anyway. I just read all 11 chapters of your story. Great job, really! Lucius and Severus are so much in character. I hope Lucius won't rape poor Hermione, and Severus will arrive in time once again to save her. Hermione being analytical is so much like her! I mean, you know, asking Severus all those questions about their kisses and wanting to find reasons behind things and all that. I don't think I could have Snape's patience if I were him, lol! I like it that you make him so composed and somewhat impassive, except when things get a little bit too hot, that is! But even then he can still control himself, of course! I noticed that you finish each chapter with an evil cliff-hanger, so please update SOON! n'tn't wait to see what happens in the next chapter, what with Lucius lurking in Hermione's room!
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