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Reviews for The Impossible

By : AKC
  • From ANON - WretchedScar on September 07, 2004
    I BEG YOU!! PLEASE UPDATE!!!!! I keep checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, ::gasp:: and checking, and no updates ::WAAAAAAAAAAAAAIL!:: this is a marvelous story. Please - I would love for you to finish it.

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  • From ANON - cai on September 03, 2004
    This story is very good i hope you write soon i like it .
    Goodbye Cai

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  • From ANON - Codeigh on August 30, 2004
    This story is amazing. I cried for little Harry. I hope you add more to it cause I really want to know what happens to Harry and how Draco reacts to everything.
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  • From frkwerewolf on August 15, 2004
    wow, this is *good*. it's very creative. i've read lots of stories about harry being abused, but you approach it in such a unique way. i can't wait for the next update.
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  • From ANON - Jerrica on August 03, 2004
    Please update! It's been forever, and I really want to know what happens next.
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  • From ANON - Goddess Of The Void on July 24, 2004
    Where is the more??~?~!?!?!?!
    ARGH!!! This hasn't been updated for aaaaages!!!!!!!!!!
    Cos I love this story so much, and more is needed!!!!
    Pretty Please, with a Draco on Top?
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  • From on July 15, 2004
    Sad but very good. I like how your developing Draco and Harry's relationship so slowly, starting with Daco still hating Potter's guts. A lot of people just dive right in with the love and caring and I like that you chose a plot to take it slowly w/. I'm also fond of seeing what different people do to Harry's past. Your doing a good job, keep it up and have fun with it!! *^^* Could you also maybe Email me a notice or something when you update? Please and Thank you!!
    Hugs&Serpents'Kisses ~ Dassy
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  • From ANON - Arelina on June 14, 2004
    Every saturday?!!! Yay! I am so happy i could cry. This has got to be the first time I've every read a story with steady updatesich ich reminds me i need go check out sublunary...But beway this story is so great i really love it. i cant wait to find out dracos reaction. pls update!!!
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  • From ANON - Saniya on June 05, 2004
    First i want to say is that i like this fic and i thought it was a great idea. *is excited about reading the sequal as well*
    Second is that y havn't you updated?? I read this fic 2 weeks ago and you havn't updated since, i know it says every saturday and well its saturday and you havn't updated....*taps foot impatiently*

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  • From ANON - jen on May 26, 2004
    you promised to update!! i know.. it's sad... but i was waiting! damn you.. :( please updsoonsoon! i i love this fic and i want another chapter!
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  • From ANON - Caitogirl on May 22, 2004

    Very interesting and exiting your fanfic, I just have one little problem..........WHY THE HELL YOU HAVEN't UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!! You left all of us waiting for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!! And please, continue with your story because I really reallly like it, and where are you going to put things between Draco and Harry? I would like that very soon, but I let it up to you after all is YOUR story. Ta da.
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 19, 2004
    this is sooo good
    please update soon
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  • From ANON - alysha on May 17, 2004

    this is great! i can't wait for more1!!!! i hope u get more soon!

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  • From ANON - alysha on May 17, 2004

    this is great! i can't wait for more1!!!! i hope u get more soon!

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  • From ANON - alysha on May 17, 2004

    this is great! i can't wait for more1!!!! i hope u get more soon!

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