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Reviews for Untamed Heart

By : Prentice
  • From ANON - Katrina on November 28, 2005
    I'm terribly sorry to hear that you've been harassed. I just found this fiction recently and found it to be quite good. I enjoyed seeing both character's perspectives with such clearness and intensity. I have to admit I am slightly disappointed that you have chosen not to continue with your work (or, at least, continue in posting them online) but I understand your reason for doing so. I just hope that you will keep writing since you obviously have a great talent for it.
    Yours truly,


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  • From ANON - bunnicle on November 09, 2005
    I love this story, and i'll just leave it in my favorites files, just in case you deside to pick it up again.
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  • From ANON - naka on October 13, 2005
    its not a problem. I just hope the harassment stops and you can lead a normal and hopefully peacdul life.

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  • From ANON - Cameron Small on September 25, 2005
    i am sorry to hear that you will not be writing anymore. you have an amazing talent that im sure will be missed, but that is you decion and i will respect and honor you request. I would like to suggest that if you ever do wish to write again that maybe you should try you hand at novels or short storys that way you would not have to deal with reviews and you could make some money off it as well. you have the talent for it. i hope you life goes well and i would like to tell you not to let thoughs reviews get to you your a talent writer and talent take time to prefect. beside their just jerks with know life anyway. ......... have fun and good luck with what ever you choose to do.

    love cameron christine small

    p.s. you can email me if you wish it would be nice to hear form someone who really has talent

    my email is if you ever wish to get in touch and if not that okay i'm just giving you the option.
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  • From ANON - Ritinha on September 23, 2005
    Hi there! I don't know if you will be reading this, because of what you said about don't want to check your emails anymore... but whatever, I just want to say that I'm sorry you had to quit from this, it was a really amazing fic, I was loving it! But I'm sorry that you have been so insulted and harazed... I don't know what to say about that, only that if it was me I probably would do the same... But I hope someday you will want to write again! Me and the other fan readers will be patiently waiting! I'm portuguese, so sorry the bad english! =) ****
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  • From ANON - Serpentis on September 22, 2005
    That is very sad, I was enjoying reading this story and it is a shame that it will go unfinished. However, due to the harassment I can understand why your joy in writing is diminished. I hope that the harrasment comes to an end and your passion for writing fanfiction is at some point renewed.

    Best wishes,

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  • From ANON - Adam on September 21, 2005
    I'm sorry that you feel you have lost that spark in you that kept your writing going. Yes, you are right that this place doesn't give you fame and fortune, but with your unique writing style, I'm sure you could pull it off in the real world. As far as I have read of your fiction, it was tremendously good and had me hooked and I'm sorry to see it be stopped, but such is life. I hope one day that the spark will be rekindled and maybe this fic itself will be revived, or that you do become a professional writer and try to produce gay romance novels, you would certainly have my support there. Best of luck to you!
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  • From ANON - ncgal on September 21, 2005
    I first read this ages ago in and after the fic dissapeared, I looked everywhere and couldn't find it...That's why I was over the moon to find it updated on this site. *sigh*
    I'm really sorry that u've been harassed to such a degree that u'd stop writing and asking u to ignore the idiots who harass u seems I hope that one day (soon) u'd come back to posting fics in this fandom. I just wanted to let u know how much I love this story and how much I wish u'd continue writing...but as u said real life is more important. Good luck with everything :-)
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  • From ANON - reb Riddle on September 21, 2005
    Do what you have to do i just wanted to tell you thay i love all of your storys but i`ll get over it if this is what you beleve is best then don`t let anyone change your mind im just saddend that people with no life ( flamers ) would attack such a wonderful wrighter as your self best wishes in all that you do ^--^
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  • From ANON - olibear on September 21, 2005
    I am sorry to hear that you have been getting harrassed. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are a great writer. Those who have been treating you with disrespect are stupid. I wish you good luck in your life and maybe someday you will return to us, in us I mean those that know what emotions, and feelings are. Again good luck in your life. You will be missed.

    Forever Olibear.
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  • From ANON - NightOwl on September 21, 2005
    Dear Prentice,

    I am sad, even if I understand you. I liked Untamed Heart and Dragon He Saved really... I wish you happier days. Many happy and nice days. And if you someday go back to your fictions, I will stay your loyal reader.

    I wish you the best.

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  • From ANON - niamh on September 21, 2005
    omg! why?! who cares, if you really enjoy writing this then you shouldnt care what other people say about it! just ignore them and continue on, after all, every artist is put down about their work, it doesnt nessissarily mean that they give up on it! after all, would bill gates be where he is today if he just gave up the first time someone said that the idea of a world wide web was stupid? no! would JK Rowling be where she is today if the first time her publishers sent back her manuscripts she gave up on them? no! so please dont give up on this fic! i only just started reading it today, and i was so dissapointede when i read that notice you left. i'm begging you, on behalf of my fellow fanfiction lovers, please dont give up on this fic. at least get to the end of this fic before you "wash your hands" of fanfiction forever. (which i really dont think you should do, because you a great writer.)

    yours sincerely,
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  • From ANON - tarantella on September 21, 2005
    I was absolutely devastated after reading your notice. Not because you're not updaiting: I strongly believe that it is your right as a writer to update or not update when you see it fit. I am sad and furious by the fact that it were READERS who did this to you and prompted your decision. How can anyone do it to a person who did nothing to them but gave wonderful minutes of reading and fun?!
    Your stories were always vivid, bright, witty and great to read. I'm sorry you're leaving the fandom, but I can understand your decision. I hope that sometime later, when things settle or people become more civilised you might come back. I would hope for this.
    Wishing you all the best,
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  • From ANON - Cas on September 21, 2005
    I don't know what was said--and I'm trying to keep my prying eyes from your reviews--anger management problems, you see. I've already lost my faith in humanity--truely ashamed in all man, especially when they--we--all seem so proud of our complete ignorance and haughtiness and holier-than-thou (bluntly spoken-piss poor attitudes that take things given as a gift for granted -- If that it worded rightly, it's far too late for my hazing senses.) It's pathetic, and I sorry it, this, happend to yet another.

    I must admit, I'm genuinely regretful that 'Untamed Heart' and 'Dragon He Saved' will be discontinued and deleted-- I haven't read an update from 'DHS' for what, six months-give or take? But that's what so magical about fanfiction--it's all from choice: when to post, when to write, what to write, should it be first person, thoughs included, actions described or actions being shown in their own terms as '::jumps::'. I am truely going to miss both of those stories--I e-mailed them to myself, I just thought I'd inform you--but don't worry, not one will get a letter of your story. However long it may take, I hope you get back the heart to feel your writing in the form of fan fiction, even if it is just a story saved to word on your own, private computer and given to companions. I wish that, someday, if you do feel like writing to a broad audience again, you must definately finish your story before hand-I've also learned that lesson in the form of my artwork. I wish you would keep e-mails of people who have only encouraged you in case of, but that is asking too much of you.
    Best wishes, and enjoy your life-through your daily happenings-and your writing

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  • From ANON - calmnla on September 20, 2005
    Hey, I'm sorry people have been rough on you. I didn't know that. I was excited to see there was an update of Untamed Heart or so it seemed, and of course I'm disappointed that there will be no more because it was an interesting scenario. But gosh, if people are being that rude and demanding then, yeah, it will probably be a better world if they learn the hard way that you can't treat people like that. Best wishes.

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