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Reviews for Untamed Heart

By : Prentice
  • From ANON - fuyu on September 20, 2005
    well, i'm really REALLY sad that you're leaving, your stories are really great, brilliantly done. So, i'm really sad that you're leaving. But really, i can understand how having so many so many flames can be upsetting, honestly once i was so discouraged that i didn't update for half a year(hehe). And really, work and all that other stuff really does take up time...ALOT. Though i really hope that maybe one day you'd come back, 'cause i really DO love your stories.
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  • From ANON - ku on September 20, 2005
    It's so sad to see you go. I had wished you would finish before you leave but I know that personal life is much more important. I hope I see a return from you one day ^^
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  • From ANON - MarsInsane on September 20, 2005
    I don't even know if you'll read this, but I think it is sad you are leaving and taking your stories with you. I understand why, in fact I can relate but I do think this story is absolutely brilliant and from the first chapter I was in love with the story. I am sad that you will not finish this spectacular story but you are right in that you have your own life outside of the computer. And I am the same way when it comes to writing, I just write because I want to. Not for anyone else. Plus I am bored sometimes but I don't think you should be told by the public when to write your stories. It would be great if you did finish this story but c'est la vie. You can't always get what you want. ::sigh:: I'm not going to talk you out of leaving but I think it would be a great loss. Forget those flammers, those are just morons who have nothing better to do but take their problems out on other people when they should deal with their problems themselves. I doubt all the pleading from every moronic person who pestered you could deter your mind but I am happy that I got to read this story before you took it away. Maybe you'll come back. Maybe you won't. I actually did the same thing on another fanfiction website. I just read stories now. Except, since I was bored and I wanted to put my idea out there, I got bored and wrote my own. I got someone who told me how to write my story. MY story. I just laughed at that, well I guess it was a flame, because I ain't writing it for them so much. I'm writing it for me...and to let me do something with my time. Well now I'm just babbling. Last thing, it isn't fair when people tell you when to write your stories because they don't even know you or what is happening in your life. But I am really, really sorry you feel you have to leave because of moronic idiots that have nothing better to do than complain. I'm done babbling....I wish you luck and hope you never run into moronic idiots in your lifetime, but that is a lot to hope for.
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  • From ANON - on September 20, 2005

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  • From ANON - Rachel on September 20, 2005
    I sorry to read that you are leaving, for one I realy enjoy your story (this one is the only one I've read) and I was hoping you would continue.

    I don't know what happend or what anybody said to you (I'll read the other reviews latter) but I hope it was not so bad and one day you decide to write again.

    If you decide to continue writing I'll be waiting to read some more.

    See ya.
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  • From ANON - LOOK AT MY DING-A-LING-LING on September 20, 2005
    aww, you're leaving because of over-excited reviewers? well, we cant help it if we like your story :(
    and its not harassment when people leave "playful" threats or messages in the review box. It just shows they love the story and want to see more soon
    and this is text so you cant understand the emotions behind the reviews so I guess I understand :/
    although I do think you were a little callous the way you addressed us
    not all of us wrote you flames and harrassed yoU!!!!!
    you need to learn the difference between an excited, playful review and a flame!
    sorry to see you go and hope you can come back but if you cant...have a nice life
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  • From Yucatan on September 20, 2005
    Just writing to say that I'm sorry it got so unpleasant for you. That's not cool. Frankly it's quite unbelievable... But I have to say, I really liked reading Untamed Heart. It was one of the first ones I ever read, or at least one of the first really good ones. Wow, I'm almost getting a nostalgic feeling over here!
    Well, anyway. I wish you all the best, and I for one am not holding this decision against you. Not that it should matter in any way if I were=)
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  • From ANON - liath on September 20, 2005
    I would just like to say that I wish you all the best and I for one understand where you are coming form. The harrassment that you authors get astounds me. You do not have to share your stories, you should not have to answer to any one but yourself. I hope that some day you come to the fanfiction world. I have enjoyed your stories and again wish you all the best and thank you for sharing your talent with me.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on September 20, 2005
    I'm sorry to see you go! I hope one day you change your mind and repost your stories continuing those that aren't finished. Best wishes!
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  • From ANON - Smudge on September 20, 2005
    I just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed reading Untamed Heart, and I think it's one of the best fan fics I've read here. The originality of the story was a nice change to the same old stuff that always gets posted. I would be glad to read your work again if you ever continue writing. Have a good night and happy story telling!
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  • From ANON - who me? on September 20, 2005
    im very sorry that it's gotten so bad for you. i make a habit of reading all the reviews that my favorite authors get and i understand why you feel so harrassed. "playful" insults and threats to get people to update faster are definately starting to get worse. it's even worse that some of them are actually meant to hurt in the first place. it's so sad that the few of us that really appreciate the effort you're putting into these stories, even when you're not getting paid for it, won't get to experiance your finished works. i liked all the stories of yours that i read and had hoped that your schedual would let you update sooner or later. it's sad to hear that it won't be happening after all. would you perhaps let somone continue writting your stories? it would be a shame to let such good story ideas go to waste. if you don't think that's a good idea though, then i understand. i hope you have a new hobby that you can really enjoy without having to face anybody's out-of-line judgement ruining it for you.
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  • From ANON - Ezekiel Klitiras on September 20, 2005
    I agree with sak and jolene's opinion, and your reasons, of course. If something is not enjoyable for you anymore, it is not worth the time. However, I do believe that you should not let the imbeciles of the world get to you. There are some very uncultured and primal human beings out there that do not deserve the air they breath. It would make the world a much better place, in my opinion, if they were to just drop dead someday, it would certainly make everyone's life just a little easier. Of course, since I'm a sadist, I won't mind torturing them to death, making them beg for it...mmm *purrr* If only...*sighs wishfully*

    Anyway, it is my sincere hope that you would take up writing again for you have a talent for details and emotional descriptions that are rivaled only by a selected few. Your style of presentation is most unforgettable, and I'm proud to say that I will save all the works you have done (the ones I like most anyway) on my hard drive. I apologize that I will not be able to keep to your wish of not distributing them for I believe great works should be shared by all that are truly interested. However, do not worry; I will only pass them on to my closest friends.

    Good luck.

    P.S: I also extend Jolene
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  • From ANON - The Gold Factor on September 20, 2005
    OMG, you act like urs is the only story we've ever read! THere are a ton of great stories out there...dont worry, you wont be missed :D
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  • From ANON - Instantaneous Gratification on September 19, 2005
    you mean I just spent an hour of my life reading this shit for nothin???!?!?!?!
    f u!
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  • From ANON - jolene on September 19, 2005
    I am very sad that you are quitting something you have enjoyed because of over excited reviewers. People forget that there are real people with real lives behind the stories and that recieve the reviews. Untamed Heart has been one of my favorite D/H stories, it is unique and so fun!! I'm sad to see it unfinished but I understand that you have had enough. I sincerly hope someday writing fanfiction will regain its fun factor for you. If you ever continue UH but don't wish to post it I would be so vey pleased if you emailed to me but if not I understand completly and wish for only the very best to come your way in the future : ).
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