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Reviews for Reality in Binding

By : SilverDragonWings
  • From ANON - Jolande on November 15, 2004
    Love your story, it's great. I like how you keep us all in suspense as to when they will give in to the bond. And if you let them never give in, I'll send my Rotweiler *gives death glare* Be very afraid....

    Anyway, *grins* the Dark Mark is on the inside of the left lower arm, like with one of the tattoos in Dela Ria's Life Debt. Also, professor Snape always grabs that arm in pain in a whole lot of stories when he is called by Voldemort.

    I hope that helpes, bye

    p.s. I'll worship the ground you walk on if you update *puppy-dog eyes*
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on October 17, 2004
    Oh I love this story! I can't wait for chapter 7!
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  • From ANON - Yana on October 16, 2004
    cool chapter
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  • From ANON - Christina on September 01, 2004
    Wow! Great story! Youinitinitley have to update soon! Oh and about the opinion you asked for in a previous chapter, about whether Draco should be the dominant or the submissive. My personal opinion is that Draco should be the dominant.Though I do enjoy seeing Harry being dominant. But if Draco were to be dominant , it would sort of show that Draco wants Harry too, and that Harry won't always have to be the one to make the first move. Because lately in the story Harry has benn giving in to the bonre tre then Draco has, is what I am saying making sense? Probably not, lol. So you can just ignore me if you'd like. lol. But an, gr, great story! Please update.
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  • From ANON - Freyja on August 27, 2004
    Plz Draco! bottom!! Dun like Submissive Harry at all*__* DOM Harry pleaseee??
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  • From ANON - Manda on July 23, 2004
    omg!! i looooove this story ^^ its a really neat twist to it i sooo cant wait for more please update soon ^_~

    ~a new fan~ lol

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  • From ANON - Asher on July 14, 2004
    Animagus was spelt correctly, and I'm a fan of Sub!Harry. Then again, I'm a fan of Angst!Harry too so I guess I just like being mean to him. He's pretty when he cries, you have to admit. Otherwise, I just find it easier to see Draco in the dominant role. It's more IC for him than for Harry.

    The "fight the bond" scene was rather lovely. Poor Harry, I felt bad for the beinbeing pushed away like that. Good thing Draco didn't scream at him, or I'd have labelled him a hypocrite and quite the little ponce.

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  • From ANON - Autore on July 13, 2004
    Bottom!Draco yeah!!! I always like Draco submisive for some reason... Submisive Harry always makes me want to smack him for being sooooo irritating. And there's such a lack of submisive Draco fics out there!!! The problem with the whole bond thing is that even when they start feeling for each other, they'll still think it's the bond. *Cackle* more angst and struggles!! The whole prophecy thing hasn't been developed yet, so I'll be looking forward (as will Draco and Harry I'm sure) to finding out the meaning of it and all. More soon!
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 11, 2004
    Draco sub! Draco sub!!!!! Draco sub!!!!!!!!! Draco sub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Robin on July 11, 2004
    I didn't know you had this story up until recently and I think it's amazing! You do an excellent job with your descriptions on action, rooms, etc! Where did you come up with such a great idea?
    I really liked the chant you made in the first chapter for the bonding too! Also, the way you have them fighting the urges!
    The second chapter also gives a really good desciption of the bonding that you can't help but appriceate!
    The third chapter was really interesting too! I really liked the fighting that is always there with them, but the seemingly beginning "friendship".
    The fourth chapter has a fantastic layout! The way they fought the urges and how you described how they fought it was amazing!
    Also, one of your questions in chapter four, I think Draco should be submissive.
    I think Animagus is spelled correcty. I spet tht the same as you so, I think.
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  • From ANON - Squall-sama(too lazy to log in) on July 11, 2004
    DOMINANT DRACO!!!!! DOM DRAKE, DOM DRAKE!!!!!! Please!!!! Nobody makes him the dom anymore.... *pouts* Anyway, I love this fic. Very interesting and exciting to read, I hope you write more soon!
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  • From ANON - Improbability on July 10, 2004
    Still a great story.

    And to answer the question... animagus is spelled right to my knowledge. And the dominant one... actually I found that I like Harry being more dominant, but I really like both of them. (as in either switching it back and forth or equal.) When one of them is overly dominant of the other, I don't like it as much. Hope that helps!
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  • From ANON - Sailor Black 666 on July 10, 2004
    That is a hard question . . . they both dont look or act like the type to let the other one dominant the relationship! But I think it would be nice to see Draco be the dominant one! I have read too many stories where Harry is the dominant one! But it is up to you! This was a great chapter ^.^! I feel so sorry for the boys! That damn bond is driving them crazy! Please post the next chapter soon!
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  • From ANON - linn on July 10, 2004
    Well I'm biased towards sub!Draco. Mostly because I just don't see Harry as being submissive. He's a headstrong, brave, stubborn, leader-type and so many fics out there make him weak and submissive, which is very OOC in my opinion...especially after OotP where we get super pissed off!Harry. Draco on the other hand...he has the appearance of being a strong, dominant leader type and indeed among Slytherins he does lead, BUT underneath that is a spoiled brat who has lived a rather sheltered life (remember in OotP he didn't see the thestrals which means he hasn't seen death). He's all talk IMHO. He also tends to run away from danger. He really is a bit of a wimp when it comes down to it. Not that we all don't love Draco anyway, but it's the truth. He might like to dominate Harry and he might dream of it, but Harry will always come out on top. :)

    Anyway...good story so far. However, you might want to get a beta to check things over before posting. Just a suggestion. I look forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - mel on July 10, 2004
    Well, I think if you make them equal it might work. I have had a load of gay friends and most of them *cough* take turns...umm...being dom so that their relationships are equaled out...but your a wonderful writer and whatever you decide usually comes out great anyway! Thanks for the story. Mel
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