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Reviews for Reality in Binding

By : SilverDragonWings
  • From ANON - HazelEyes859 on July 10, 2004
    Wow. I mean.. wow. You're very good. And it's an incredibly original, unique idea. Wow. Just... wow. ^.^


    P.S. I personally think Harry should be the submissive partner. Only because this story sort of insinuates that Draco is a stronger person in a situation like this. But I'm sure you could pull it off without Harry being completely submissive. ^.^ Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - OrchidChaos on July 10, 2004
    First of all...

    Hot. Kisses are the sexiest part of the chase.

    Second of all...

    Animagus is correct in the singular form. Plurally it is Animagi.


    Tough Call! Both of them in Top and Bottom is sexy as hell!
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  • From ANON - Kevin on July 10, 2004
    This story is comming along very well. The tension of the bond is written spectacularly. There seems to be a huge amount of sub!Draco or bottom!Draco stuff out there right now, so a bottom!Harry would be cool. Plus, Harry does not have to be or or overly submissive for him to be a bottom or submit to the one he loves. Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • From ANON - LadyNight on July 10, 2004
    Hey this story is very good! i like the stories were Draco is the submissive;) So i think you should do that, but its your story and in the end its your choice. keep up the good work!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 10, 2004
    Harrythe the bottom! Harry on the bottom! Harry on the bottom! So, yeah.
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  • From ANON - Treck on July 10, 2004
    Well, well, well. Very nice. There are a few spelling errors in the story but otherwise it's very well done. I do wish you had started the story line earlier as there isn't much information on the seer and what actually lead up to the binding.

    As for your dominant/submissive question. All I can say is if you plan on joining all four bonds, (Heart, Body, Mind, & Soul) then it should be equal. A bond that strong where you have essentially one person in two bodies doesn't leave much room for anything else.

    I have a couple questions for you.

    1.) What year are they in? (I might have missed it if it
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  • From ANON - ? on July 10, 2004
    Definitely a good story. I haven't read another like it where they both make an agreement to bond even though they aren't 'in love'...
    Also to answer your ? about preferences at the end of chapter 4 - in your story right now it seems as though there is a lot of give/take between the 2 where at times one is less strong, having more trouble coping, being more submissive - so I think that it should stay that way for the most part. Basically there will be times when Harry yields to Draco but other times when it's the other way around. Though I would definitely expect that it will take Draco longer to give in.
    Hope to see more soon!
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  • From ANON - Lady Asteldoth on June 25, 2004
    I've highly enjoyed your story so far. I was skeptical at first; I didn't think there was anything short of the threat of death, and maybe not even that, that could make Draco and Harry bond. I like the paring, as highly unrealistic as I think it is. Because of this conflict i often have a hard time finding good stories about them to read. This is shaping up to be a very good one. I like how they aren't friends or lovers right away, as such would never happen. You keep it realistic by making them uncomfortable with each others presence and the things the bond is making them feel. I congratulate you and look forward to the next installment.
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  • From ANON - Tado on June 15, 2004
    I like this story! It still has Harry and Draco acting like there true selfs! I cant wait to see what is going to happen! Please post the next chapter sonn!
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  • From ANON - Ama on June 15, 2004
    I totally LOVE this story. It's great and original, and you have me anxiously awaiting another installment! I can't wait to see what happens... Great Job. :) Ama
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  • From ANON - theoddguy on June 13, 2004
    I love the story so far.I hope in time Harry and Draco will fully bond.*grins*I hope to read more of this fic soon.Good work.;)
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  • From Tado on March 16, 1920
    Oh so thats why they did that binding thing! Ok it makes sence now! Please post the next chapter soon!
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  • From ANON - Demitria Miriam on June 10, 2004
    Brilliant. I love it. I hope you update soon!
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  • From ANON - shade on June 10, 2004
    I like this! I can't wait to see where it goes...
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  • From ANON - Keikokin on June 06, 2004
    Hiya, You still need a beta love. But besides this an interesting start. I find it even more interesting that you picked Amethyst stones which are for purity and healing along with the Star of David which in its three dimensional crystal form is known as the Chariot of the Gods. Just a little wiccan voice in the wilderness. Keep writing and if you need someone to do a quick read let me know I am willing . ta. kk
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