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Reviews for A New Darkness

By : lilysunshine
  • From ANON - Lady X on June 09, 2005
    awww!!! It was SUCH a great fic!! I love it! *gushes on and on along those lines* I must go read somethign else of yours if there is any...
    Lady X
    ps; loved the cake it sounds all sexy and delicious
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  • From ANON - Draeconin on May 28, 2005
    In reply to your question at the end of the chapter, the only one that really surprised me was Bella. Not because 'Raithos' wouldn't want to, but because I'd think she'd be too valuable to Voldemort. I can seen V being willing to sacrifice someone who had been proven a traitor on at least one occasion. Vernon? Expected it.
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  • From ANON - Talium on May 27, 2005
    That was an amazing story, i loved it so much
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  • From ANON - Caracole on May 25, 2005
    Becuse I just had to read the whole story straight through I haven't been getting so much slepp or been doing anything else than reading your excellent story, so you have to excuse me if my mail dosen't make any sence.(English is'nt my first language) First of all I have to say that I don't like Harry Potter, Please don't be mad att me. I have all the books and I have read them a few times, but I never have develpoed a liking for him. Partly becuse he's to kind and perfect sometimes and partly becuse I just think he's anoying. Anyhow, if I haven't lost you by now I will continue by saying that I have a diffret opinion now. The main reaso I started to read Harry Potter fanfics was becuse the other stories I follow hadn't been updated for awhile. So for once I decided to go against my own rules and see if Harry Potter fics were any good. When I started reading the fanfics I realised that often like the Harry Potter that people write about. I really like the dark fics becuse frankly I think thats more fun to read about, becuse then he is'nt the golden boy. Then I found your story and got a big positive suprise about how good it was. For once I like your Draco, and I often can't stand him. Becuse most of the people writing Harry as the main character often writes him as an spoiled ass. But now he was portraited in a humorus but still powerful way. For twice, You made Harrys journey seem belivible and he's smart, sexy and powerful but at the same time sarcastic and real. I also like the relationship between them. Well I got to slepp now, but I hope you got some sence out of this ramble.
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  • From ANON - Purple Mist on May 17, 2005
    YOur story kicks ASS!! And I like the fact that you didn't use the I've always loved you, but was too afraid to say anything cannon between Harry and Draco in this hard to come by Dark Harry fic. Great job! Seriously, I think there's maybe a handful of Dark Harry fics where authors put in a great deal of thought behind their works. You did, so take a bow baby!
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  • From ANON - The It on April 02, 2005
    I swear I have read this story so many times I know it by heart. I love this story. Nothing else I read can be as good as this. You gotta continue on with it. Please please please please please. I will love you forever if you do. I love you anyways. :-)

    The It
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  • From ANON - Jemi on February 15, 2005
    Pops?!?! How great!!! I love how you made everything seem so familial and homey, while still all "I'm the big bad, don't mess with me or I'll A.K. your arse." I love the interplay between Draco and Raithos. And I just adored the paternal Voldemort. His more human side was quite fetching. Manipulative Dumbledoor was great, and I just loved your reasons for it. They were truly original. And I have to say, I love what you did with the Weasley's. They were a bunch of annoying redheads. Okay, I seem to be using the word love or other such things synonomous with it. I think you see a patter here. It was a great story. You ahve talent and vision and I hope to read lots more from you in ther future.

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  • From ANON - HecateDeMort on January 06, 2005
    This is amazing, will there be a sequel?

    I would love a sequel.


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  • From ANON - Jagwarakit on December 28, 2004
    OMG! This so needs as sequel! I swear this was the best and most plasable plot line I've ever read and you pulled it off so well that I actually enjoyed it. I was very impressed with how you handled the character's personalities and put in the bits and pieces to help move the story along and create tention as well as the points of humor to help release some of the tention before it took away from the story. I liked how you did the ending after thinking about it and taking your arguement that you hand in your little footnote though that wasn't my first thought. I must admit that I was quite surprised you ended the story how you did, though, as i said, I can see how and why you did. I had actually expected more. I can only hope that you will consider doing a sequel to this story, perhaps centering around Harry and Draco and them having children. Hope I didn't sound pushy with that suggestion because that's all it is, a suggestion. Any ways, I'm rambling. This was a wonderful story and I really hope you keep up the great work.
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 17, 2004
    Reading this story has been a very good experience one that i'm glad took place. However having said that i would have liked have read the wedding. I feel like i was robbed there. Anyhow, a very good story. If there's a sequel, even though i don't think that there will be, i would like to read it. Thank you for a very interesting read. I look forward to reading more of your stories.
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  • From ANON - Lisa on December 01, 2004
    OMG i absolutly loved your story!! its one of the best ones i have ever read!!! i loved it!! everything , harry being voldemorts son, bumblefuck being the true evil villan. u are absolutly brilliant!! plz continue to right more stories!!!
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  • From ANON - War-chan on November 09, 2004
    Wow....Just Wow O.O, THAT was one of the best Dark!Harry stroys I have EVER read!!!! Great end, mmm...cake ^_^.
    Loved how this stroy just kinda unfolded out in front you, beautifuly writen and ploted.
    To make all sence to this stroy is, there is no Good and Evil it is how and when you where born and how your life was made out,
    if around hateful people and have no light in your world then most likely you will be just as hateful- even you don't mean to be, it is as I find a fact to life. Please tell me what you might think of this coment, I think we might meet a samler ground,
    I'm mostly just wondering if you can put your input on my view ^_^. (Please and Think You's!)

    Ja ne
    Miss War-chan
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  • From ANON - Angel of Darkness on September 22, 2004
    WOW! Wonderful story! The only thing that I find wrong with it is that you ended it there. I would love to know about the wedding (it sounds very interesting) and how the world adjusts to the change. Other tha that I had found the story wonderful. Please put up another chapter with the wedding.
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  • From ANON - Charlie on August 31, 2004
    I loved the story. Ur a great writer so please do a prologe line one of harry's and Draco's life after the get married and finish school. Please im begging u writhe more chapters to this excelent story even though u said it was done just keep writing my life depends on more chapters
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  • From ANON - aj on August 23, 2004
    okay that was fucking hilarious when you made the reference to star wars never watched the movie but who hasnt heard that line and it does kinda seem like it and all but i love you fic its great i have always loved darkharry fics there the bestest evers well i wanted to review before i forgot so you know go team go!!
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