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Reviews for A New Darkness

By : lilysunshine
  • From ANON - beybladejade on August 17, 2004
    this is a great story so far but please update soon, i'm so looking forward to reading the rest.
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  • From ANON - jaxraven on July 24, 2004
    Right, I'm on chapter 15 and I've already woken up my boy twice from laughing and stopped once to... errr... hi? *grins* The dialogue is wonderful, the storyline itself is genious, and I can't stop reading! *adoration and worship* Plus I've gotten to the point where I purposely look for your disclaimers, they're hilarious. *goes back to reading*
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  • From ANON - star*child on July 23, 2004
    Holy God! That. Was. AWESOME!!! I loved it. Dark Ha--Raithos was hot! and Draco? Sexy. As. Ever. *faints*
    I'm so glad everyone got whaty dey deserved. . .
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  • From DemonBlaze on July 20, 2004
    The story was great! i love evil harry it makes me all...yeah...and draco....uh huh i loved it
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  • From ANON - sltherinbabe on July 05, 2004
    i absolutely love this story. its one of the best stories ive read and i have read thousands. literally. please please please please write a sequel.
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  • From ANON - Waywren Truesong on July 05, 2004
    Mmmm. Cake. ^^ That is -so- fitting; thanks for writing this! It made an excellent change for the palate. ^^
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  • From ANON - starlitRena on June 26, 2004
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  • From ANON - Kris Yoshida on June 25, 2004
    What did I really think? I think I wanted it to end with a hot wedding night sex scene...but that could be just because I was looking for smut when I stumbled upon this story. Great story...keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - another_loser_anthem on June 24, 2004
    awwww that was a cute ending, i really didnt want it 2 end though :( anyways i absolutely LUV this fic & i think its 1 of the best i've ever read, so mad props! :) keep up the awesum writin
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  • From ANON - Ezekiel Klitiras on June 24, 2004
    I like it very, very much. Very different from some of the Dark Harry fics out there. Any "OOC-ness" seems well fited to the plot line, and every twist and turn are most unexpected and very much liked. Do write more story like this.
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  • From ANON - Eimear on June 23, 2004
    It's done? It can't bee! e! There has to be more... or a sequal... or something. Come on, you have to at least write the honeymoon- this is too good a story to be finished! Seriously, this has been one of my favourite stories since I started reading it. Thank you for posting it.
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  • From ANON - kaiswings on June 23, 2004
    That was your FIRST fanfic oh my god that was one of the best harry potter fannfic ive read

    youve got to right more that was ssssssssssssssooooooooooooo good ^-^ i have to agree that was a good ending

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  • From ANON - Sailor Black 666 (Tado) on June 20, 2004
    Nooooooo! Why do stories alwaave ave to end! And I never really read Dark Harry stories but I loved this one! So this was your first story . . . if so wow i cant wait to see your stories in about a year! They will get a lot better! Not insolting you or anything but thats howworkworks the more stories you write the better you get at writing! Please email me if you post any more newriesries! Email me at:!
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  • From ANON - Thaliacmdy on June 20, 2004
    Hello there! I have really enjoyed your "Darkness" story. It gave me a whole new outlook on the dark!harry. I had never thought about Dumbledore being that manipultive. It was a great plot twist. I know that you wanted to stop with the wedding but I can definitely see more, or at least a new saga starring Rathios and Draco. Thank you for being such a talented writer.
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  • From ANON - bluehearts on June 20, 2004
    Dudders!! that was a sweet fic. very creative and very good twist to everything. The stuff got put together pretty well... the only problem was that the ending was kinda... outta no where. i was expecting more fluffiness and some more kissy and huggy stuffers. It is VERY cute though. Truly very fluffy and you can never get enough of fluffy!! YUMS!! Write more? please? i love evil!Harry. he's just SOO sexy!! *licks*
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