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Reviews for A New Darkness

By : lilysunshine
  • From KagetsuAsame on June 20, 2004
    *cries* I didn't want it to end. I really enjoyed reading it. You should write more like this, I've really enjoyed it, and hope that you continue to write.
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  • From on June 19, 2004
    I have really enjoyed reading this story. You have done a wonderful job on it. You should be really proud of it. I am looking forward to reading more of your fics.
    I would love to see you write a (dum, dum, dum) sequel, to this fic. I know that the word sequel is a dangerous thing to say to an author. But IF you did write a sequel to this fic, I loved to see what would happen if Lucius and Voldermont started discussing an heir to tmpirmpire and who (Harry, Draco or a surrogate) would carry the baby. ( I want Draco to be the one to carry the baby.)
    Again you have done an amazing job writting this fic. You should be extremly proud of yourself!!
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  • From ANON - ? on June 19, 2004
    Excellent story, very well written.
    Look forward to seeing more of your work.
    Thanks for writing.
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  • From ANON - LadyNight on June 19, 2004
    Hey, this story was really cool! it felt so weird to be cheering for voldomort and a bad harry but i was! i loved the romance between draco and rathios kinda sad that mione and ron were kinda on the outs...oh well. i liked your idea for your next story about having draco being indebted to great work!
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  • From ANON - CrazyGirl3000 on June 19, 2004
    Fair enough, and thanks for the info on American school years! Cho seems slightly... obsessed. Poor Oliver Wood! Raithos is soooo cool. I wanna be a Shaddow! Lol, great storyline, as ever. Keep up the good work (although I know you will).
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  • From ANON - bluehearts on June 18, 2004
    Oh, what happened to Cho was SWEET!! i'm glad it was rec'd on Keikokin's mailing list. i don't read many fics on anymore. there's way too much traffic but despite the traffic and the busyness of the site i had to keep reading. Keep updating. i think it's so cute!! thoughealleally hope that Cho doesn't get angry and turn on the bad... wait... turn to the Moody side. and i dunno, i thought what happened to Ron was a bit harsh... he DID wanna go back to... Raith in the end... But it's a really good idea you've come up with. Everything ties in together quite nicely though... the sex scenes... could be dragged out... teehee... shuuu... none of my straight friends are supposed to know... teehee... YUM!! i LOVE the new Voldie!! Mmm... yes, bublefuck deserved everything he bloody god. that manipulative bastard... never really liked him. well, i did when i was blind and reading the books... but fan fiction opened my eyes and showed me viewviews from a different prospective.

    Very nicely done. Good job. Keep updating. it's coming along quite nicely.
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  • From ANON - chibifae on June 18, 2004
    your story is wonderful. when i read the summary, i didn't know if i would like the story. I'm so happy i gave it a try. i hope you continue to write once you finish this one. you trully have talent!
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  • From Tado on June 18, 2004
    I love what Harry and Draco did to Cho! She so diserved it! Please post the next chapter soon!
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  • From KagetsuAsame on June 18, 2004
    Almost to the end? I don't want it to end. *pouts* It's so good. Maybe...maybe if you leave it a bit open you could do a sequel to it...*really doesn't want it to end*
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  • From ANON - Goldfishy on June 18, 2004
    Great story. Hope you keep going!
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  • From SilverDragonWings on June 18, 2004
    I've been reading this story for ages. Don't think I
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  • From ANON - CrazyGirl3000 on June 18, 2004
    Hey! My name on is cRazy-GIrl-3000 but the story only has a Prologue and two chapters up yet although the third chappie is almost ready. I update way less than you - how do you do it? Is the entire story already written or do you have way too much time on your hands? I kinda guessed that the spy was Seamus, I don't know why but I just did. I think it might be because you said it wasn't that obvious, so it couldn't be Ron and so Seamus was really the only other option. Anyhoo, I really like the way that this is going. Only one thing that I can find that doesn't quite make sense - why did Hermione get a letter from Dumbledore? It still doesn't make sense. Why would Dumbledore write to her when he didn't know anything about her?

    Oh, I've just remembered something. What are american school years called? I know stuff like Freshman and Sophmore and that Freshman means it's the first year, but how old and what comes next etc.? I know it's nothing to do with the fic but I really want to know because some other people who never reply to reviewers or hardly ever update use the terms and I don't know what it means.

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  • From Tado on June 18, 2004
    This story is going great! I cant wait to see what is going to happen next! Please post the next chapter soon!
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  • From ANON - Greeneyes on June 17, 2004
    I love it please have more soon, I love your dark harry he is much better then mine lol

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  • From KagetsuAsame on June 17, 2004
    If I like something enough to review it I keep reviewing until it's done =^^I liI like getting reviews and I know others do too so I review when I enjoy something. I have a thing for Dark!Harry, that's why I started one of my own. Keep up the wonderful work and I can't wait for the next part.
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