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Reviews for A New Darkness

By : lilysunshine
  • From ANON - ? on June 17, 2004
    OK - I am going to try once again to review this story hopefully it will work this time...
    The story is great! For the most part I don't care much for 'dark Harry' fics, but this one is good. The fact that you didn't make him completely evil is a lot of the reason. Yes, he's doing some questionable things, but he hasn't lost his sense of humanity - he still cares about at least some people as opposed to turning into an ultra evil monster. I guess it's just me but I really can't see him doing that, not that I can see him killing his former friends even if they did get letters telling them how to act - they were 11 & sucked into Dumbledore's schemes as much as he was; that wouldn't mean they didn't come to care about him - he had compassion for Voldemort & the Malfoys when it came to the past, why not those who were his friends....Anyway it's your story & I still think it is one of the best stories I've read.
    You mentioned in an a/n possibly writing a Draco enslaved to Harry - I think that would be pretty cool. Most of the fics I've seen that envolve that type of relationship are the other way around so I'd like to see what you come up with on that. Basing on this story it's bound to be good!
    Thanks for writing.
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  • From ANON - Sylvanus on June 17, 2004
    Always fun to read...
    I really think that the Order (Mad Eye specialy!) doesn't know who they are dealing with!
    These are true powerful heir of Slytherin!! Not to mention Draco is quite a powerful Consort!
    ^^Keep it up!

    what about a third school for cursed wizard: werewolves or werecats?

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  • From on June 17, 2004
    I was looking for something new to read when I found your story. I usually don't read dark!Harry fics. I find the plots are not believable. But I figured I could read the first chapter at least. WOW!! :O I was not expecting this. You have done an amazing job writting this fic. Not only have you written a believeable plot, you you have kept it interesting by adding little twists and turns that aren't always expected. Your style of writting grabs the readers attention and draws them into the story, making them want to know what is going to happen next. It reminds me of my favorite author on AFF, Keikokin. I love that you let Harry and Draco have a soft side, that they only show to each other and that they still bicker back and forth. The stories where they just stop bickering when they get together, just aren't believable to me. It has been a pleasure to read this story and I am looking forward to reading more. I hope that you will continue to write Harry/Draco slash fic, because it would be a shame if you stopped.
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  • From ANON - Sylvanus on June 17, 2004
    Lovely as always...
    When are Sev and Remus going to come out?
    Are Dumbledore last supporter going to ruin Cmas mas like the Grinch... (imagine Mad Eye attacking the Riddle Mansion alone ... *grins*)
    What will be Voldemort new politics towards Muggle-born? Separing them from their muggle parents at birth and put in Orphonage?
    ^^anyway keep it up!
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  • From Tado on June 16, 2004
    Wow . . . you update your story fast! But I am not complaining I love reading a new chapter or two ever day! So Harry and Malfoy are going to get married! Please post the next chapter soon!
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  • From KagetsuAsame on June 16, 2004
    Owhatwhat kind of changes? *wants to know but waits patiently to find out* And why would they want to resist? What's the point? Huh? Huh? They're powerful and things have gotten better! *can't wait for the next part*
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  • From ANON - Keikokin on June 16, 2004
    It has been a great and tremendous pleasure to read your story for the entireernoernoon. The plot, characters, flow, development are all wonderful. I became more drawn into the story as the hours passed. With bated breath I shall await your next chapter. You are a wonderful, creative and inspired writer. It's authors like you. I wish I could lay roses at your feet @@@------
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  • From ANON - Estrashtia on June 16, 2004
    I love your fic!!!
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  • From ANON - Estrashtia on June 16, 2004
    I'm glad youe mye my review, everyday farce they are. Luv your story, keep it up!
    (BTW: I do agree, I ROCK! Egotism at it's best!)
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  • From ANON - Dianna on June 16, 2004
    damn i fuckin LUV this fic! i luv everything about it. this is how things should be lol this fic would make a kick ass movie, kant wait 4 the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Esty on June 16, 2004 is the site. Stupid urls, maybe it'll work this time.
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  • From ANON - Estrashtia on June 16, 2004
    Omg, I can't believe you incorporated the Evil Overlord list into this fic, that was SO freaking cool!! Plus, Peter Anspach rocks. Hey, if you're familiar with G-Wing, you can go here and read a silly little ficlet that introduce me to the Evil Overlordage. Luv the story, so keep it up! Or I will hunt you down and make you feel my WRATH!!!

    No, Wrath, don't bite! Good kitty...
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  • From Tado on June 16, 2004
    Ok was it just me or did you miss a chapter or something! It was a great and interesting chapter please post the next chapter soon!
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  • From KagetsuAsame on June 15, 2004
    *claps happily* I love this and I can't wait for more. I really don't want it to ever end lol but of course when it comes to one I'm sure it will be good. Keep up the wonderful work.
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  • From ANON - Esty on June 15, 2004
    God, if you were a woman, and Drand Rnd Raithos were, well Draco and Raithos, I would be in fanfic heaven. *Looks around* Ya know, heaven doesn't look like I thought it would. I expected wings and fluffly clouds and halos...
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