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Reviews for A New Darkness

By : lilysunshine
  • From ANON - Estrashtia on June 15, 2004
    You know, we can get married in Massachusets now. Whadya say? Too bad polygamy is illegal, otherwise I'd invite you, Draco and Harry, but I don't think either of them would share...Still and enticing idea.
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  • From ANON - Midnight Fairy on June 15, 2004
    this sooooooooooooo kicked ass
    i absoulty love it !
    all though i thought the twins would side with harry
    they just seem like the type
    what a twist, snape and remus!
    i really hope you update soon
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  • From ANON - AvyOwl on June 14, 2004
    Chapter 23 was very well written; stupid Weasleys! Anyways please keep updating; I really want to read the new chapters!!
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  • From ANON - Estrashtia on June 14, 2004
    I luv you SO freakin much!!!
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  • From ANON - T on March 17, 2004
    You updated! Wow I guess I will have to see if this story is updated every day, *smile* I hope it is! A lot has happened in the last four chapters! I cant wait to see what is going to happen next! Please post the next chapter soon!
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  • From KagetsuAsame on June 14, 2004
    Love it. I adore Dark!Harry. It's wonderful and I can't wait for the next part. *waits semi-patiently* Keep up the wonderful work.
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  • From Lilium on June 12, 2004
    This is a truely amazing story. Keep it up girl!
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  • From ANON - Harmony on June 12, 2004
    Hey, amazing! love dark fics, suits my nature and u update so much as well i luv u, i reckon its ron! hell become a peter pettigrew of the son, what dya reckon? or it cud b dennis....woah possibilties. when do we get to c more animagus? with eager and hopeful anticipation, all my love and luck on ure venture into the world of hp xxxxxxxxx
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  • From KagetsuAsame on June 12, 2004
    This is sooo going in me rec list so I can keep an eye on when it's updated. Oh, one thing. You put chapter 17 up twice. =^^= Just thought I should point that out. Other then that I love it, love it, love it. Dark!Harry fics have definately become something that I enjoy, especially this one. Please keep up the wonderful work and I look forward to the next part.
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  • From Tado on June 12, 2004
    I like the new Raithos! The person who is going to be the lions spy will probly be Ron! But it would be hell of funny if it was Ginny! Please post the next chapter soon!
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  • From ANON - Drew on June 12, 2004
    Now every one will know what kind of person ALbus is. Good story keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - lilywood on June 11, 2004
    I love this story!!!! I love that you post a few chapters at a time! Keep writing!
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  • From ANON - moonstar on June 11, 2004
    OHHHHH, a dark Harry that I really like. Please keep updating rapidly. I need More.
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  • From Lilium on June 11, 2004
    Hi! I have to say that this fanfic is absolutely amazing! I'm actually writing a dark!Harry fic on but it includes veela!Draco. I love the way that you write and I think that how Harry first entered Voldie's place was fantastic. Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - Wonapalei on June 11, 2004
    Oh, good to see you again! I wondered what had happened when I stopped getting author alerts from you. May I suggest a couple of things? One, you might want to post on as well, since it's a bit easier on the readers and just as uncensored., while great, tends to be really slow. Two, you might want to get a Yahoo!Group. Neither nor have author alerts, and with a group, you can send out notices every time you update. If you do it, just make sure they're "special notices" from the moderator, so those who don't want to participate in discussion and get their inboxes flooded can sign up just for those. You can also archive your fic there in the files section. I look forward to more chapters once you're caught up to date!
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