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Reviews for A New Darkness

By : lilysunshine
  • From ANON - alex on June 10, 2004
    Hi lilysunshine,

    I love this story. Harry is great as a dark prince, and draco... what can I say? sweet!!!!!
    The Dark Lord is grest too, and a realy good dad (pop)!!
    I hope that the Griffendors are on the loosing side in this storrnd tnd that the dark side are the winners!
    I cant waite who Bumbelfuck :-) gets what he desorvs!!!! A big kick in his arse!!!

    I hope the next chr isr is comming soooooooon!!!!!!!

    (sorry but my english is not the best, but I hope you are knowing what I mean!)
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  • From ANON - sati on June 10, 2004
    is his last name riddle or voldemort? you've used both.
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  • From ANON - Dragon\'s Gothic Angel on June 09, 2004
    Great chappy I Love It !!! the best dark harry fic !! I've ever read lol Will Remus and Harry be freinds /?? will draco and harry be together until the end or will harry be unfaithful plz let them stay together for like ever lol so they can rule together email me at when ur finish the next chappy update soon !!!!!!!!!
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  • From on June 09, 2004
    They kick you out of A shame
    I like your fic, sorry if I haven't written any review, but I DO love your fic.
    Could you notify me when you update here? I don't think it has "authot alert"
    See you soon.
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  • From ANON - Mouse(signeus) on June 09, 2004
    Hey See I have DRY humor...I think. I think you're spoiling them b/c you only write a new chapter once a day (if that) if you give them 4 a day they going to expect it, or get totally lost when you only do one a day from then on.
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  • From ANON - bloodywanker on June 09, 2004
    AHHH. you left me at a cliffhanger. i wanna know what happens! update soon, this is a great story

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  • From ANON - Greeneyes on June 09, 2004
    Love it!!!!! I can't wait for more. Please update soon this was amazing
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  • From ANON - sak on June 09, 2004
    Thank you for posting your story here. I was just getting ready to read the latest chapter at and then it wasn't there. I was extremely disappointed that they took your story down as you updated regularly and I enjoyed the story. I look forward to chpater 28 and beyond.
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  • From ANON - Sylvanus on June 09, 2004
    there you are !! you gave me quite a scare!
    I thought kick you out...:(

    ouf... you're here...

    :)I can relax now!

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  • From ANON - Mouse on June 09, 2004
    You know who. Its me siggy (yech siggy, i meant signeus) I think you should also put this up on because it is less likely to have an over-used server like that of Given my mental instability, you should check out my review responses for Norse Proph at foreverfandom. I author as SanityComplex here, Signeus @ FF.N, and Mouse Fox and Wolf on 4f.n. Actually I have no clue what I meant but keep it up.
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  • From ANON - Katmon on June 09, 2004
    Lovely. Brilliant!! I truly love Evil Harry. *smirks* He should have been a Slytherin like the rest of us... *hums*

    I shall have to add you to my favs list, so I may watch for updates.... *hums* Yes....

    Very well. Until next chapter.

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  • From ANON - AvyOwl on June 08, 2004
    Yay; I finally found I h I had a huge fit when I saw your story was deleted on Just know that there are people out there who still love you and your wonderful fic!! I will be checking back on this site for updates. This fic is written so well and the plot is amazing. Post soon please! -AvyOwl
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  • From ANON - Kwazy on June 08, 2004
    I found you! omg! I was so scared! I was like... noooooooooooooooo! bu! but! you're here! and I love you! -clings- don't leave me ever again.
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