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Reviews for A New Darkness

By : lilysunshine
  • From ANON - Anon on January 25, 2013
    I have a complaint about chapter 5. I DIDN'T GET ALL OF IT!!!!! Could you possiblely fix this please? I really love the story and would like to read ALL of it.

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  • From ANON - jeanette heads on October 15, 2012
    chapter 15 is missising!
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  • From MsJheads on August 12, 2011
    i noticed there is not a chapter 15 it goes from chapter 14 to chapter 16 was it removed or possibly deleted?
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  • From aquarakaiba on June 18, 2011
    Hey this seems like a really great story, but I can't read it here on adultfanfiction, and | really, really really want to read it. is there anyways you can send me the story via e-mail??? if so you can send it to I only ask because there seems to be a problem with the formating and huge parts of the chapters are missing when I try and read it here :(
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  • From Yamisphinx on April 24, 2011
    I just started reading this story and liked it alot. I thought you might want to know that starting about chapter 15 chunks of text are just gone. I also had two chapters that just suddenly ended in the middle of sentences.
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  • From FrostedLily on November 23, 2010
    ahm.. hi there!! i'm really fan of yours.. i just loved your story, Which i read a time ago, but it's not up until now that i have the real time to ask you this.. could you please, pretty please give me the authorization needed to translete this awsome story of yours to my birth language, Spanish?... pls! i would really love to do this job and so give the chance to other who doesn't get so well with English to read it too ^^
    pls pls pls!!!
    sincerely yours
    Tamara Black
    the lost daughter ( yep my own mary sue xD) in a really forgotten fanfiction, of Sirius O. Black ....
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  • From mazielyne on October 11, 2010
    Wow. I love the story.
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  • From MissiYoung on March 01, 2010
    this was a great fic. i read it before it was completed, but kinda got out of the fandom for awhile. just thought i'd drop a line to let you know that i think it's awesome! and to point out that while you may not own Harry and Draco, you do own Raithos, so...yeah. just yummyness possibilities!!
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  • From DHH on February 06, 2010
    Hey there,

    I'm not sure if you're STILL here or not or EVEN if you'll receive this review..I just WANTED to let you know that, THIS is ONE of MY FAVORITE HP-Darkness story out there..It's one that doesn't have the oh so, 'I'll forgive/forget' storyline that's USED OVER and OVER in the everyday so called "DARK HP" story, which I have to say, ISN'T..

    This is a LOVELY OLD story..Its magnificient!!

    Take Care!!
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  • From spikesbitch on May 31, 2008
    i know that this story was written a while ago now, but i just wanted to review and say that i loved it, all of it, especially the downfall of the weasleys.
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  • From Yokubou on May 01, 2008
    loved this fic good balance of funnyness, darkness and everything in between ;) :D
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  • From Lathea on August 17, 2007
    I love the story.
    Though you have a proplem with spelling and such... Sometimes it's unreadable..
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  • From on July 21, 2007
    GODS!!! *brush away tears* I don't know which to laugh at overall the witty comments between our boys or the disclaimer's itself!! the plot were interesting as well as the name bumblefuck!~ will remember one for good that will~~ XD Oh yeah, I also love the scene where harry would always kiss Voldie's forehead! it's just so LOVE if i may say so myself!! father/son interection is alway LOVE for me, no matter what!! heh, okay back to review.

    anyways, i really love your story but there was only one down factor to it all and it's was the retarded spelling errors. I hope you don't mind me pointing this out to you but I don't mind occasional spelling errors but seriously saying? send the fiction to a beta. I think it would rake in so many drarry fans before you could say..well drarry~ just an oppinion. well overall good work! hope to read another wonderful well crafted fiction like A New Darkness~

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  • From ANON - Atira on October 07, 2006
    I kept waiting for someone to do a story like this
    well almost....not enough bloodshed

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  • From ANON - Max on October 04, 2006
    This is my fourth time reading your story, and it still stands up. Personally, I think that this and many of the other slash stories are just as good, if not better, than Ms. Rawlings original. Thank you for all your work.
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