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Reviews for I Want to Touch You

By : Fedallah
  • From ANON - GothVamp (too lazy to log in) on December 10, 2004
    Holy Mother Of God! This is amazing. I've been looking for a twincest story that wasn't all 'we're totally ok with our feelings and everyone will except us eventually'. THis is realistic and beautifully angsty. Keep it up
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  • From ANON - Puppy2002 on December 03, 2004
    I loved your story. Write more.
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  • From ANON - Shinimegami on November 24, 2004
    I love this story! *squees!* I think it's the best Fred/George story I've read yet (and I've read a good few...they are my favourite couple to read about. ^_^). I notice that you've not updated in a while...*eyes you* Come on, woman! ~.^ I want more Fred and George....Fread and George in a gay club, no less.
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  • From ANON - Tate on November 10, 2004
    Wow, your fic. is awesome. I got so hooked that I read it all in one sitting. I can
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  • From ANON - toshi-- on November 05, 2004
    this story is a seriously sexy piece of work. ^_^ im depressed i didn't find it earler, dude!! w00t! twincest is hot. and i just figured out that Professor Lamron's name is "normal" backwards!! a bit slow..o_0; heh. anyways, love the fic, love the pairing-love you!
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  • From ANON - Bealmira on October 24, 2004
    That's so beautiful!! I just love your writing... I swear, this is my favorite fic out of all the Harry Potter one's I've read.
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  • From ANON - Sav on October 21, 2004
    This is a completely fanffanfic!
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  • From ANON - acidreams on October 17, 2004
    I had to hit this 'cause this was the first G/F fic I've found.. bloody hellin hard time findin em.

    Lovely fic!

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  • From ANON - Joanne on September 13, 2004
    Dear Fedallah,

    Hey! Thanks for your brilliant Art!

    First I'm Taiwanese so please forgive my very poor English.

    I think your art of Fred & George is so great!

    Cause I'm also a writer on Website and I love the Weasley twins best.

    All my story is about them, their meschieve, their feeiling, their romatic, their forbident about twincest...

    So you're story is really touch me, it's so beautiful, sad and a bit more of wildy * laugh *

    I am looking forward for your new art very much, if they will show on this list, too?

    Keep the great work on!!!

    Best wishes,

    Joanne Chen
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  • From Legatosluvkittn on September 07, 2004
    now this is a good story! until, i guess today, i was just interested in harry/draco and sirius/remus fics, but i decided today, what the hell i'll find myself a nice george/fred fic and amuse myself. boy, was i in for a surprise! this fic can be a little decieving thought (not in a bad way). i was expecting perhaps a simple "two brothers with a 'forbiddeove ove for each other" storyline and whatnot, but i definitely got more than i bargained for. the rape and the dream sequence were completely unexpected for me and has definitely clinched me to read the rest of this story as well as any other fics you might put up! keep up the good work, this story is damn fine!
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 06, 2004
    damnit, put new chapters up already!
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  • From on September 03, 2004
    WoW. That was amazing! You have to update ASAP!! I'm a big 'cest fan and this is a really good one. I wanne whe what happens in the club! *^^* I hope they make some good friends Heh heh!! ^.~*
    Hugs&Serpents'Kisses ~Dassy
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  • From ANON - Remmie"s Girl on September 02, 2004
    great story. wonderful charactor development.Well done. hope you post soon :) always a pleasure to have a ne wand refreshing look at two of my fave Weasels. :) :) :)

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  • From on September 02, 2004
    I thought that it was bloody brilliant!! Imangine that, a semi-dark George..erm Fred... well you get what I mean!! Please update soon!!
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  • From on September 01, 2004
    Oh! Dude! I couldn't help but review when you mentioned Herman Hesse in the second chapter! The dude is such a great writer and so are you so far! ^.~* Now here I go reading the rest! Wootness!!
    Hugs&Serpents'Kisses ~Dassy
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