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Reviews for I Want to Touch You

By : Fedallah
  • From ANON - Starry Veil on July 22, 2004
    Hello again! (Sick of me by now?)

    Oh, I'm so glad the twins are feeling comfortable with each other again! Things are back to normal...except for their relationship (which we all don't want to go back to being just regular brothers!!!) and George's appearance. What are you gonna have happen? Huh? Huh? Huh? Tell me your plans!!!

    Actually, don't tell me your plans. I like surprises! Now, just be sure not to make us wait because we all love the story and want to read more!
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  • From ANON - SunnyWench on July 22, 2004
    That was so great! I love it, and I'm hooked. Please keep writing!
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  • From pleiades007 on July 20, 2004
    Well, I was just going to leave my review at that...but then I would have sounded really dumb, which I'm probably going to anyway. I can't wait for the next chapter!!! I wonder what Fred and George will do for their projects... will we find out????

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  • From ANON - icegoddess on July 19, 2004
    i like it! keep up the good work
    i love twinz
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  • From ANON - Saiai on July 19, 2004
    This is beyond words so I'm just going to have to dish you out some nonworthy stuff such as: Awesome! Wonderful! Perfect and sad at the same time.
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  • From ANON - marble on July 19, 2004
    Yay!! another chapter... thank gods for a little calm after all that angst. i felt relaxed when i read this chapter. I love the new plot ideas. and i also laugh every time i hear the word come. hee hee come. great story!
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  • From ANON - ender on July 18, 2004
    That was fantastic!!!!!! I am so glad that they are finally back together. Oh yeah baby!! I love this alteration idea so that they will be able to act as a couple in public, it is so sweet. Great chapter and cannot wait until the next one!
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  • From ANON - balalaika on July 18, 2004
    a GREAT story, I realy can't wait for the next chapter.
    I love Fred and George and this is one of the best stories i've read so far.
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  • From ANON - Phoenix Dreams on July 18, 2004

    Hurry up with the next Chapter!! This is getting fucking awesome!!!!
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  • From ANON - Sarah on July 17, 2004
    I LOVE this story! I usually don't read Harry Potter stuff (I'm more into Inuyasha at the moment.) but I came here on an impulse and I am glad that I did. This story is SO great. So full of emotion, so angsty, it's the BEST that I've read in a long, LONG time. Keep it up! You're so good.
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  • From ANON - Nova on July 17, 2004
    I usually avoid overly angsty fics like this one, but... This is a good fic:) This is so weird, but I still like it:) I want to know it ends!:)
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  • From ANON - SqueakyClean on July 17, 2004
    I'm so glad you updated your story! I've been addicted to it since a couple of weeks ago, when I first came across it. The way you portray Fred and George's feelings towards each other and the world around them makes it seem so real, and your story is one of the reasons why I love twincest so much now. Very envious of your talent!
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  • From ANON - i wish i had one on July 17, 2004
    i love it!!!! please, please...continue ^_^
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  • From ANON - Anonymous on July 16, 2004
    OMG that was amazing. Keep up the awesome work.
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  • From ANON - Starry Veil on July 15, 2004
    HI! Remember me from your story! :)

    Man, it was SO LUCKY that I decided out of randomness just to visit for once, 'cause I don't usually read the fanfics here. If I hadn't come here, I wouldn't have found your story, and I wouldn't have known that you'd gotten kicked offa (they have too many restriction issues!). I'd just be thinking that you were taking a really long time to update the story. But I was really mad when I found that you'd gotten kicked off! Argh. Your story was in my Favorite Stories list, too. Yet, like I said, it was a good thing that I found your story on here. The reason I never visit here a lot is because there aren't as many fanfics on here as there are on Maybe that's why you don't get too many reviews: some people don't even know about this site, which I find weird because at least on this one you can write anything! Did you say in fic fictionpress profile that your story's on here now? I haven't been on fictionpress in a while, either, so I wouldn't know (nice story, by the way, the one with Karen and Sierra and the gang. Sorry that I haven't reviewed that).

    Anyway, wow. Since chapter 8 (where you old readers from had left off at), a lot of things sure have changed...things got a lot darker. Though most incestuous stories are. Not like I incest doesn't bother me at all---in fact, I enjoy reading it, which is scary for a lot of people to hear since most aren't openminded---which is why Fred/George is one of my favorite pairings. Poor Fred and George; they're so confused. I'm glad that, with reading chapter 11, we can see that at least their bond hasn't diminished, since George is holding Fred. Please continue soon!!! And sorry I left such a long review; that's how I get when reviewing stories that I love.
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