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Reviews for The Tenth Rule

By : Morier
  • From ANON - RachelW on November 24, 2004
    Oh oh oh oh! You are just as sadistic as Snape! You tease! Oh gods...twenty chapters of teasing, hot, excriciating foreplay! More More More!

    Absoutely incredible! I just heard you'll be moving to sycophanthex and I want to say I'm very happy to hear it! I can't wait to see what happens next...of course, I have a bit of an idea, but this is incredible, absoutely incredible! LOVE THIS! Your Snape is absoutely perfect! Demanding, Sadistic, Selfish, Perverted and Evil. So PERFECT!

    Okay, you've reduced me to a squeeing fangirl and that's hard to do.
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  • From ANON - Lazy101 on November 23, 2004
    Why did you take off like the best part of chapter "article 77b?" or what ever it's called?

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  • From ANON - Anon on November 20, 2004
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  • From ANON - ... on November 15, 2004
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  • From ANON - Domino on November 10, 2004
    Ag! What I said earlier about Snape being exact is true: he is, and you are a truly gifted writer for seeing his true character. But I'm heartbroken, really, I am, for Bethany, and for me, because I'm just as naive as she is. You make me cry; I want this more than ever. It must be love.

    And damn you for not updating more frequently! (Hehe, no, I kid. I would never damn you. At least, not for something like this.)
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  • From ANON - Kanya on November 09, 2004
    Oh Im hooked.. I just love ur story and Im happy I tumbled on it. Its great..lovely use of the language and very detailed characterization. Please update soon.. :-)
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  • From ANON - Fleur on November 03, 2004
    yay you updated! great chapter...and left with a cliff of course, your characters have such depth =) update soon
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  • From ANON - Sarah on October 27, 2004
    Am breathlessly awaiting the continuation of this story--I generally dislike OFC stories, but this one came highly recommended for its dead-on Snape characterization and skillful expression of BDSM relationships. I'm glad I decided to give this a read--you'one one a wonderful job! Keep at it, please!
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  • From ANON - jo on October 24, 2004
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  • From ANON - Marquise on October 24, 2004
    The best Snape fic that I have read so far. I love hou pou portray Snape. Dominant, manipulative... dark, and that's how I see him. I'll be looking forward new updates. I not only enjoy it but inspires me to draw like this ink drawing of Snape and Alice that I did today:
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  • From ANON - Pandora Nervosa on October 24, 2004
    Gah! You tease! This story is just...there are no words, but I'll give it a go. Magnificent. Perfection. All of my Snape dreams rolled into one. He's just so damned spot-on! I check morning, noon and night to see if you've updated. Madelyne told me a few days ago that she'd had some contact with you and I did my little BDSM!Snape fangirly dance. I cannot wait for a new chapter. Naked. On his desk. Oh, Severus, you Master of the Mind Fuck - what are you going to do to our little Bethany? We shall find out! Thank you for sharing your absolutely perfect vision of Snape with us.
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  • From ANON - RachelW on October 24, 2004
    Yay! Love this chapter. Evil Snape makes me shiver and...oh just wow. This is an excellent story, absoutely wonderful and I can't wait to see what happens with these two girls. I suppose Snape will just use them up and spit them out when he's tired of them...but...oh I'll stop now since this is your story and you are handling it beautifully. It's about time some really good, accurate, BDSM fics were written. And I'm SO SO SO GLAD that you have not made one single mention of a Safeword. To be honest Safewords in fics with supposedly evilish Snapes (or Lucius Malfoy's) who use a safeword is just so out of charachter. You've got Snape so in charachter...and really, if the 'real' Snape were to engage in this sort of in sex with a student, this is exactly how I can see him going about it. After all, JKR did say he was a 'deeply horrible person' and you have captured the horridness in such a believable and such an erotic way.
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  • From ANON - JW on October 23, 2004
    Ch 18 - wasn't it his original plan (ch8) that he give them "lessons, in sexual pleasure"? So why is he "indignant" that she wants him, since that was part of the plan? He sure is taking his time in getting to the "lessons"!
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  • From ANON - Aya on October 23, 2004
    o_O I'm soo glad I stumbled upon this fanfic! I just love it! I wasn't a very big fan of HP fanfic but yours changed that opinion. I can't wait for the next chapter and I hope you'll put it up soon.
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  • From ANON - Sevfan on October 23, 2004
    Ack! Where is the next part??? How could you leave us hanging like that? LOL... Could you, um, not take too lto pto post it? Thanks.
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