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Reviews for Relief

By : Bridge
  • From ANON - SJ on July 11, 2005
    Ummm... sorry, but that was just gross. I love H/D slash... but, Harry having butt problems?? Ewwwww... very squicky.
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  • From ANON - Fefs on March 26, 2005
    heieuhie I love this fic.. i always read it from time to times and now i came to the realization that i never reviewed it before! SHAME ON ME!! Well i'm here now to tell you that this is a very.. disturbing.. and sexy idea! I love it! Hugs!
    I'm going to see if you wrote another fic like that.. =D See'ya
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  • From ANON - Rouisu on August 31, 2004
    I thought it was cute and angsty and sexy. There should be a sequal, most detelytely!
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  • From ANON - firecat on August 06, 2004
    O_o never try that in real life
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  • From ANON - Tricia on July 02, 2004
    Bridge, Bridge, are a nasty girl. lol. I almost stopped reading it when Draco found the 'flaps', lol, but then I forged ahead, and was glad I did. Great story. Very original!
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  • From ANON - TicTac on July 02, 2004
    LOL, that was grate, Draco should market that cure. I can see the commercials now "Can't stand the burning and itching, try a rim job!" Seriously, your fic was good, can't wait to read more, perhaps Harry can cure Draco next time.
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