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Reviews for Going Through the Motions

By : thrawn5678
  • From ANON - LPhoenix on May 24, 2005
    twisty!!!! you have my interest.. update again soon....
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  • From ANON - random reader on May 24, 2005
    Hmm, chapter titles of "Going Through the Motions," "Walking Through the Part" and "I'll Never Tell"...Buffy fan, perhaps?
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  • From ANON - Becca on May 11, 2005
    Great story going along nicely but you are being a bit unfair to Seamus. oh well your the author and over all I really like the story
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  • From ANON - Death over Time on February 20, 2005
    Luvs It! Ya know, I got ITunes and it just began playing the "Once More With Feeling" Buffy Soundtrack like da second I clicked the link to get here. Weird, ne?
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  • From ANON - Sheree on February 13, 2005
    Why is this under the Harry/Draco category when it appears to be Harry/Seamus? Since I don't care for Harry with anyone other than Draco I won't be reading anymore but I do wish you luck with your story.
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  • From ANON - Queen mAlice on February 11, 2005
    oh, poor seamus...
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  • From ANON - ravenfrog on February 09, 2005
    I like your story so far, and I do feel bad for Seamus, but I don't want to see H/S as the final pairing. I think you should make it S/Dean and H/Draco. I know Dean's been acting unaccepting up to this point, but that can be because he was in denial of his own jealousy, or something. Just a thought.
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  • From ANON - drake on February 08, 2005
    i think seamus deserves harry. or maybe you could even make them a threesome? i just think that even though im a draco/harry fanatic i hate to see seamus hurt like that. i wouldn't mind if it turned out to be a sf/hp/dm.
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  • From ANON - Pamela on February 08, 2005
    Finally!!!!!!!!! This chapter was great:) Can't wait for the next one!
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  • From ANON - ladyblaze2511 on February 08, 2005
    oh, i forgot to say in my previous review that i noticed that you are a buffy fan! i lvoe that epsiode, have in on dvd, and i have the soundtrack! you rock! oh, also, i hope that ron comes around soon and that he isn't the spy. i dont like it when ron doesn't stick by harry's side. i mean, they ARE gryffindors, who are most loyal, so it doesn't make sense that he would stay mad at harry for long.
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  • From ANON - ladyblaze2511 on February 08, 2005
    hey! great fic! I am usually a h/d fan, but i love h/s ones too, and you don't find many, and even less that are so well written. I hope you make this mostly h/s. please!!!!!!! keep up the good work!

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  • From ANON - IceBlueRose on February 08, 2005
    Ron's such a prat. That's my decision. LOL. Now that I have that out of the way, let me say that I love the way you've pretty much been taking the titles of the chapters from the songs of the Buffy musical. I just love that show. As for wanting Harry with Seamus or've actually got me torn, which is a shock. Usually, I'm like "Yay Harry/Draco!" even if I know the pairing will never happen in the actual's pretty to imagine. ^_^ But while I'm reading this, Seamus is acting like such a good friend and then his having feelings for Harry...oh I feel bad for him. It's warring with my "Harry and Draco should get together" side. So I'll look forward to the missing chapters and wait to see how the drama will continue to unfold! Wonderful story!
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  • From ANON - PrideAndPrejudice on February 08, 2005
    This is wickedly excelent(did I spell the right? oh well)! I must say I want to beat the crap out of Ron though! Grrr how dare he that little two face weasel kissing jerk....ok better now, breath. I love the fact that you brought seamus in I love the guy so much and he is perfect for Harry right now...can't wait to see how Draco works his way in. I wouldn't care if you killed Ron of at this point unless he comes to terms and what not (I think I'm joking I'm not sure...eek!). Keep up the good work and I can't wait for more!KUDOS
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  • From ANON - Sophie on December 31, 2004
    since you said the plot is flexible... HARRY AND SEAMUS NEED TO BE TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please update soon... i need to kno wat happens!!! PLEASE

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  • From ANON - Carolyn on August 16, 2004
    This is a brilliant story and I feel soooo sorry for Seamus, please get chapters up so we can see him happy again!! Keep going its brilliant!
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