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Reviews for Going Through the Motions

By : thrawn5678
  • From ANON - Jerrica on August 05, 2004
    There were some errors in the retelling of Harry's time with Cedric. First of all, Harry *did* use the Prefects' Bathroom to solve the egg's mystery, so it wouldn't make much sense for Cedric to ask him why he didn't. Also, when at the cemetary, they were approached by Wormtail carrying baby Voldemort, meaning that there was *one* cloaked figure, not a couple, like your Harry said.

    Also, I do feel bad for Seamus, but since this is supposed to be a Harry/Draco story, I don't see any way for him to actually get what he wants. If he and Harry got together for real, then it might just hurt all the more when they eventually break up and Harry starts dating Draco.

    And speaking of Draco, I do wonder about the boy. It's obvious he's helping Harry, in a very Draco sort of way. And that comment from the young Slytherin girls has me wondering if Draco being gay is really such a big secret down in the dungeons. It would be just like the Slytherins to keep the secrets of their own, and exploit everyone else's.

    Naturally I also wonder who the Gryffindor spy is. I'd like to think it's not Ron, being Harry's best friend and all, but he has been behaving like a jackass as of late. I'm still not sure how I feel about Mrs Weasley senda lea letter to Dumbledore regarding Harry. Then there's Dean. His reaction to the news was strange, to say the least. And he isn't exactly showing much loyalty to Seamus. Neville... well, it might be him, just because no one would suspect him as much as the others. But I'd lio tho think that the fact that he and Harry have fought side-by-side means something to him. Maybe his rather strong reaction to Seamus' teasing (about him having a crush on Harry) was because it hit a little too close to home? Maybe he's gay, but not all that comfortable with it? Thing is, though, if Pansy is the front for all the rumours, then she must be in league with one of the boys, and I highly doubt she'd lower herself to joining ranks with a Muggleborn, no matter how useful. If that's true (which it probably isn't, since I'm a terrible guesser), then Dean is out of the running. Ron and Neville, however, are both pureblood.

    Then there's Ginny. She was shocked at Harry's news, then proclaimed that she'd known all along. Maybe she did, and was only shocked about the fact that he'd been with Cedric. Otherwise, she might be the informant. I don't suspect Hermione, however. She'd never go near Pansy, and is too smart to go about Harry's alienation from the rest of the school so clumsily, should she want it. Besides, I don't want Harry to lose both his best friends.

    Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - linn on July 16, 2004
    It's really enjoyable so far. But I must say I'm really getting impatient for the H/D. Would also love to see more of Draco in general. Seamus is a good friend and you've written him well, but Harry definitely belongs with Draco. Hopefully Seamus will find love somewhere else.
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  • From ANON - Cherry43 on July 16, 2004
    Awwww! I feel so bad for Seamus! I'd simply hate to see him be shot down by Harry at this point. Although I adore the Harry/Draco pairing, Seamus is just too adorable in this fic. It's up to you, but I'd rather have Seamus get Harry, otherwise I might cry. ^_~
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  • From ANON - Goddess Of The Void on July 16, 2004
    Harry and Draco! Harry and Draco! Seamus is great as a plot device, but i just don't think he's "The One" for Harry. So totally has to be Draco! *grin* keep wriiiittiiiinnngg!!!! PLEASE!!!! *whines* lol. ^^ Loved it.
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  • From ANON - Lizz on July 16, 2004
    Aww poor seamus i just gotta feel sorry for him..It sounds like it's gonna turn into harry/seamus..? hopefully not:) I rather harry/draco myself..
    Anyway love your stuff and can't waor mor more..soon?? Better be:)

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  • From ANON - Blu on July 14, 2004
    Dun dun dun duuunn!!!
    wonder what s gonna next..............OoOoO



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  • From drcomalfy on July 14, 2004
    If you don't update to the next couple of chapters soon... I'll.... I'll... never read your story again!! Dear me... that didn't make much sense did it... Anyway... FOR FUCKS SAKE! Where's the Harry/Draco shagging! Ahhh. *pulls at your hair*
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  • From ANON - sak on July 10, 2004
    Chapter Four was well-done. The dares weren't crazy and I was completely caught up in the chapter. And the cliffie was unexpected and interesting! I look forward to reading more.
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  • From DemonBlaze on July 10, 2004
    So far its great
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  • From ANON - Cy on July 09, 2004
    Hey, you've got a real cool thing going here. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this one, and soon too I hope. *grins* I'm betting some awkwardness comes up in the game of Trur Dar Dare though! Always does. ^_^
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  • From ANON - Adia on July 05, 2004
    Hey there,

    This is reading very well thus far but it will be interesting to see where you take the story line from here :) Can't wait to read more!
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