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Reviews for From Hell

By : rielfrodo
  • From ANON - DM on July 18, 2004
    Damn me, I really *really really* wish I could read another language -BESIDES- English... but I can't. I can say, "Hola, perro, gato, madre, padre, que, o, as, a, amos, an... adios..." That's about it for Spanish. I can say a few words in French and I can sing in Latin... but that's it. I'm sure your story is *really, really* good. If you could, however, possibly translate it into English... It'd be easier (for me). I'm sitting here, looking at your story, and looking up the words in my Spanish/English Dictionary... with my luck, it probably isn't even Spanish! *cries*

    -Demitria Miriam (DM)
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