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Reviews for Black Coffee

By : daphnemyst
  • From Sannashi on July 27, 2010
    Pleas I realy want to know what will happen...

    Pleas update

    Kizzez and huggz

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  • From ANON - Shippa on August 05, 2006
    You will update now. I have to know if Snape (sniffs) dies or lives. I'll be very sad if you don't let me know what happens.
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  • From ANON - Christmas on July 20, 2006
    OHHHH! That;s sooo wrong...I checked every day to see if you updated...and then you leave me on another cliffhanger...*tear*...i'm sad...
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  • From ANON - LOVE on July 19, 2006
    Love the story, but personal problems are more important than updating!!! Never fear we will be waiting when you're ready to update!
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  • From ANON - Christmas on July 17, 2006
    OMG! I couldn't stop reading this...It was so...fantastic! I wanted to cry when Sirius came back and Remus dumped Severus just like that...before you even said anything I was furious at Remus, yelling at the computer screen, trying to tell Severus that he didn't deserve him...that he was too good for Remus...that he shouldn't play second fiddle to him...I kept thinking, 'man, Remus is a bastard!'...and then...I had an ounce of hope when Remus couldn't have sex with Sirius, and how he said Severus' name after transformation...and I was angry at him...but not furious anymore because he did have feelings for Severus still...and I kept thinking Sirius is an asshole...'if you love me, you'll have sex with me' is all I could hear in my head and I wanted to kill him for Remus hurt Severus so badly also...and how Sirius actually had the audacity to try and stop Remus from Severus when he was DIEING for god's sake...and I was furious...AND THEN...the cliffhanger...Oh! I thought I would was glorious! I can't wait for what happens next...PLEASE DON'T KILL SEVERUS!! I mean...Sirius dies anyway in book five...that's just next year in your fanfic...I know devastating...okay...*sigh* as you please...freinds at least...just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have Remus and Severus together...usually Remus is in my favor more...but Severus...(through your story)...has won me over...even if I already loved him...I love him so much more...with a deep passion...well done...I don't even know what to say anymore...and by the way...PINK AND PURPLE!!! Did you choose the gayest colors for Dumbledore to wear??? *smirk*...Dumbledore was never my favorite character because I thought he meddled in others' affairs too much...but still...Pink and

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  • From ANON - MiladytheWinter on October 14, 2005
    please go on!!! I love this story!!
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  • From ANON - QueneArual on October 10, 2004
    I don't really care for SB/RL, but I LOVE SS/RL. If Severus is dead I'll have to hunt you down and kill you.
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  • From ANON - qfapo on September 19, 2004
    So, here's my review! :)

    Well, what I liked most of this chapter is, again , the relationship between Remus and Sirius. Sirius is definetly more inmature than Remus, and I love that I'm able to see it in the way you write them so, again, good job ;)

    About Severus being injured... Well, that's not the sort of thing I usually like in a fic, but I suppose it will be useful for the plot later, so I won't complain about it :P

    I'm curious to see how will Remus do to ma dec decision now... And how will Sirius react to it whatever the decision is, of course.

    And now I just have to say one last thing. I can't help to think that Remus and Sirius are always better together :P:P:P

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  • From ANON - jes on September 19, 2004
    this is a great story
    you have to update soon please!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on September 17, 2004
    Okay, I'm breathing slowly now, trying to catch meatheath. Now I'm thinking you just can't kill Severus off, right? I mean lik liked this story so far even though I wasn't too crazy about Remus being with Sirius, but I'm thinking that Severus being hurt like this is just a catalyst to get him and Remus back together right?

    Gosh, I'm almost tempted to stop reading, but I won't know if Severus and Remus will be together if I do, but I don't want to read if Severus dies. Now I'm all bummed out. I hate this.

    You did a great job with the writing though. I have to say apart from being sad about Severus being in a coma and Remus sleepinth Sth Sirius, you did a wonderful job with the chapter.
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on August 26, 2004
    An ultimatum? Well those never work out well and frankly I think anybody who does that to another person is being selfish. Man I hope Remus and Severus can work this out soon.
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  • From ANON - lion on August 16, 2004
    i need you to update soon soon i want to see what will happen next please
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  • From ANON - rex on August 16, 2004
    i want remus back with severus please lol i cant wait for the next update
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  • From ANON - lucius on August 16, 2004
    Great story please update soon i cant wait to see what will happen next
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  • From ANON - Nazzy on August 03, 2004
    I see your point. True Severus does tend to beat himself up too much. I felt bad though because I didn't think it was fair if Remus was now all of a sudden leaving him behind just because Sirius was back because that would have been so wrong on Remus' part.

    I hope they can sit down and talk about this all soon. I can see that a lot of the problem here is Severus doesn't want something taken away from him which is Remus by a person (Sirius) who he can't stand and who made his live miserable in school.

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