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Reviews for Digging for the Truth

By : sevherfan
  • From ANON - Mandy on November 06, 2006
    U got me Hooked! Can't wait for the update!
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  • From ANON - Megan Consoer on June 24, 2006
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From grugster on January 02, 2005
    This story is fantastic! Oh please write more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ArachneNonafel on July 30, 2004
    Oh the chills I got from readig *this* chappie!! Keep writing and update soon. Pleeeeeeze??
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  • From ArachneNonafel on July 24, 2004
    Ooooooooooooooooo....NICE chappie!! More???
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  • From ArachneNonafel on July 23, 2004
    Um...nice story so far but......aren't the chappies a little short? Regardless.....nice work and don't give up now!
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