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Reviews for Pity

By : lilysunshine
  • From callistianstar on November 07, 2008
    Huh. I'm surprised at how much I liked that. I think suicide fics on this site almost seem to make fun of the act in some ways, which is exceedingly rude. But the major idea of shared pain was developed very nicely here. Great job.
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  • From ANON - hp_reader on December 28, 2005
    I know this one's a bit old, but still - I liked it.
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  • From ANON - insane songbird on November 30, 2005
    O dear, that's sad.

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  • From ANON - Conacha on May 25, 2005
    That was absolutely beautiful!!!!!!.... I loved it!!!!
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  • From ANON - Amaly Malfoy on July 28, 2004
    Please you remember that I do not dominate the English language like that that me have a bit of patience...

    I like this new history, I believe that it has very much potentially to be so good as A New Drakness, trust soon update it.

    Draco and Harry share an experience very bad, clearly that with alone Draco he was his father but that good that Harry to finish with Voldemort and his followers, serious interesting to know how it was it...

    In Spanish:

    Por favor recuerda que no domino el idioma ingles asi que tenme un poco de paciencia...

    Me gusta esta nueva historia, creo que tiene mucho potencial para ser tan buena como A New Drakness, conf
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