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Reviews for Hit the Floor

By : lilysunshine
  • From ANON - Maryblue on September 22, 2004
    Wow, just wow. You are a genius. Are you JK Rowling in disguise? I adore your fic, it's amazing. I love how you've made Harry change, his relationship with Draco...and the moment Draco puts his forhead to Harry's(Got me eyes moist. ;_;). That's all I wanted to say. You are a genius. I can't wait for the rest, I hope you will write more. Well, thank you so much for writing such a beautiful fic, I am in love with it. Keep the writing up, you rock.
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  • From ANON - kat5 on September 21, 2004
    O NO!!!!!!! Was it Draco that called his name????? What happens!!!! You can't do this to me!!!!! lol
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  • From on September 20, 2004
    oh man! what happens!!! grah
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  • From ANON - never_tempt on September 20, 2004
    Please let Harry, Draco and Sev survivie this! Maybe Harry created a new crater on the battlefront? Maybe Albus could turn it into another lake? Or did it take out the Forbidden Forest - wait that would leave the centaurs and other creatures homeless. Dilemma? I'm sure you can work something in there. Will Harry Dra Draco finally get to admit there feelings? Keep writing, please, there are so many possibilites on this and I want to see the ending. Keep up the great work!
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  • From ANON - Yanic on September 18, 2004
    Delightful story... more please?
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  • From ANON - gloriousgentry on September 18, 2004
    *whimper* More please?

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  • From ANON - Rez on September 13, 2004

    Wow. I have to say that this is without a doubt on of my new favorite stories. Wow.

    The way you have detailed Harry's spiral into his "Slytherin" persona has to be one of the better ones I have ever read. While Harry having a "change of heart" is good and all, your turning his transformation into a necessary skill for survival makes much more sense then any others. Whilie other have tried to turn Harry "dark" based on that perspective, this is the first time I've read it with it sounding reasonable.

    Not to mention your actual training of Potter. Very well defined in your perspectives on the Dark Arts and their reprecussions. Too often have people misjudged the actual negative effects of the darker magicks. Well done.

    While I love the thought of Harry and Draco being Sado-masochist, it may seem a touch overdone to some. I however, do not share this idea. How you have them both acting as a conduit for each other's frustrations and anger is perfect. The substitution of emotional outbursts into physically abusive foreplay is fantastic. I am astounded by the ignorance of other authors on this matter. It seems only a logical choice for Harry and Draco to have skewed perspectives on pain. At least, to any who have looked at the unspoken past in both of their written lives. I applaud you for having the guts to come out with this as the "true" Harry and Draco, and their supposed "relationship."

    None the less, I can't go on all night about how your story is a great addition to the varience of the Harry Potter fanfiction base. It is indeed a fresh out look on the Harry/Draco relationship that I feel too many authors, not to mention readers, aren't prepeaired, or are ever too afraid, to delve into.

    Kudos to you

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  • From ANON - Shadowfire on September 01, 2004
    I rarely review fics, but today i felt the need to do so. Your work is a breaf frf fresh air. The way you handled the Draco and Harry romance was beautifully odd and something completely unique which is impossible to do considering the volume of Harry Potter fiction out there.

    The maturity that Harry gained was amazing, and i love the way he treated Hermoine and Ron. It was interesting to say the least, and it was completely believable.

    Overall, i don't know what to say because i could find no faults and i could go on and on about the superior nature of this fic, but i won't...

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  • From ANON - Demitria Miriam on September 01, 2004

    Ummmm. I think you posted Chapter 9: The Journey Home, twice. And ummmm, I didn't see any Chapter 8, either. It went from like, Chapter 7: Pain and Pleasure to Chapter 9. Where's Chapter 8? AHH!

    I love your fic.

    Sinfully Yours,

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  • From ANON - Viktoria Draig on August 29, 2004
    I have thourougly enjoyed this story, and am looking forward to more, very soon. Seeing by how ruthlessly you have Harry and Draco treating eachother I find it useless to threaten you into updating. That never works anyway. now I will make a few statments, not many people put our beloved Harry and Draco in such situations. Most turn their "relationship" into that sugery sweet "love". What you have written seems much more in character, and real. Not many people can accomplish that. I appreciate your subtle introduction to sado-masochism, which so many people fight off. I find it just as you have expressed, a pleasureful release that gives the upperhand over emotions. If that is not how you intended, I can not help the way I see it. update soon


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  • From ANON - Squall-sama(too lazy to log in) on August 27, 2004
    *blinks* Wow, one of those, 'filler' chapter huh? Damn, why is it that everytime I read this the chapter seem to fly by!? I guess its just cause they're so good! ^_~
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  • From ANON - Squall-sama(too lazy to log in) on August 23, 2004
    Wow... that was just... wow! *is still in shock from it* Amazing. It was very fast paced, but long--which is what I like! You're ideas on the situation the three of them are in, are amazing... they make perfect sense and are twistd just so to keep everyone guessing for more. And now that Harry and Draco are fuck-buddies... *grins* The fun has just begun I'm thinking.
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  • From ANON - Squall-sama(too lazy to log in) on August 20, 2004
    I like this fic. The idea is very ineresting--it keeps me reading. Though... it's hard to get around Harry's passiveness towards Draco and Severus, as well as the rest of the Order. You did explain it, how Snape and Draco can 'control' it... but I think Harry might be a little too passive and Snape and Draco too harsh? Of course, and 'nicer' and they'd be like cuddly cabage patch dolls... and we don't want that do we? It iry gry good though, i hope they all start getting along better later on, and grow closer because of the training. I'm sure they will. Very good, keep it up.
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  • From ANON - Princess on August 19, 2004
    I absolutely LOVE this fic! Please do update really really soon!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Lover of Slash on August 19, 2004
    heY!! so far i liek your story a lot. i cant wait until draco and harry mix bussiness (or pain in this case! ^_^) with pleasure!@# update soon pls!
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