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By : tas
  • From ANON - gloriousgentry on September 30, 2005
    I love this story!! It is smutty, and fluffy, and soooo very good! Yay! You are a great author. I hope you write more h/d in the future! (I am a total shipper)

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  • From ANON - Katsu on September 29, 2005

    There are no suitable words to describe just how incredibly well written and passionate that story was! I would have reviewed the other chapters too but decided over 30 reviews was excessive and so contained myself until the end.

    I really hope that you've managed to get any original works sold - you deserve to get something back for your writing - not just praise from people in search of fluff...I know I strayed into the wrong area for that but your story was warm and tender (as well as incredibly sexy) giving a very good mix of emotions.

    Hell, you even had plot!

    I hope that you continue writing and never run out of inspiration, thank you so much for writing this story...
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  • From ANON - JJ on September 17, 2005
    Just finished your story.
    Boy was that HOT!
    The plot itself was very good as well. The story line with Blaise woke me up and kept me interested. Overall, I really enjoyed it.
    I look forward to reading more of what you write.
    Thank you very much!
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  • From ANON - jess on August 03, 2005
    nice sweet like alot

    i like the spell you had harry use on balise i have wanted someone to use that kind of spell on someone (well harry agains the durslys for being abusive ... but this works to)

    really sweet i like almost everything about it (hay nothings perfect) and you made good use of parseltoung to many ppl forget about it
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  • From ANON - Bealmira on June 24, 2005
    Awww!! It's so cute! *heart* I love the ending, it just feels so right! I love the idea about Hermione, Milicent, and Lupion have a school like that, it's great. It all seems so perfect. Wow. *heart*
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  • From ANON - Kitty N on June 05, 2005
    That was great it made me cry the ending was so happy! well i hope to read more stories from you.
    Your Fan and Foamy worshipper,
    Kitty N
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  • From ANON - Lara_Lynx on June 03, 2005
    Is was so nice and cool and hot and erotic and fantastic and lovely and tasty and kinky and dirty and beautiful and amazing and exciting and perfect! I love it! It's almost like a cigarette, you know isn't good for you, 2 days nothing else but reading but you need need need it! *hug* *happy* *bounce* Lara
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  • From ANON - Morgan LeFay on May 29, 2005
    Absolutely loved it!! Refreshing to see the Slytherin/Griffindor conflicts being left in the past. Love these 4 characters and I like the original characters as well. Will be adding this to my list of fic to do art for. More stories please.....maybe a sequel to this one?
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  • From ANON - Spyke on May 24, 2005
    Wow. I didn't want to stop reading.What a gift you have in your writing.Can't wait to read more.Thanks.
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 01, 2005
    WOW!!! i LOVE your story!!!! i think it's the best one i've read so far!!!
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  • From ANON - severusdraco on April 29, 2005
    So lovely and fuckable! So much smut and love! Ahh I'm horny as hell!!!
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  • From ANON - War-chan on April 11, 2005
    Can you belieive that I forgot about this story tel' just a cupple of days ago!? Really I didn't think that was posable! I didn't know Gabriel was a boys name O.o' shows how much I know huh? I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!! It's the BEST story if you want a good laugh and hot/yummy/good....sooo good lemons!!! The best/funniest/hottest story I've ever read IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!! I could not find even ONE thing that I didn't like about this story, it was flawless! It was so good that I'm even rabbleing!!! But sadly all good things must come to an end (*giggle*giggle*I've such an Hentai mind 'all good things come to a end'*giggle*giggle*...get it? 'come', 'end'.....oookay don't get then ) As I was typeing before my stupidee got in the way, All good things must come to an end, though I'm wishing for more storys of the lovely pair! ^_^

    Ja ne
    Miss War-chan
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  • From ANON - flippingmental on March 29, 2005
    WOW! You are such a talented writer. This has to be one of the best fics ive ever read. I really liked Devlin and Raiden. You created them so well and made them seem so real. Keep writing !! :)
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  • From ANON - Dark_princess on March 27, 2005
    Hey! that was so awesome... i started reading this when the only chapter up was 'one'... and i loved the whole thing. it was really awesome... all the cute snugglyness mixed in with the hot sweatyness... truely awesome. also, that despite how long it was, you managed to keep up the plot... even if it was a bit fluffy, it still seemed plot-like. thats awesome too... not a lot of people seem to be able to do that, so, cheers to you
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  • From ANON - ben on March 20, 2005
    so good
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