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By : tas
  • From TrixRStrange on October 20, 2004
    Great FF, can't wait for the next chapters. I'm SO glad to see Harry and Draco getting back together slowly, but besides the beating of a decade for Blaise, that git needs to pay for nearly killing the preciousssss Jade!! *huffs* As much as I love Blaise normally *purrs*. I only hope that he's acting out of a spell instead of an insane jealous streak. Keep up the writing!

    Love, Hugs and Bludgers,

    Trix ^_^
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  • From ANON - yoblossom on October 14, 2004
    Awwwww... I love how your ing ing this story! i love how Draco is being all understanding and the pretectiveness of Raiden and Devlin. You are a wonderful author, keep it up, love!
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  • From ANON - Spankmeseverus on October 14, 2004
    Beautiful. I've loved every minute of this story. I've always been a big fan of Harry and Draco or Harco as I affectionately call them. I can't wait to read the rest of this, as you've frawn me in completely.
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  • From ANON - killerthecat on October 13, 2004
    Bout f'ing time you decided to update! *grins* God I love this fic. No I don't think you are rushing Harry's recovery at all-he knew it truly wasn't Draco doing these acts and he is hestitantly accepting hack.ack. Did I mention I love this fic? I am so glad that Devlin is there to help him along and WooT! Raiden is coming back too. HHmmm did I say I love this fic yet? You are awesome!
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  • From ANON - Anna on October 13, 2004
    i have been through that and i like the way ur portraying it. harry knows that it wasn't really draco so it's a bit easier and the fact that he loves him helps. in my experience it was done by someone who wanted to hurt me and had no mercy or regret. ur doiggreagreat job and i can't wait for more of this story.
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on October 13, 2004
    Great chapter. I understand your comment on how fast Harry is getting over this. Its true it does take a long time to get over things like what happened to Harry, but this is a story, and lets face it, you can't very well post 100 chapter story just waiting for him to get over it. People would lose interest and it would take forever to move on. Sometimes I wish some authors would think about this.

    I liked this chapter because you showed that Draco and Harry really do want to try a relationship and are both trying hard to move past what happened.

    Keep it up.
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  • From ANON - killerthecat on September 27, 2004
    Guh....No! Bastard Blasie must be punished! I hope Draco can get over the whole Devlin/Raiden/Harry thing. Maybe the two boys could come for a visit and talk some sense into Draco! Update soon please *begs*
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  • From ANON - sak on September 26, 2004
    I never expected a picnic with this story, but the turn it took with Blaise at the helm was unbelieveable. I could see him taking Draco away from Harry--and Blaise chose his moment well. But driving Draco to hurt and abuse Harry in so many ways--that stunned me. I was not sure that Harry could be satisfied with just a single lover, but I gusincsince his heart belonged to Draco, that was the important part. Now, I wonder what will happen?
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  • From ANON - killerthecat on September 19, 2004
    What the hell is that bastard Blaise up to? *grumbles* Excellent last couple of chapters. I love your descriptions-so good in that paragraph where Blaise is with unconcious Draco. Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Larimar on September 18, 2004
    Blood magic in the future? This can't be good! Love your story! Keep the updates coming!
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  • From ANON - sapin on September 17, 2004
    I really liked your story, even if caracters are a bit out of caracter... Relly fun, and distracting...
    tought I might let you know...
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  • From ANON - never_tempt on September 17, 2004
    Hey tas,
    Just rearougrough the whole thing and there was only one problem - THERE WASN"T MORE THERE! Guess you could say I'm anxious to see how this goes and how sneaky Blaise really is and what Harry or Draco do to him. And of course what happens between Harry and Draco. Keep writing and update soon please !!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 15, 2004
    more, dammit! want more!
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  • From ANON - Lo on September 13, 2004
    Hello you!
    So I begin! I love this fiction. Harry looks soooooo cute in it. I just wanted to let you know I love it as I'm not really good in english speaking. I prefere reading it.

    I would also lokie to congratulate you for PHOE I r I read it a long time ago ans I love the way you tease, in slash or not

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  • From ChattedAli on September 12, 2004
    *sigh* I'm so happy! That was wonderful. Please update soon. I must know what happens. I need to know how drake gets away from Zabini! How do harry and drake end up? Do they finally get to be together, which is obviously what they want, or does Zabini tear them apart? PLEASE UP DATE!!!!! I must know!!!! I love this story!
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