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Reviews for The Raven

By : BreeMcGregor
  • From ANON - larana on January 11, 2005
    I love this story!!!! please post more soon :)
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 11, 2005
    this has to be one of the better Hermione/Snape pairings that I have seen
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  • From BrianChattillon on January 11, 2005
    I loved it indeed, read up to chap 7
    UPDATE please*pulls at his red hair* I am waiting here!

    Ohhhhhhhhhh I can hardlly wait for Snape to get his snarky mitts on the Weasley trio and Draco and unleash the Crustius Curse on them until they bend like reeds in the wind, if I had my way I wouldf put the Weasley trio in a position where they would have a 90% chance of THEMSELVES getting Raped, that will knock sense into them DEFINITELLY or Maybe Snape can simplly Avadaka Kadavera them Both or all solutions seem viable to snape

    But then again with dumbledores irritating fault of looking the other way to Griffindor misdeeds *Shrugs*

    Anyway I like what is written so far, dark yet hauntinglly enrapturing , Snape as the dark misunderstood enigma and Hermoine as the wronged one is enchantiong indeed
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  • From ANON - Rainny on January 11, 2005
    Oh cute little chappie. I hope you update soon.
    Well done!
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  • From ANON - Elphie on January 11, 2005
    Update I love this story. When is Sanpe turning back???
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  • From ANON - Loki on December 31, 2004
    PLZ update soon I love this story, and I can't wait to see what happens next. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and share this wonderful story. [signed] Loki
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  • From ANON - leiladragon on December 17, 2004
    Update. Now. ^_^ You're wonderful!

    Hee hee. No pressure, eh?

    Leila Dragon
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  • From ANON - MysticSong on December 01, 2004
    This is great; I look forward to reading more.
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  • From ANON - jeannette on December 01, 2004
    i hope you pass your finals, i can't wait to see the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Candide Avedo on November 29, 2004
    YES! SQUUUUUUEZE IT IT! PLEAAAAAASE! PURRRRRTY PLEEEEEASSSSE??? I NNNNeeeeeeeeeed it! So bad! LOL. Great job on chapters, they had excellent length and form, and the paragraphs are finely sized. Hope you update soon!
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  • From ANON - lilly on November 29, 2004
    another great chapter. oh please update soon.
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  • From ANON - cdkobasiuk on November 28, 2004
    Another great chapter. I can't wait to see how you wind this up.

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  • From ANON - daygonna on November 28, 2004
    this is such a great story. plz update soon. i had thougt ud stoped writing because u take so long updating now *sighs deeply* plz...this is soo great
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  • From ANON - goldenmene on November 28, 2004
    I'm lovin' the story! I have a comment about ravens: where I'm from, ravens are not a small bird. They are these amazing, smart, huge birds that survive under extreme conditions, like winter days in the -50's!
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  • From scwolf10k on November 15, 2004
    How sweet of Hagrid to offer help :) I liked this chapter :)
    Will Snape transform into himself soon?
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