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Reviews for The Raven

By : BreeMcGregor
  • From DB1 on June 20, 2007

    wow i was waiting for an update!!! Awesome chapter, you better update soon.

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  • From lafan on June 16, 2007
    Hi Bree! Can I call you that? This is the very first time that I feel compelled to leave a review(not to mention, I had to register for that), so be very proud of yourself, 'cause you made me! So, let's get down to businesss, I JUST LOVE YOUR FIC! Is chapter 17 really ready? 'Cause if it is, then upload it as fast as you can, or I'll starve! I really neeed that! Plz?
    And, just to keep this review a seemingly professional one, your style is great, and it is lovely the way you wrote about being an animagus(I mean, getting into his head, reading his thoughts), and the way you build up all the electricity between them...congrats.
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  • From Chupky on May 27, 2007
    This is a great story.I love it!And I hope that you'll update soon...I can't wait to read more!
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  • From Freedomexfighter on May 03, 2007
    UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From sbrande on April 28, 2007
    Oh I love this story. Thank you so very much for letting me know where to find it. I did try a search here and on but it came up with swat. I eagerly await your next chapter. Sonia :)
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  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on April 23, 2007
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From jenessa on April 14, 2007
    hey, I was reading your fanfic on also and was really excited that is is also on this site to!

    yayness for me!

    great job keep up the great work!

    Numairs Wild Magelet a.k.a. Slytherine Sarcasm
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  • From lovers1025 on March 29, 2007

    Oh, my merlin, I love this story! I haven't read any other 'Adopt a Snape' stories (and I have no idea what WIKTT or however it is spelled is), but I have read quite a few HGxSS stories, and this one is definitely in my top 5 favs.

    Keep it up (and could you email me w/ the update, maybe?)

    Brenna, of lovers1025
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  • From DB1 on March 29, 2007
    @16. OMG im loving this story!!!! I wish there would be more development in hermione and severus's relationship already!!!!! Update soon I can't wait to read more.

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  • From Moyra on March 27, 2007
    Wonderful, you are back with this great story! Love it how they're behaving around one another. Nice twist that she can't do magic in her shapeshifter forms.
    What do you have up your sleeves in your next chap?

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  • From darkmoonriseing420 on March 27, 2007
    i liked the beginning except for one little thing, you for got the part where the "girl" says "and does he love me" right before it goes back to the will you offer your throat part at the end
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  • From Arcenciel on March 27, 2007
    Wow, this is awesome, can't wait for more
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 26, 2007
    please update soon. i am really enjoying this!
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  • From AprilB on March 26, 2007
    YEAH!!!!!! I am so glad you updated this story. I love it. Keep on writing. Looking forward to more of this story.
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  • From Sampdoria on March 26, 2007
    I know I have said it before, but I'll say it once more any way: I love this story, absolutely love it. I look forward to the day the last chapter is added, because then I will sit down and read the complete story in one sitting! Thank you for the update, I look forward for the next one!!!
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