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Reviews for Harry Potter and the Quidditch Tournament

By : maggie36
  • From ANON - Grey on September 08, 2005
    Like this story, hope you update soon. R/L smut would be good, more H/Hr smut would be great.
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  • From ANON - h/hr lover on August 09, 2005
    1. ObeseNecro sucks dont lisen to him
    2. Yes you are missing a Beater so what
    peopel make errors
    3. I found this story yesterday and i think
    its realy good so update
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  • From ANON - ObeseNecro on August 08, 2005
    Hey great story so far...but your missing a beater, you only have Terry Boot from Ravenclaw. As for the keeper, i don't think Ron would be considered the best keeper of the four houses, he's average at best. Yupps....Hogwarts Quidditch team sucks ass!!...and ya seem to be making an effort to place Ron on even grounds with Harry by making him more mature and shit like that. C'mon, just because Harry and Hermione get together, doesn't mean you have to pair Ron up with someone so he doesn't feel left out, plus relationships that start quickly will most likely go down in flames...*CRASH*.

    anyways SEE YA!!
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  • From ANON - smurf on April 21, 2005
    yes! I love this fic!!! So great. I love the hp/hg...

    update soon please! its so good
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  • From ANON - Gloria Gainer on October 17, 2004
    Yes! I wholehardely supoort any and all fanfiction that supports Harry and Hermione as a couple. I like how you're pacing the plot along and I think it's pretty darn good. Update soon.
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  • From ANON - Ken on September 20, 2004
    This is the type of fan fics I truely enjoy when it comes to Harry Potter, slow pace (but not too slow) and a happy feeling to it. More focus on what can be good then what is bad, something most stories tend to miss.

    As I said, a simple story thus far, but luckly it works pctlyctly here and lets things grow and move at a hearty pace.
    Sure there isn't any fearsome action, twists and turns every few seconds, but for that we have JKR's books to handle that, here we have something that is diffrent and works well.

    I do suggest this for anyone who is looking for a good romantic story, that isn't cheasy or over the top.

    Also, I wolikelike to say how good it is to read a stroy this code, that has a good plot and character use to it.

    Eat, drink, and be merry.
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  • From ANON - Leen on September 15, 2004 cute. Now, I'd like to see some more R/L action!!!!!
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