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Reviews for Every Heart

By : Firestar
  • From ANON - Sigrid on December 21, 2004
    Please, please, PLEASE update... Love the story so far...
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  • From ANON - willow on October 23, 2004
    that was great can't wait for the next chapter. i can't wait for harry and sev to get together.
    time travel are my fav storys.

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  • From ANON - hyouden on September 17, 2004
    This is great so far. I can't wait to see how this story turns out. update asap!!!
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  • From ANON - akima on September 06, 2004
    this is a good story pleas writh an other chapter
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  • From ANON - anonymous fan on August 29, 2004
    hmmm seems interesting so far. pls continue with the story. i am curious as to know what happens next
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  • From on August 21, 2004
    Woot! I can't wait to see more! I do suggest that you put something around your 'snake talk'. Like number signs or something so we know where it is without having to guest. Otherwise I luv it so far. I can't wait to see where you go with it! *^^*
    Hugs&Serpents'Kisses ~Dassy
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  • From rosy4president on August 20, 2004
    Ooh, interesting! The first three chapters are good but a bit confusing but i can fill in the blanks on my own. The only concern i have is the whole HP/SS luv thing. They get together and then with a snap of the fingers Harry has to return to the future and all those years down the drain... Thankfully wizards have a habit for living two lives... 100 som odd years.
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  • From ANON - Jademoon on August 18, 2004
    I'm gonna be rude and just say "MORE!!!" Cuz that's all I can think of at the moment
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  • From ANON - lennnoxrose on August 18, 2004
    Ahh i loved it!!!! absolutely fantastic!!!! cant wait for more ;)
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  • From ANON - Umbra, Merlock. Lynn, &Co. on August 17, 2004
    WOW!!! I so totally love this, I have never read such a well written future Harry. Is there a before story to this with the founders, oohhh and I just can't wait to read what happens with Harry and Snape sleeping only feet apart (at seventeen!). Well can't wait for update, Ciao.
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  • From on August 17, 2004
    I'm enjoying this so far! Well done...can't wait for the next chapter! I love trips back in time. The prequel will be interesting, but it's flowing fine without it. The little note was enough. Thanks!
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  • From ANON - Nova on August 17, 2004
    I just love marauders era stories:) And this seems a nice one too:) Hopefully there will be more soon!:)
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  • From ANON - Angie/les` on August 17, 2004
    Update soon. I am enjoying this quite a bit.
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  • From ANON - Squall-sama(too lazy to log in) on August 17, 2004
    Wow--this amazing so far! I'd love to be able to read the Prologue when you get it finished. I love how this is turning out, iast ast paced but everything is explained well and nothing is confusing. Very good job! Please continue with it.
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  • From ANON - killerthecat on August 17, 2004
    I love this story. Excellent and intriguing plot. I do have one question however: If Harry had put the money in Gringotts in the future how is it that it is not only there in the past but has also accumulated interest? Great story, if you would be so kind to e-mail me when you update it, I would be forever in your debt. *winks* Cheers!
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