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Reviews for Every Heart

By : Firestar
  • From smorris82 on February 01, 2011
    Beautiful start.
    Would love it if you were to continue writing this story.
    Please update soon.

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  • From hellangelhellina on July 02, 2010
    The story started lovely. It is good thus far you should update. thank you
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  • From HeartStar on November 11, 2009
    Oh I love this please tell me you are still writing this if you have more of this story somewhere else please e-mail me so I may read it. Thank you
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  • From ANON - Winters Prologue on August 17, 2008
    The story is well written and I am enjoying reading but I fail to see how this story is any different from Harry time travels, ends up in Slytherin, shot into the past by Voldie, falls in love with Snape stories that I have read in the past. You need to go through your writing as well, as spelling and grammar are a little off, not to mention you have some places where words are writtenlikethis or likhis and its rather difficult to understand meaning if you don't read over the same sentence a couple of times.

    Never the less I am interested to see where you take this story and what your own spin on things shall be so I shall be continuing to read to find out where this goes, who knows my reasoning for such critique could easily be because you haven't gotten into the main part of the story yet (which is, more often than not, the case, I find). I am certain that you have something lined up, particularly with the fact that Malfoy and Harry/Alex aren't getting along so I am interested to see where that goes.

    If you could email when you update it would be greatly appreciated.
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  • From KimothytheSage on January 27, 2008
    I heart this story. You should update.
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  • From ANON - Michi on August 20, 2006
    0.o Wow. This is amazing! Fantastic! And every other adjective for great! Please continue this! I'm enjoying it so much!
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  • From mynoan on July 17, 2006
    It said he went to the founders time in the story but when I looked in the stories you have written there whas no story about harry in the founders time. Please reply and update.
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  • From KimothytheSage on June 30, 2006
    I love it you have to write more immediately! I love time travel Snarry fics!
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  • From ANON - Jess on February 12, 2006
    I love this story. Please please please update it. Finish it please. This is a reall well written time travel fic.
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  • From ANON - Night Shade on December 27, 2005
    Thus I find myself so bored out of my mind that I am reading old fics, for once I'm glad I was bored! This was great, too bad you stopped...I think this could turned out to be a very big hit. Cheers. ^.~
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  • From ANON - Missi on June 19, 2005
    Will you be updating soon, cause this is interesting! I love Harry Time Travel!
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  • From ANON - shadow on June 19, 2005
    this story sounds familar where did I read it before? Did you post this story on the too? Anyways I read something similar to your story before. It's quite interesting. I like it. Hope to see more of Lucius get his ass kick later on in the story. hehehe. keep up the good work. The characters are realistic with flaws even if they have great power and more alart than before.
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  • From ANON - Gwenovere on May 05, 2005
    This story is realy good, i was hoping to see more of it but then i saw the last up-date. i hope you havent abandened it because its realy good so far. love the fact that Malfoy is getting taken down a peg or two so fast.
    Hope to see more.
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  • From ANON - Person on March 01, 2005
    Ahaha! I love this! So great. ^____^ *squeeled many times. Yes, I know it's 'squealed' but.. 'squeeled' looks so much cuter..?* But, but, seriously! LOOOVE! Great love!
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  • From ANON - schnarm on February 07, 2005
    please, please, please finish!
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