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Reviews for Trading Places

By : snippyandsnarky
  • From ANON - Samantha on May 30, 2003
    Holy Jesus Tap Dancing Christ!!

    I was literally sliding out of my chair in laughter reading this, you guys are brilliant, brilliant I say! Not only are they all in character (to a degree, but a little OOC is needed for some spice, non?), but the original characters are awesome. Especially Snippy and Snarky. ;) I love it, love it. Two for two. And from the last chapter, it seems like Ol' Dumblydorr isn't too pleased with what he has found, unlike many fics where he's just giddy about Severus being with a studet (mainly Hermioninny.) It's a pleasant change, and I can't wait to see what becomes of it. I only hope I can keep myself alive throughout the two-week intervals, but it's all worth it in the end (no pun intended... well, maybe, if we're talking about Harry and Draco.) If you have a mailing list of sorts for updates, I would love to be added to it.

    I gravel at your feet ::worships:: :D

    PS I noticed how you made Blaize (Blaise? Blaize? I donno) Zabini a female. There is much speculation over the gender of aforementioned student, and I don't think I've ever seen Blaiz/se portrayed as a female before. Except Pawn to Queen, but I couldn't quite bring myself to finish that one. Ah well. Bravo!! \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/ ::standing ovation::
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  • From ANON - Michelline on May 27, 2003
    ohmig Gig Giggle giggle. Snort Snort. This story makes me laugh! Outloud. My husband thinks I'm nuts. BUT ROFL!!! anyway - I'm guessing Dumbledore isn't all that pleased... Can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Karena Elizabeth on May 27, 2003
    I hate that this story isn't updated quicker! I love it! I is the funniest story on this site! Great job! I love it!!

    Karena Elizabeth
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  • From ANON - BellaSotto on May 25, 2003
    Hey, this is really, really, really good. The best SS/HG yet.
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  • From ANON - Lynn on May 24, 2003
    Man, MORE. I WANT MORE. *Ahem* sorry.. you seriously must be trying to kill me with that cliffhanger. gah! When I first started reading the story the other day I was like.. dude.. there's talking mascots. Then I was like.. dude these are talking funny mascots. I approve. Very much so. I mean Snippy and Snarky's sarcasm is fabulous. On a nice tangent I bought the greatest pin at an amusement park on Wednesday, it says "Tact is for people who aren't witty enough to be sarcastic." That's exactly how I describe the snakes. Yeah, okay.. you probably didn't care to know that.. anyway, I'm hoping to see some more Draco/Harry action pretty soon (damn you both for converting me to actually ENJOY slash. Actually.. THANKS! You both get bunches of candy, whatever you want..) hehe I think that's all for now.. must save something for future reviews!

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  • From ANON - Lunadeath on May 22, 2003
    Excelllent chapter!! especially the molesting Draco! thee theee! :) would have read this on, but it's being a pain, so i thoght i'd swing by here and see if anything was updating. so very glad i did! and i wish you the best of luck with your new job and new fic! keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Moonglow Girl on May 22, 2003
    Now THAT was a good fic!! havn't laughed that hard in an age or two. soo, we got voyeure now, in the form of Lucius? i'm all for the Harry/Draco affair. needs more snogging and some sex though. gotta love the new Hermione. "to strip or not to strip? that is the question." anyhoo, please for the love of god, update mofteoften. your stories are often the highlight of my week. what do you think would happen if Snippy/Snarky got into some weed/acid... and went candy-raiding?... just a thought. thank you very much for this chappie. c ya
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  • From ANON - TigerBlak on May 22, 2003
    Yet another great chappie SnippyandSnarky. I was laughing my ass off as I read this one. I had to be careful of that because I'm babysitting and I didn't want to wake the kiddies. So, next up I expect to see a very naughty Potter and Malfoy, doing the things I've only dreamed about. And I definately want Lucius to go suck an egg for interrupting Snape and Hermione. GOD!!! I can't believe he showed up. I'm waiting for my update Mr. Snippy and Mr. Snarky, just don't make me wait too long.

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  • From ANON - Karena Elizabeth on May 22, 2003
    This has to be the funniest fanfic ever! I love all twistwists and turns and even your evil little cliff hanger! I hope you update very very soon!

    Karena Elizabeth
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  • From ANON - CR on May 22, 2003

    Another wonderful chapter! mmh, I like the flirting Hermoine, exactly what Severus need. Too bad Lucius interrupted them. I quite sure Hermoine now wishes that she killed him at the ball ;-)

    And what is Draco planning??? I can't wait for the next chapter. Please write quick.

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  • From ANON - The Oracle on May 22, 2003
    A new chapter! Yayyyyy! Whoo Hoo! I can't wait to see how all of this turns out. I love the chemistry between all of the characters, and I love the humor of it all.
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  • From ANON - Petra on May 22, 2003
    I just love this story and what you have done with the characters. Your humor has had me laughing till my sides hurt. I can't wait to see what happens
    between Hermione and Severus. She isn't giving up, is she??? Keep the chapters coming please!
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  • From ANON - Karena Elizabeth on April 30, 2003
    I love this story! I'm sure you hear that all the time, but this is so freaking funny. I keep laughing out loud and my husband thinks I'm insane. But come on... Hermione didn't REALLY just give up on Severus did she?!!?

    And how do you add somebody to a favorite list? I mean I keep a list on a post it (to look for updates) - and you're on THAT... but is there an on-line one?

    Thank you *so* much!
    Karena Elizabeth
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  • From ANON - MeLi on April 25, 2003
    Sooo... I discovered this story a couple days ago and got to chap 15 today.
    It's such a great fic!
    It's hilarious, and the more-serious-and-less-than-humorous parts are so interesting and well complemented by the funny stuff.
    I love Harry's reaction to Draco in Death Eater garments there in the woods, and his attraction to darkness... It gives a whole lot of depth to the fic.
    You're exploring it at a perfect pace, too.
    Now, the snake family album was great. All those Sn- starting words for the snakes' names you found! (Well, except for Smutty and Slutty which take M and L at lat least start with S, and they were the pair that made me laugh the most)
    I love this:

    "Well, sort of," Snippy said with a frown. "It wasn't what Slutty was doing, its
    just that Smutty kept filming it."

    I swear, some parts make me laugh so hard I think my family here believes I'm crazy. Well, crazier :o)

    I find the interaction between Draco and Harry utterly fascinating. The Symmetrius thing is such a clever idea, you
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  • From ANON - Angela on April 24, 2003
    Okay, I had fallen out of the evil grasp of Harry Potter fanfic (trying to not fail out of college and sleep normal hours or *some* such rubbish as that) but you guys and this story totally sucked me back in! Evil,, na, naughty children!!

    I love you guys!!

    Give me more Harry/Draco! I live and breathe for their love. They're just perfect for one another. And I love the mascots, they absolutely crack me up!

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