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Reviews for Boys are Crazy

By : FlameArchanist
  • From gossipgirl84 on January 30, 2013
    It was okay, not the best. You messed Ron up, first he knew about Harry's feelings then he questions why Harry would want to save Draco, yet again he knew that Harry liked Draco. Then he faints at Harry kissing Draco? THere was just not enough drarry in this to satisfy me.
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  • From gossipgirl84 on January 30, 2013
    I only think this chapter is gross cause Voldermort is a snake like old man who is a murderer. I only ship Draco and Harry not Draco with anyone else. I just don't think Harry or Draco with someone older is sexy or hot, I find it disgusting.
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  • From ANON - ElysianMusic (srry don\'t feel like signing in XD) on October 16, 2005
    WOW!!! i really enjoyed that story! what a wonderful ending! it makes me feel giddy! heehee! i love it! great job!
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 09, 2005
    that was brilliant i loved it hehehe yay they kissed wahooooo hehehe that was really good
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  • From ANON - roxierose13 on October 05, 2005
    Aww, that was sweet, but the Voldemort thing, GROSS!!!! EWWW, sick sick sick..blech, i'm gonna have to obliviate myself...jk, but that was kinda gross, the rest was great though!! Of only there had been more slash...hmmm, maybe a sequel? Yah!
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  • From ANON - evila on September 18, 2005
    awww that was great !
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  • From tragicsleep on July 12, 2005
    i love this story!! the way you described draco malfoy and his entourage is amazing. i love it how you set it up. and the difference in their points of view,to be able to understand what's going on from both of their perspectives,is a very interesting touch. the voldemort blowjob kinda grossed me out (who wouldn't be??its voldie!!),but i adore the last scene. the kiss is perfect. i definitively hope to see a sequel to this. your readers deserve to find out how this relationship will continue! xxx

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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on March 25, 2005
    Oh I don't want this to be over! *sigh* I loved it! Even though Draco is going to remember having Voldemort's .... ick! I can't even writie it.
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  • From ANON - Zentiis on March 25, 2005
    yaaaaaaay!!! *insert cheering fangirls here!* that was a lovely ending! i really liked it! great work!
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  • From ANON - Zentiis on March 25, 2005
    ack i just read the voldemort draco chapter! i think i can gleam what draco must have been feeling, just reading it i was repulsed....erg *vomit*.
    REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to some other action to get that nasty image out of my mind.
    otherwise LOVE the story!
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  • From ANON - ran on March 25, 2005
    was that the end of the fic? I hope not toooo cute
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  • From ANON - HermioneWeasley on January 26, 2005
    Please no more chapters like 9. I beg of you. I must say though that I am anxious to see what happens next. It will be interesting to see what Draco does now. He is so accustomed to being the one in position of power, either real or imagined, that it will be neat to see once he finds out that Harry had to rescue him. Intriguing. Can't wait.
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  • From ANON - Jeska on January 24, 2005
    Moreof the goodness.... no more yuck!!!! Hearts for you if you write more.....
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  • From ANON - Wicked_HP_Luver on January 21, 2005
    Oh Good LORD! I very nearly retched! that was so evil lol. please continue if only to get the vile image out of my head. Good Work though.
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  • From Reyn on January 19, 2005

    You're lucky I have the keyboard memorized so I can type out this review!!! ewewewewewewewewewwww!

    Jest one question. How did Voldemort get in? Especially without being noticed? You may have mentioned it in the chapter, but I skimmed over it...I really don't like Vold/Draco pairings...
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