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Reviews for The Temporal Heart

By : KevinModay
  • From ANON - Danielle on November 29, 2004
    I like it alot so far. Good plot. ....Harry better be gay....or bi...damnit. Those two were bluntly obvious. You're not gunna have Harry and Oliver are you? Could go for a twist I suppose or something like that. Anywho....Keep up the good work!

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  • From ANON - romennar on October 13, 2004
    i dont see HOW harry and draco are gonna end up together in this story! but you're the mastermind, carry on then!
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  • From ANON - Christopher Columbus on October 11, 2004
    Hey, great story, loved it a bunch and it's just all around BRILLIANTLY AWESOME!!!!!!

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  • From ANON - Ayaya on October 11, 2004
    Awesome beginning man.
    Tight game, sexy fight, and OLIVER ICK!!CK!!!!!
    woohoooo and since this is a DH fic, I'm assuming that Oliver is gonna get in between Harry and Draco righttttt??????
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  • From ANON - stephb on October 11, 2004
    I love the story so far!! Very believable and I can't wait to see what happens!
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  • From ANON - spinningtop on October 10, 2004
    ooh! i am intrigued. the quidditch game & post-game fight just crackled with intensity!
    everyone was very IC, from the slytherin's "you cheated!" to the gryffindor's just-as-predictable "we don't cheat, unlike YOU!" heh.
    ooooved the harry/draco quidditch fight. cause, you know, having them pummeling each other on the quidditch pitch is hot. *cough*

    wonder what role oliver shall play too, possibly in a harry side pairing hmm?
    anyway, v. v. excited to see what comes next, particulary in detention! do update soon! :)
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