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Reviews for Wind Beneath My Wings

By : KevinModay
  • From on April 12, 2005
    Hm, very interesting start. I look forward to seeing more of this story in the future.
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  • From ANON - Jill on April 03, 2005
    Oh my gosh, I love this Draco! He's so cute! *blushes* Hehe, and Harry following him around... hehe, continue soon! ^___^

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  • From ANON - BlackElf on March 05, 2005
    Wow! That was so good! *squeels* I love the fact that you made Draco accidentally change himself into a Veela! could you email me when you update? thank you so so much.
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  • From ANON - Phoenix on February 27, 2005
    this was a very enjoyable chapter, and I've love to know when you post again. I didn't know had chapter alert. Anyway, if you'd either tell me how to get that or just let me know how to get updates from you I'd be greatful.
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  • From ANON - sallie on February 05, 2005
    Ple-Ease update I really like this story!!!
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  • From ANON - cath on December 09, 2004
    This story is very good cant wait for more
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  • From ANON - kalyn on October 30, 2004
    Oh! great chappie!! ^_^ ... ...I was 'kinda' confused but nonetheless...brilliant. :) keep going, I love this!

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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on October 28, 2004
    Can't wait for Ch 5. He slapped Harry? Talk about mixed signals! What does Harry do now? How will Draco avoid him at all costs? Just can't be done? When will Dumbledore and Snape found out about this? More!
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  • From ANON - Closet Skeleton on October 28, 2004
    Ah yes, and because I forgot before.

    Harry Potter not Head Boy or Quidditch Captain.


    He wasn't even a prefect, so of course he's not Head Boy. And I can't imagine that it would be all that easy for the *Seeker* to be Captain, neither. I appreciate the fact that you thought for yourself and made smart desicions on who should get what position, instead of just plugging Harry into everything because that's what everyone else does.

    Definently loving this!
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  • From ANON - Closet Skeleton on October 28, 2004
    Well. Wow.

    I hardly ever review works, so you can tell that whatever I *do* review is good, or I wouldn't do it! ((I'm odd that way. :P)) ang! ng! Really and truely! I love the fact that you've taken this regularly used idea - like Veela - and made it your own. Instead of just running with the same conventions that every one else uses, you've come up with something new and creative - and I appreciate it. Thank you for making the idea your own, and for making the Draco-is-a-Veela idea more than just an overused convention.

    Keep up the amazing work - I'm really enjoying reading this!
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  • From ANON - Rez on October 27, 2004
    I'm really enjoying this story so far. Just one question though. Why does Draco get wings and fangs. Don't quote me or anything, just, yo my recollection, Veela don't have either trait.

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  • From ANON - kalyn on October 24, 2004
    cooool chapter! keep going ^_^ I like embarassed Draco >.< hehe :P

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  • From ANON - ravenfrog on October 22, 2004
    Really great beginning, I hope you keep on updating frequently. I like how you've tied Draco's moods to the Veela change, so that being a Veela is exactly like being a wizard.
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  • From ANON - caroll on October 22, 2004
    god I love your story please update as soon as tonight?
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  • From ANON - izzaboo22neo on October 19, 2004
    love it wonderful plot sofar! write more please!
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