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Reviews for Contracts

By : laceyweasley
  • From ANON - me on November 04, 2004
    not bad
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  • From ANON - Bambu on November 04, 2004
    This is your story and it's a clinically fascinating path you're choosing to take. This set up is extremely medieval, and like another reviewer mentioned, has strains of middle-eastern sexual and cultural aspects. Extremely repressive and very manipulative. Frankly, I find it difficult to see why the Snape family would be any better for Hermione than the Malfoy family, for example, s the the only thing Snape wants her for is the raping of her magical power and her womb. As you have set it up thus far, Hermione's free will has been usurped, she's become chattel, something like a bound concubine for the Snape family's sexual use. This reminds me in many ways of "Handmaid's Tail." However, in this case I think the circumstances are extremely unpalatable for Hermione, her parents appear to have been duped, and I would think that she'd find their decision as a betrayal, considering the reason she wanted to remain in the magical world is for her magic... which is no longer within her control. If the Hermione you are choosing to create is very fearful and submissive then the entire scenario works... however, that characterization bears little resemblance to the canon Hermione, wouldould fight this tooth and nail, regardless of whether she were 14 or not (the age is a brilliant choice, because she's too young to really assert her independence). I think it's very difficult for a child raised in a home with parents who have a fairly equal marriage to accept submission in all things with goodwill, or even equanimity. Once again, this is fascinating but repellant in one stroke.
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  • From ANON - June on November 04, 2004
    Ch 4 - who's Sarah?? Is that Severus' daughter?? Will her mate be chosen at the end of the six weeks? Can Severus use Obliviate on the guys? (I doubt I'd want my stepsons to remember kissing me like that!) If this is to marry her off to one of the sons, then why did Severus' father and cousins get to kiss her too? and why was Remus there at the wedding? Having to sleep nude for six weeks - her menstrual cycle will occur during that time, and she still can't wear underwear to bed? "Professor Snape and Hermione are not getting married, yet if ever" - eeks! That sounds scary. "If his sons didn
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  • From ANON - pinky on November 04, 2004
    I wasn't to sure about this at the beginning, but I am really enjoying it now. I can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - kishkitten36 on November 04, 2004
    Well, that was another interesting chapter and it did answer a few of my questions, but I'm left with more.
    ape ape gave Hermione a long explanation but mentioned that all the men in the room were contacted, contracts that can be broken. He said he was technically the only available single male. He told her his physical reaction to her was normal. While I was reading it, I interpreted that as him leaning towards deciding to keep her for himself. But your comment at the end of the story is that they will not be getting together. So why is this being listed as a HG/SS story? It's a good story but perhaps it should be in the general section.

    Other question: How old is Snape in this Universe? Like someone mentioned, even if he and his wife started procreating right after school, the eldest son is a bit old. Unless his late wife was a bit older than he and they started having babies when he was Hermione's age? I think sometimes timelines can be fudged a few years here or there but in some ways, details of your story make it necessary for the timeline to be a bit more rigid. imo

    The other thing is the spanking to the extreme. I realize that spanking seems to be an integral part of sexual role play in BDSM scenarios but since they are not in that kind of relationship, wouldn't the extremity of physical force seem a bit harsh borderline abusive. She's a smart, well-behaved girl in gene not not one to go against does she really deserve such excessive punishment? Just curious. I used corporal punshment on my kids when they were little (spanking) so I'm not saying it doeshavehave it's place in some situations, but a 14 year old? It just came off as more abusive than anything. I think Severus is the only one who got off on it.

    I look forward to more backstory, especially Hermione's year in the past and I hope you reconsider the pairing as well as the extent of abuse. This has the potential for being a very sexy story if the BDSM doesn't denegrate to flagarant violence and sexual molestation of Hermione.
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  • From ANON - DDMalfoy on November 04, 2004
    Here I'm thinking I'm going to read a story about Snape & Hermione, and its like a prelude to a gang bang. If Snape and she are not going to get married then this story belongs somewhere else. Your story is very well written, and the detail is great. But, I think you should put it somewhere else.
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  • From ANON - foxy on November 04, 2004
    this is one of the best marriage law stories i've read so far... very original and to be honest i can hardly wait for the rest of it...
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  • From ANON - ishen on November 04, 2004
    If Hermione and Severus aren't going to get together, why is it in that section?

    And why on earth do you think being treated like shit is sexy in any way?

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  • From ANON - raven on November 04, 2004
    I was curious from the beginning of this story to see where you are going but this chapter seems to be quite divergent. You are suddenly introducing a father (and head) of the Snape family that is not Severus as well as sons for Severus from this wife that died? Any children Severus had would have had would be roughly Hermione's age at best (if he got married right out of school and had a child immediately like the Potters did) but if this is the case, where are they being educated? Why is he choosing her for his sons? Obviously he wants power but if that's the case, why not claim her as his? And if this is what was intended, why wasn't his father presiding over the ceremony? The ceremony reads like one for Royal houses in the Middle Ages yet in all those the most senior official took part, the stand in for the groom before the long trip to their new home-and you have already indicated that is not Severus. It would be far more powerful from the head of the line from the way you set this ritual. Added to it that you went quite far into the squick zone there for a bit-if she is for his sons then he steps over several lines in his manner towards her, even if you were going for a more Middle Ages arranged marriage through others vibe. Additionally, that was an awful lot of blood for it only to be her barrier-for the few women who have one (that isn't destroyed through sports, tampons, etc.) generally it is very little blood, any more and there is tissue torn and bleeding.

    Basically this is quite well written but I have rather large questions with how this fits in wite pre previous chapters and what it does for the story. If she really is that powerful at 14 then the pertrificus wouldn't have stopped her from apparating nor would his "anchoring" her stop her magic from backlashing violently to him as he violated her. Even the completion of this "spell" shouldn't have protected him as worked up as she already was. Add in the concerns with this occurring to a 14 year old when it was alleged it was a ceremony for infants and there are some serious concerns with intent and future possibilities.
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  • From ANON - eve/roarke on November 03, 2004
    I was looking forward to this story, I asked for a update soon, well I got one,
    any Druid, Wiccan even black magic books would tell you that the purity of
    the witch, is private that ceremony would never have happened.
    And yes we are adults, But what RachelW. did was SICK.
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  • From ANON - June on November 03, 2004
    Ch 3 - wait, if he has sons, were his sons present at this binding ceremony?? How old are they? Do they go to Hogwarts? How do they feel about all this? Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - kishkitten36 on November 03, 2004
    Another interesting chapter. Do the purebloods do this to babies then? I suppose it may not be as traumatizing to an infant that does not know what's happening. An infant is *used to* being naked and poked and prodded to an extent, unlike a teen, who would find it totally frightening and humiliating.
    I'm curious about a few things, though. How long does Hermione have to remain literally untouchable after the ceremony? I mean, how is she going to be abo noo not have any contact with people while going to school full of other kids? Can he touch her? How about any member of his family?
    What's Snape's backstory? He obviously had a wife as you mentioned her loss. When did he lose her, during the first war? You mentioned his sons, plural. How many and how old?
    If he obtained her as part of his family to secure future marriage contracts with his sons, how wouldn't one of them end up definitely married to her? (You mentioned that if she didn't marry on of his sons, perhaps she'd be worthy for him...)
    I again think you are doing a good job keeping Snape in character, as much as we know of him, as strict and serious. But I think that, while he can definitely be a bastard when angered or crossed, he also has that potential for being caring and gentle. He must have some experience with that since, in your universe, he was married and has children. He may have to adjust his approach with Hermione if all he has are sons and is not used to girls. IMO
    At any rate, I think it would be helpful to add in a little back history here and there to explain the hints of AU information. Especially the red hair thing (can you tell that bugs me? LOL) ;)
    Again, this is definitely an interesting twist on the marriage law stories. Keep posting as much as you can as often as you can. I'm already hooked.
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  • From ANON - alicat on November 03, 2004
    I'm decidedly confused???? I kinda thought they were being married??? I'll guess you'll explain it in due time, hope to read more though you've got me stumped! alicia xox
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  • From ANON - Jewel on November 03, 2004
    o wow.... *is speechless*
    update... please...
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  • From ANON - JW on November 03, 2004
    Ch 3 - wow....they do this with babies too? Probably better for the babies to not remember anything when they get older. So Severus has sons from his first wife?
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