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Reviews for Detention can change your life

By : Pandora
  • From Saira on January 17, 2004
    Okay, I've only read the first 17 chapters, but I'll read the res sos soon as I can. I love it so far! I would just like to point out that your beta missed some really basic grammatical stuff and I think you should let someone else beta this and have them correct the chapters you already have posted. If you like, I would be more than happy to help you out.
    It's an amazing fic, though, and I was crying during parts of it! I loved it and will review again as I read more! - Saira
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  • From ANON - Kevin on January 15, 2004
    This story has been GREAT! I am new to AFF but your story was one of the first I read. You have made me laugh, cry, and get very angry at times as a result your ingenius plot and wonderful chararter development. I hope to hear about everybody's lives after HSoWW. Keep up the great work, you and several other authors here add a much needed sub-plot to JKR's great works.

    Good Luck in future works,
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  • From ANON - Daugther_of_lies (The Tyler Durden of Fanfiction) on December 10, 2003
    For your crimes againist Characterization, and Besmirching the good names of Ronald Weasley and Neville Longbotom this sin aganist fanfiction has been reported to GAFF (Godawful Fanfiction), an Msting site and Ficbitches. In other words: Your ass is toast. This fic will go in the hall of shame where it belongs
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  • From ANON - Rei on November 19, 2003
    I highly enjoyed it. Now when is nex next chapter comming out?
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  • From ANON - Jasmine Schwartz on November 09, 2003
    Hi, I didn't know if my last message got to you because my comouter decided to restart before the next page was loaded. Anyways, I really liked your fic it was great. I think you should continue with it, ok actually hoping. I was thinking maybe you could have Justin be okay and find a lover of his own as a twist in the story. I was so sad when I read what happened I really started to cry. I was hoping that you would continue just so Justin could end up okay. Just thinking about it after I was finished with the fic I had to hold back tears. I also wanted to know what would happen to Harry's Aunt and Uncle in the trial and if Harry and Draco would stay together which I hope they do. I just thought I would let you know and I hope you use my idea about Justin it w mak make me so happy.
    A Fanfic Friend,
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 11, 2003
    A good plot but the spelling and grammatical errors are very distracting and make the story less than it should be. Spell Checker or a beta would do you wonders
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  • From ANON - Kitty-Kat on September 21, 2003
    I love this story soooo much. Well I actually only read not even half of it, but I'm getting there...please don't stone me...anyways, so far I only read to the mealtime part..I know I know...I gotta read more. But I just wanted to say that this story is the best so far. The other stories have Ron and the other Gryffindors accepting Harry's gayness and some Gryffindors who are gay also. But I guess if you really want to get into other people's mind, you are right. Ron and the others wouldn't like it. So keep on trucking...hehe..and hopefully when I'm done reading all of the fan fics of everybody elses I'll come back and see if you added anything on. Oh and just so you know you inspired me to write a fan fic of my own..with a new character. Hopefully when I'm done you can be the first one to it it and send me your advice. I'd really like it because your such a good writer. I mean I have done a lot of fan fics and I'm doing my own novel but Harry Potter is a bit harder and I would like your opinion. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - christy on August 20, 2003
    great story...better than trouble love..which needs an how is life after Hogwarts
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  • From ANON - shelleykids on August 20, 2003
    I would have reviewed every chapter but I just read the whole thing last night. I hope you will be writing more very soon . I loved your story line it has to be one of the fanfics best and I am eargrly awaiting for more in your sequiel lol I hope there is anyway lol

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  • From ANON - Chibik0 on August 13, 2003
    This story is so good. I really love it. ^^ Keep up the great work, k? I'll be looking forward to read about your other work. Umm, can you inform me when you make new ficcies? If that's okay with you.. ^^
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  • From ANON - CrossworldNoMiko on August 01, 2003
    Great story! Its a shame Ron had to be such a git. Oh well, Draco was a sweetheart. And Blaise.... my. my... what can I say about our handsome Black Panther? I have a higher appreciation of him now... >=) Hee hee.
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  • From ANON - angelluv666 on July 29, 2003
    great story
    well written
    great show of the problems that cruellity towards someone who is different can create.
    Great way howihowing how valuable true friendship as well.
    and the disasterous outcomes of bottleing up problems.
    You truely are a good auther
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  • From ANON - BlueDream on July 25, 2003
    Hi. I like your story alot. It was interesting. And since Draco and Harry are one of my favorite pairings I have nothing against slash/yaoi. And please, would you write a sequel? I'd really like to know what happens after. Happy Writing!!! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Lemon Drop Pricess on July 24, 2003
    Great job. This is an amazing slash. I hope no one flamed you for making Draco Gay!!! Anyway great job!
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 24, 2003
    This is a good story, but you describe them by their hair entirely too much. It gets really irratating. Other than that, good work!!!!
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