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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - cgsgdfgag on December 16, 2004
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  • From ANON - Chase on December 14, 2004
    Loveeeeeeee this fic
    update soon please
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  • From ANON - Evil Saint on December 13, 2004
    Simply Brilliant! I just read all through chapter one to fourteen in one sitting and I gotta say I wish there was more. This story is just so riveting. The steamy scenes are beyond hot, but there
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  • From ANON - lovemenot on December 12, 2004
    I love this fic. I'm obbsessed with it. I read the whole thing in two sittings (my dog needed food right in the middle) and now I have no chapter to read next. Now i'm leaving you my greatest compliments. I think this story might have me in lust after Herm/Draco stories, and as I didn't really like the pairing before, good job. I'm not an easy person to sway. Kudos on the "Goldilocks" story, by the way and I am anxiously awaiting your update.

    Put me on the mailing list if you have one, though i haven't seen you advertise one yet, but if it's out there you know what to do.
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  • From ANON - Anonymous on December 06, 2004
    Update soon
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  • From ANON - gryster on December 05, 2004
    I do love this story... chapter 14 in particular, since I'm a romantic sap at heart :)
    Absolutely lovely. Adored the "Goldilocks"-story :)

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  • From ANON - Isidore on December 02, 2004
    Such a lovely fic! I hope you mean to keep going.
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  • From ANON - nnt on November 28, 2004
    very interesting story... i have been waiting for an update for a while now! don't give up on this one!

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  • From ANON - Joey on November 26, 2004
    Absolutely wonderful! I read all that you've posted so far in one sitting, and loved every single moment of it. The plot is fantastic, the sex is superb, and it keeps the characters in character. There were times I laughed aloud, which isn't something I do often when reading fanfiction, and other times I swear I could have cried. I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation of what would happen, and you have done a marvelous job fufilling my expectations. What an amazing job you did with the whole "Putting Draco in a full-body bind just as he reaches orgasm." And here I'd thought Hermione was really Pansy using a polyjuice potion and was going to hex his balls off...Ha!
    There are a few spelling mistakes that I noticed, and one major plot mix-up. Back in one of the first few chapters, when Draco was looking for the cure, Snape mentioned that the Helios Apple would not be ripe for a while yet. I believe it was sometime in March or May that they'd get the cure finished, so with chapter fourteen taking place in the greenhouse with the apples in bloom throws the plot off a bit. Unless they were actually only just blooming now, and not ripe...So I could be mistaken. If so, disregard that.
    One more thing I feel I must point out. There was an attack on Hermione's room, but since the attack nothing really has been done about it. It was only brought up once or twice, so I'd been wondering when that would pop up again. I'm dying to find out who it was that did that.
    All in all, very good work! I look forward to reading more in the future.
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  • From ANON - Erin on November 24, 2004
    Please update!!!
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  • From ANON - EmZ on November 22, 2004
    hi! i love this fic! its excellent! if u do make a miling list to email people when you update can you please put me on it??

    thanx Emma
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  • From ANON - TipsyDipsy on November 22, 2004
    Hiya just logged back looking for updates to my fav fics and am just leaving a review to say we are still here checking back for the ending to one of the best Hem/Draco fics out there. Keep up the good work and update soon.
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  • From ANON - firepixi3 on November 10, 2004

    Oh my, I just can not wait to see where this is going! I've spent about 10 hours reading this whole thing (with a brief interlude for what we mortals call "sleep") and am just fascinated.

    I was hoping to see these 14 chapters house the whole story, though I admit that a sick, twisted viper in my soul is thrilled that it's not... because of the simple fact that, though t'will be a torture to wait (though not enough to send me to St. Mungo's, thankfully!), I will do so gladly.

    If you do indeed create a mailing list, please, add me to it! I would really like to know when you've updated, so I can glutinously devour the next chapter.

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  • From ANON - michelle on November 08, 2004
    I just found this story and I have been reading it all day!! it is the absolute best harry potter story that i have ever read!! I really love write really really well. I know that you are probably very busy...but I would really really love it if you could update this is just too amazing not to finish. If you are going to do an update list...I would love to be on it.( Great job on this story!!
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  • From ANON - Jenny on November 03, 2004
    Please, pretty please update soon (or at least let us know what's going on from your bio page). I love this fic and I just hope you haven't abandoned it.
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