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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - Ning on August 11, 2004
    I hope you know that I love you, your writing skills, and your fanfiction. Please continue ASAP!
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  • From ANON - Lara on July 31, 2004
    I love this story! Your smut is divine and you write the characters so well. I honestly don't think I could want Draco more! He is quite YUMMMMMY! ;)
    I was trying to write a D/Hr fic and could not get the characterization right on Hermione. I admire your ability to take all the characters into your story and remain true to them. Especially Draco and Hermione. They are so well-written and your story has provided them an excellent way to get together. Draco is still the arrogant git pureblood and Hermione the know-it-all muggle-born and you have them falling in love so realistically. I'm also impressed at your knowledge of mythology and like that you've incorporated it into your story.

    My favourite Draco moment so far has to be him using Expelliarmus on Ron as he comes for Hermione. That was truly well-done and had me sufficiently turned-on! Mmmm, Angry!Draco is fine!

    I'd be interested in some way of getting updates. I'm not sure what the dates are on the chapters (is inf info available somewhere I'm not seeing?) so I don't know if it's been a week, a month or a year since the last chapter. I need to know what happens to Draco and Hermione! Do they get together? Will they brew up the cure for the lustion?ion? Will Lucius make another glorious appearance? Will Draco need to choose between Hermione and his father? And if he does who will he choose? Will Ron and Luna find love in each other's arms? I do hope you continue this story because I'm quite fond of it. :D

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  • From ANON - Love on July 30, 2004
    Loved the new chapter sigh
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  • From ANON - Anonymous on July 30, 2004
    I really liked your fan fic and I hope that you update soon. It's so great. I really liked the story and love draco. (draco's so hot) haha. keep up the good work =)
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  • From ANON - genrou on July 29, 2004
    sometimes the non-workings of is a blessing. it makes as if there is less wait between chapters because of access struggle involved. but yes-please include me in whatever ml you create.
    *sigh* i love this fic. so their revelations come to light. good- those sort of troubled waters should be settled then. there were many great moments in this fic. the fork hexing bit. you had ginny's sacrifice of wearing that angel hhichhich amused me because she designed away to wear it for such a short period of time.
    you had that goldilocks story which was so incredibly adorable in so many ways. the fact that malfoy was to be the one with the golden locks, that the story was quite reed, ed, the traits exibited by each character. though i must say i kept picturing the trio as humanized bears, that made it all the more funny not to mention malfoy having longer, wavier hair and a red bow. it was just so sweet- that moment created with that story.
    of course thre was thee goyle and neveille incident that i cant but help being proud of the boys for. esp since they united forces against not only pansy but snape and then got the much deed bed back pats for it. i hope those two get to hang out in the future.
    -but im wondering just what will be revealed to ginny if in fact she had followed those two. how much did she see and hear and what will she make of that information.
    -im also enamoured that you did all that research for the golden apples and i liked how you posted it since my interest is all the more peaked with the knowledge that i have received.
    i do hope you write more soon. thank you.
    p.s. isnt 20 galleons too too much for a bet of that nature between classmates?
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  • From ANON - genrou on July 29, 2004
    sometimes the non-workings of is a blessing. it makes as if therelessless wait between chapters because of access struggle involved. but yes-please include me in whatever ml you create.
    *sigh* i love this fic. so their revelations come to light. good- those sort of troubled waters should be settled then. there were many great moments in this fic. the fork hexing bit. you had ginny's sacrifice of wearing that angel hat which amused me because she designed away to wear it for such a short period of time.
    you had that goldilocks story which was so incredibly adorable in so many ways. the fact that malfoy was to be the one with the golden locks, that the story was quite reversed, the traits exibited by each charr. tr. though i must say i kept picturing the trio as humanized bears, that made it all the more funny not to mention malfoy having longer, wavier hair and a red bow. it was just so sweet- that moment created with that story.
    of coursre wre was thee goyle and neveille incident that i cant but help being proud of the boys for. esp since they united forces against not only pansy but snape and then got the much deserved back pats for it. i hope those two get to hang out in the future.
    -but im wondering just what will be revealed to ginny if in fact she had followed those two. how much did she see and hear and what will she make of that information.
    -im also enamoured that you did all that research for the golden apples and i liked how you posted it since my interest is all the more peaked with the knowledge that i have received.
    i do hope you write more soon. thank you.
    p.s. isnt 20 galleons way too much for a bet of that nature between classmates?
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  • From ANON - genrou on July 29, 2004
    sometimes the non-workings of is a blessing. it makes as if there is less wait between chapters because of access struggle involved. but yes-please include me in whatever ml you create.
    *sigh* i love this fic. so their revelations come to light. good- those sort of troubled waters should be settled then. there were many great moments in this fic. the fork hexing bit. you had ginny's sacrifice of wearing that angel hat which amused me because she designed away to wear it for such a short period of time.
    you had that goldilocks story which was so incredibly adorable in so many ways. the fact that malfoy was to be the one with the golden locks, that the story was quite reversed, the traits exibited by each character. though i must say i kept picturing the trio as humanized bears, that made it all the more funny not to mention malfoy having longer, wavier hair and a red bow. it was just so sweet- that moment created with that story.
    of course thre was thee goyle and neveille incident that i cant but help being proud of the boys for. esp since they united forces against not only pansy but snape and then got the much deserved back pats for it. i hope those two get to hang out in the future.
    -but im wondering just what will be revealed to ginny if in fact she had followed those two. how much did she see and hear and what will she make of that information.
    -im also enamoured that you did all that research for the golden apples and i liked how you posted it since my interest is all the more peaked with the knowledge that i have received.
    i do hope you write more soon. thank you.
    p.s. isnt 20 galleons way too much for a bet of that nature between classmates?
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  • From ANON - Anna on July 29, 2004
    Hello Pixiezombie =)
    Although I usually read HG/SS, I do like HG/DM just as well, if not better for various reasons (I see similarities in both ships =P). I've been working my way through various HG/DM fics, and while I've been appalled by quality of many of these, I really like Adamo Fidelitas. The characterisation is excellent, the story intriguing, and of course, your style of writing is . The only part I didn't enjoy in AF is the occasional 'you're/your' used wrongly. This is reaaaally common in fics, and not the most annoying mistake in fanfiction (trust me, I thought I was going to scratch my eyes out because of some of the unbelievable mistakes). While it doesn't really affect the impact of your writing, it does detract slightly. I'm afraid I'm like Hermione in a sense that if I notice something wrong, I nag about it -_-;;
    It's the wee hours of the morning,I onI only remember the 'you're' and the extra 'e' in 'blonde'. As Draco is a male, 'blonde' should be the masculine 'blond'. Sorry about that ^^;;
    Thanks for a really entertaining (and in parts, v.steamy *fans face*) read, and I hope you update soon =)


    ps: About that update list... I'm VERY interested! =D
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  • From ANON - genrou on July 29, 2004
    sometimes the non-workings of is a blessing. it makes as if there is less wait between chapters because of access struggle involved. but yes-please include me in whatever ml you create.
    *sigh* i love this fic. so their revelations come to light. good- those sort of troubled waters should be settled then. there were many great moments in this fic. the fork hexing bit. you had ginny's sacrifice of wearing that angel hat which amused me because she designed away to wear it for such a short period of time.
    you had that goldilocks story which was so incredibly adorable in so many ways. the fact that malfoy was to be the one with the golden locks, that the story was quite reversed, the traits exibited by each character. though i must say i kept picturing the trio as humanized bears, that made it all the more funny not to mention malfoy having longer, wavier hair and a red bow. it was just so sweet- that moment createth tth that story.
    of course thre was thee goyle and neveille incident that i cant but help being proud of the boys for. esp since they united forces against not only pansy but snape and then got the much deserved back pats for it. i hope those two get to hang out in the future.
    -but im wondering just what will be revealed to ginny if in fact she had followed those two. how much did she see and hear and what will she make of that information.
    -im also enamoured that you did all that research for the golden apples and i liked how you posted it since my interest is all the more peaked with the knowledge that i have received.
    i do hope you write more soon. thank you.
    p.s. isnt 20 galleons way too much for a bet of that nature between classmates?
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  • From ANON - jessica on July 29, 2004
    I love this fic.
    It's new and refreshing.
    This is a great story I hope you keep updating cause uld uld love to know what happens next.
    I also love your other fanfics they are amazing.
    Keep up the good work.

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  • From ANON - jayta on July 29, 2004
    Again brilliance. I love the fact that they are realizing that this isn't just sex. I want to tell you again that you are a superbe weaver of words. If you ever finish writing that book you mentioned I would love to read it :D

    Back to Draco/Hermione. So they are back on good terms apparently. I missed their banter as they easily fell into step with one another. But part of me wonders when he decided he had forgiven her fully?

    Everything is beautifully imagined and I could see it as I read it. I am not a big fan of the acts that went on me it kind of squicks me out, but you did it well...I am so glad you finally updated rock!
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  • From ANON - crazy on July 28, 2004
    I just wanted to tell you, that once I started reading your fic, I couldn
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  • From ANON - lifesaverkat on July 25, 2004

    Only you could write such a sweet, romantic, funny, steamy chapter. Well worth the wait! My PC is on fire, and I have to change my knickers now.
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  • From ANON - Victoria on July 25, 2004
    So glad to see that you are back and writing again. I saved this page as a favourite and came by everyday to check to see if there was anything new. Chapter 14 is so good. I loved how you put Draco and Hermoine in such a lovely setting...with all those helios apples. The thing with Goyle and Neville was cute too. Can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - unknown on July 25, 2004
    omg, i'm soooo glad u finally updated! i'd been waiting forever and i was even afraid u'd even up on it. i love all ur stories very much, but this one is by far my favorite. it's definitely one of the best DHr fics out there. it's a shame that u rarely update, tho i understand that u must live a very busy life. in any case, ur a brilliant author and i really enjoy reading everything that u write. this particular story has not just an awesome plot, but also awesome smut (the two make a great combination ^_~). i further love how all the characters are protraited - they're in characters, but at the same time something about them is different. well, i hope the next update won't take as long. keep up the incredibly great work pixie!
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