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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - Winky on July 25, 2004
    I have been reading this story for a long time, but I had given up expecting to see the rest of it, thinking it had been abandoned. I
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  • From ANON - Raffy on July 25, 2004
    OMG, Pixy! WOW!*applauds*

    This is absolutely worth the long wait! I simply couldn
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  • From ANON - Raven on July 25, 2004
    I love this story. It is so well-written and detailed. I'm glad you finally updated it. I can'tt tot to read more.
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  • From ANON - rubberduck on July 24, 2004
    hey, imagine my surprise when i saw an update for this story. i apologize for my flippant attitude now that i know there were some serious complications in your life and i'm glad everything seems to have worked out well for you. as for chapter 14, well all i can say is it was great. i really like how you have developed the relationship for hermione and draco into a believable occurence. i find it hard to see those two characters get together without some huge intervening factor being the catalyst. how you took them from bitter enemies to where they are now has been such a great (if very long) journey. i'm really eager to see where things go when they finally free themselves from the potion's effects. it will also be fun to see how ginny reacts to her discovery, because i really think she's going to follow what she saw. i can't wait!
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  • From ANON - Shawna on July 24, 2004
    YAY!! Wonderful chapter, I'm glad they're getting along better and I'm really excited to see emotion begin to spring up, alone with the foreshadowing of bad things to come.

    Keep up the great work!

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  • From ANON - Kel on July 24, 2004
    Yay, you're back! I'm so glad to see that you haven't abandoned this story because I absolutely LOVE it! Thanks for taking the time to explain all the mythology - I had forgotten that Hercules killed 'Draco' to get to the apples. Great job asays!ays! Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - beach on July 24, 2004
    Hallelujah for your ue! Ie! I l o v e your story.
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  • From ANON - auchic on July 16, 2004
    I can't tell you how many times I've read this, and it's killing me that you left it at such a critical point! Please update as soon as you can! I hope you can find something to inspire you to finish, because believe me, the excitement of waiting isost ost too much!!
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  • From ANON - Angel # 4 on July 16, 2004
    You havent updated in a very long time, i'm looking forward to your update so please do it soon.
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  • From ANON - TalaKidanya on July 13, 2004
    *murrs happily* I lost the link to this story some time ago and was ecstatic when I found it again! ^^ Anyway, you already know that I love your writing style and all that, but I wanted to add something else: How you describe the character's emotions. I don't know how you do it, but Draco's anger, Hermione's fear, Ron's confusion.... It's all so incredibly accurate and.... I can't seem to find the words to adequately describe it. lol Sorry about that. Anyway, good luck on the rest of this story and I hope to find an update soon! But then again, take your time. Your chapters are most definitely worth the wait. XD
    ~*~ Tala
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  • From ANON - Mandi on July 03, 2004
    Wow..this story is amazing. You portray the characters beautifully, the sex scenes are HOT, I just love everything about it. I really hope you continue with it.

    In case you couldn't tell, I LOVED IT! ;)
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  • From ANON - psr on June 27, 2004
    I've reread this story at least four times it's that good. I am really hoping you haven't given up on it. Please update soon!!!!!
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  • From ANON - ZaiN on June 24, 2004
    Oh goodness! Please update soon! I can't wait to read more! I'm stuck on this fic.
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  • From ANON - jayta on June 02, 2004
    I really enjoyed the pse ose of this fanfic. Very hot indeed. :)

    Your grasp of detail is amazing and I just want to say how much I enjoy this story. The characters are well written and the plot so well anchored in canon. Draco and Hermione are such interesting souls and you've made them even more so. I love how you've brought Draco almost full circle. I love how he's changed as Hermione, although still staying true to their characters. I like how you haven't sacrificed her relationship between Ron and Harry, just cuz she's shagging Draco. I hate those kinds of fanfics. Where she is willing to drop everything for him because of sex.

    I am not a big huge fan of NC-17 fics, and not sure why I started to read this one, since I embarrass easily and am faint at heart. lol. But I have to say that your descriptions aren't base and crude. No exaggeration or just pervy descriptions. You write this so well.

    I can't wait for your next chapter. I definitely have theories on who was behind the ransacking and also about what lays in Draco's future. I look forward to see if I'm really good at predicting things as I like to think! ;)
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  • From ANON - sweetooth on May 31, 2004
    :( Its been ages since you last updated. I hope you haven't given up with this story cause its one of the best storys involving this pairing i've read. The way your slowly introducing feelings into a situation that was completely sexual is very well written and thought out. I can't wait to read the nehapthapter and hope it's not much longer.
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