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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - reviewer on February 15, 2004
    One of my favorite aspects of this fic is the wonderful characterization of Draco and Hermione. Unlike the typical hormone-driven teenagers, they are more rounded out in terms of personality despite their sexual situation. The plot itself is an insightful look into the effects of playing upon the most primal needs of humans, that is of sex. I hope you update more frequently; looking forward to it.

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  • From ANON - sushified on February 15, 2004
    I love this story and I love you. Enough said. Hehehe. Anyway, it's okay that you took a long time for the update, it's still really good.
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 15, 2004
    love the story
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  • From ANON - M. Dzi on February 14, 2004
    I've read many adult fan fics and many Draco/Hermione fanfics. Of all those I've read, this is the best. You have plot development, Everyone is perfectly in character, nothing's too easy, it's perfect. I started reading this last night and was disappointed when I reached the end of chapter 13 this morning. I'm usually a very harsh critic, but I can find little wrong with this story. Thank you for writing such a marvelous piece of fan fiction.

    -M. Dzi
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  • From ANON - layla on February 14, 2004
    Hey, hope chapter 14 is coming along good. I check back everyday to see if something new has been posted. I also have a question for you. In you comments following chapter 11, you mentioned a song entitled "Finally." I'm interested in knowing who sings it so I can check it out myself. Alafteafter reading the chapter where Draco agreed to meet hermione after their big fight and he found her curled up, alone and freezing, a song came to my mind. Vertical Horizon- Best i ever had(grey sky morning). It applies to both of them, and it was the first thing that I thought of. Just thought I'd let you know, because it's a great song.
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  • From ANON - tom4eva on February 14, 2004
    this chappie was "bloody brilliant" like all the others!! a really turn on, but that is not the important thing...the best of the fic, is the way it is developing, and how they are starting to have some kind of feelings towards each others!! thats soo cool!
    and i loove how you are starting to develop a little relationship btw luna and ron!! the bad part of this is that harry and ginny cant go together to the ball!! that sooo bad!!

    update A.S.A.P ( n i really mean it when i said ASAP!!)


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  • From ANON - ghypscee on February 13, 2004
    wow, i love this story. i hope you are going somewhere with the mudblood threat soon. impressive story so far; i hope you update soon! thanks!
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  • From ANON - lady of Shalotte on February 13, 2004
    Spectacular! Excellent writing. I just found this story and its great.
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  • From ANON - Lisa on February 13, 2004
    Yay an update! I was honestly rather afraid that you had abandoned this fic. I liked how angsty this chapter was. I actually really like the conflict going on between the two and I really and wondering what their relationships going to be like after they both drink the potion. I'm pretty sure that the expectations put on draco by his father cough*joindeatheaters*cough could put them in some pretty extreme and interesting situations. I can't wait for the next chapter. Pleaseate ate again soon!
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  • From ANON - Linis on February 13, 2004
    Excellent can't wait til the next chapter is up...

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  • From ANON - deedee on February 13, 2004
    That was GREAT:) We totally need more smut in the story again.

    I can't believe Ron didn't yank Hermione out of Draco's arms when she fainted. Doesn't he still love her or atleast hate Draco enough to not want them touching?Oh well, I still love the chapter; especially with the finger fuck fest. But, I think Hermione's mind is a little too far gone until she actually gets some real sex - poor Hermione:( and Draco's not even sharing some of that potion with her. He's a Malfoy. He shouldn't be that scare of her. He should ignore all his emtions (like a Malfoy) and fuck her brains out:) I just want to read more about them. There's so much ballooned up emtions between them, I can't wait for the next chapter:) Please update very soon:)
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  • From ANON - Raffy on February 13, 2004
    That was great, Pixy! I
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  • From ANON - AureliaFlint on February 13, 2004
    I gave a whoop of joy when I saw that this story has been updated! When I first found this site, this story hooked me in. I must say Draco is a very conflicted character. Their relationship is very emotional, isn't it? I look forward to the ball.
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  • From ANON - layla on February 13, 2004
    Can't wait for the next chapter, hope you get it posted soon.
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  • From ANON - The Blue Lady on February 13, 2004
    Chapter 13 ~
    Another AWESOME chapter! Your writing is *sin*sational! It thrills us so when you update, and then we can't wait for the next one! It's an addiction, like the potion itself. So, Draco is getting a "wee bit" nervous and doesn't understand his guilty conscience over what he has done to Hermione. And is more disturbed over his "protectiveness" of h You You write Draco's lines with such zest! "You, Ginger Weasel"..."fleeting pleasure of dropping her off the Astronomy Tower"..."make a Hufflepuff cry... you already beat me to that"..."break into the booby hatch". Very funny stuff! Your writing is so entertaining.

    I loved it when Hermione passed out into Draco's arms and as she "stirred, and Draco could feel herpariparing to snuggle into him in her unconscious state" with all the prefects watching in the Great Hall. Priceless, that would have been! They would have really thought she was *mad*. Enjoyed Luna and her lunacy!

    That Draco can really work his *magic* with Hermione's sexual needs! "Try to keep it down" - how funny! :D

    Bring on the girls getting ready, the Friendship Ball and Draco and Hermione's trip to Greenhouse 5! Thanks for all you do Pixiezombie!

    ~~ The Blue Lady ~~

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