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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - Anon on February 13, 2004
    I just found this story...this is great. I hope there is more!
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  • From ANON - Apollonia on February 13, 2004
    I am SO GLAD that you've updated! It has been so long since you've done anything with this story. And believe me I've been waitingL ExL Excellent chapter.
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  • From ANON - Bambu on February 12, 2004
    I've spent the better part of my afternoon reading this story -- which for some ungodly reason I discovered only today. It's aerblerbly crafted and multilayered piece of work that is immediate, and riveting. The character arc that Draco and Hermione have to take is enormous and you've done a remarkably good job of creating it ... as if against their will. I'm only sorry that it's a WIP, and there's no more to read so far. Sigh. Considering the numbers of threads to weave into the tapestry, and they're only at the Christmas holidays, I imagine there are quite a number of chapters to go. Again, sigh!
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  • From ANON - rubberduck on February 12, 2004
    ahhh, finally the next chapter. i was worried this was a story that just fell right off the face of the web. so glad to see it hasn't. i understand how hard it is to get something written sometimes. here's hoping it gets easier for you. this was one of the first fics i read once i discovered this site and i got to read all 12 chapters then. i was blown away, but too intimidated to review at the time. i'm no longer so shy. this is one of the best fics out there and i'm amazed at the level of characterization in there. you have brought the characters to life and it's really fun to see where they go. i can not wait for more. but i'll try to be patient. lol
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  • From ANON - JennaSlytherin on February 12, 2004
    So worth the wait!! I love this fic sooo much! Definatly the BEST D/Hr stroy out there!!!!
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on February 12, 2004
    I was actually thinking about your fic the other day. While pondering potions and the like.
    Please don't let such a long space of time go between chapters again. Love the fic.
    Thanks PixieZombie! Cheers!
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  • From ANON - Bebe on February 12, 2004
    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, upd updating the best story ever. I was fearing the worst, what a happy suprise to be proved wrong.
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  • From ANON - Arissa on February 12, 2004
    Wohoo, I
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  • From ANON - Adriana on February 12, 2004
    Oh, FINALLY! I'm so happy you got back to this story, it's one of my favorites. I was beginning to lose hope. Whatever you do, please finish it . . . and make D & H happy, for goodness sakes, LOL. Great chapter, great work, as usual. More please.
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  • From ANON - elle on February 12, 2004
    OMG... you updated... I love you!!
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  • From ANON - Leanna on February 11, 2004
    *screams and hugs a bewildered pixiezombie* U finally updated!!!!!!!! I went onto Contra Veritas and saw that you posted chapter 13!! I started screaming, jumped up from my chair and ran into the hallway. Then! I started doing victory war dance while screaming my sisters name at the top of my lungs. She happened to be watching Tv and asked what the hell I was hollering about and I said "Adamo Fidelitas updated!!!!" Not a second later, my sisters eyes widened and she ran into the computer room, the both of us screaming like bloody banshees. after seeing that chapter 13 was indeed in front of us, not only did we start bowing to the computer but we started chanting "Pixie Zombie is our bloody Draco Hermione smut goddess!" yes, very true indeed. I can't tell u how happy me and my sis are, seeing that u updated after all of these months! U rock our socks! Im off to reread the WHOLE story again! Bless u!

    -Leanna ( Dinathiel)
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  • From ANON - layla on February 11, 2004
    I love your story. Once I started reading it, I stayed up for the next 3 hours to finish it. I can't wait for the next chapter to be out. Keep up the fantastic work.
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  • From ANON - cat on February 10, 2004
    you're bad... how can you make me wait so long?!
    please please don't stop now!
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 09, 2004
    Great job. i would like to see more of your work!
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  • From ANON - rose on February 08, 2004
    I really got caught up in your story. I noticed that you haven't updated in a while. Have you abandoned it? I hope that you haven't because I'm quite curious to read what happens next. If you have stopped updating it, know that, even incomplete, it is very well done. Thanks.
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