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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - rose on February 06, 2004
    I read all of the chapters in one night. This is probably the best D/Hr story that I have read. I see that you haven't updated in a while, but I hope that doesn't mean that you have quit the story. I hope there is still plenty to be written. I look forward to reading future chapters!
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  • From ANON - kath on February 01, 2004
    Hi This one of the most original and most belivable h/d stories i've read. Its the only possible way that I think either one of them would take those first steps in falling in love. I'm a bit concerned about there not being another chapter though? I read this a few months ago and have checked back often with no joy. Please Please keep writing this cause it's killing me wanting to know what happens.
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  • From ANON - bansidh on February 01, 2004
    Wow. Just found this and read the whole thing so far. I noticed that it's been quite some time since the last update. I hope that you intend to continue. This is the best Draco/Hermione story that I've read. You have a knack for finding a plausible and compelling dynamic between them. I also like your Harry and your Snape very much in this fic. I'm normally a SS/HG shipper, so a smart, sharp and snarky Snape is a real draw for me.
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  • From ANON - elle on January 30, 2004
    great fic...
    keep it coming!

    ellen d.
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  • From ANON - twistedmint on January 27, 2004
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 25, 2004
    this is really good fic and well written please update this fic i really want to now what happens next
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 24, 2004
    You're not quitting on us aru. Iu. I sincerely hope not, since this happens to the best dm/hg I've ever read.
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 24, 2004
    Please update this wonderful fic soon.
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  • From ANON - lisa on January 24, 2004
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update this story. I think it might be the best fanfic I've ever read and it would be a real shame (and disapointment to your readers) if it was never completed.
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  • From ANON - Diana on January 24, 2004
    you're story is great but why are you not updating? It's been such a long time since you've update... plz find the time to continue this awesome story
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  • From ANON - Vigie on January 20, 2004
    I'm very much enjoying reading Adamo Fidelitas! I stayed up last night reading and had to make myself go to bed in order to make it into work today on time. I'm hoping that it will be updated soon so I can continue the fun. The characters are beautifully drawn. And the emotion evoked just pulls at my solar plexis. Thank you so much for a great story.
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  • From ANON - me on January 18, 2004
    will you ever finish this story? i'm begging you to do so!
    please, it's just amazing and i would really love to see an ending. or at least more... (though it's a wonderful story, you get kind of tired when reading it for the fifth time)
    please write more.... p l e a s e!
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  • From ANON - Red Raven on January 18, 2004
    You have to continue!!! I've never really thought of Draco and Hermione as a couple but this story has changed my views. Please, please, please, post more soon!!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 17, 2004
    Wow, I think this is one of the best fanfics I have ever read. The story starts off rather perverse, but the relationship between Hermione and Draco builds so well. The conflict you added into the story was also very original and well thought out as well. I really, really hope you update again soon.
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  • From ANON - icewater on January 15, 2004
    this fic is great. hope you update soon, please? please? pretty please?
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