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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - SnapeLover on October 10, 2003
    Thanks for upng ang again -- it's always a thrill to find a new chapter available!!! I am so enjoying this story and where it's going; it's my addiction. And yes, I certainly voted for your fic again and hope this time you win. I've read the competition it's NOWHERE near as engaging and well written as yours! Good luck and please update again soon!

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  • From ANON - Lisa on October 10, 2003
    Oh god! That was a great chapter! I never laughed so hard in my life as Albus being so delighted in a singing boil! Fantastic chapter! :-)
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  • From ANON - Karen on October 10, 2003
    I love this story. Not only is this the single hottest fanfiction I have ever read it is the single best Draco/Hermione fic I have ever read! You not only did a great job keeping them in character you crafted a great story. I love how evocative your writing is. I am on tenterhooks for chapter 13.

    I particularly loved the confrontation in chapter 11 and the how he forgave her in chapter 12. And I love how you incorporated, "I shall do thee a mischief." Nice job. My only quibble is with the fact that they didn't really discuss how much he frightened her when he threatened to kill her if she told anyone what happened. While she did tell him that he frightened and and he did promise not to call her a mudblood he didn't apologize for how badly he frightened her. Also he told her that he didn't know if he could trust her but the same holds true for her. It is true that he was justifiably furious when he said it but still. She has reasons, even beyond the threat, to fear what he might do to her. Their divided loyalties and his dark side really should be addressed. After a huge battle is coming and they are ostensibly on opposite sides. Sooner or later they need to deal with that as well as the potion.

    Keep up the great, superfantastic, breathtaking work! Looking forward to Chapter 13!
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  • From ANON - lil CUTE mar on October 10, 2003
    hi! This story looks GREAT!!!! I'm only on the second chapter and i'm LOVING it :D **//** I can't wait to finish it**//**
    bye bye
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  • From ANON - jen on October 10, 2003
    This is exceptional.
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  • From ANON - Apollonia on October 09, 2003
    How very touching! I'm glad that after an all-out girl fight and several annoying owls that Draco decided to finally speak to Hermione. And I'm really glad that he forgave her. Excellent job! Please update again soon!!!!
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  • From ANON - pix on October 09, 2003
    Please more soon.
    I love this fic
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  • From ANON - tom4eva on October 09, 2003
    luvvvvvvvvv your fic!!!!!!
    sooo well written!!
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  • From ANON - beachLEMON on October 09, 2003
    Hey! Great story -- as always. I especially adore this chapter because Draco finally gets a chance to STOP blaming everything he feels towards Hermione on the lust potion. Plus, it's funny as hell that he said he'd kill her if she made him 'permanently damaged.' Love that. I'm so happy that you updated this rapidly and please, please update soon! I check this story first all the time when I get on This has such good plot and character development!

    You're really, really talented. This is the one story that I always feel compelled to review on every chapter. Others, I just read and wait until they update but this one is too good to pass it up without the proper encouragement towards the author. Go you!

    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Stephlynn on October 09, 2003
    I just wanted to post that I just absolutly love your Hr/Dm fictiIt iIt is very well written and I love how you are moving it along quite nicely. I am also a writer and admire your creativeness and how well you pair Hermione and Draco together. Just like everyone here, I am waiting patiently awaiting your next update!
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  • From ANON - Kary_Tom on October 09, 2003
    it me again!!! sorry i made a mistake....i luv the Draco + Hermione, & the Harry+ Ginny!!! nooot Hermione!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o///_///o sorry!!!!!! and also the Luna + Ron!
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  • From ANON - deedee on October 09, 2003
    Poor Ron, he's always being rejected. Maybe Luna will boost his ego. I loved the scene in the trophy room. It made my day:) How many days has it been since they've had sex? Shouldn't Hermione start losing her marbles now? How much potion does Draco have anyway? Someone should find it and break it:) update soon.
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  • From ANON - Kary_Tom on October 09, 2003
    This story is one of my favourites!! its being a looong time since i didnt come across with such a lovely and well written story!!....with WAHP AND PLAYING WITH A DRAGONS FIRE....this story is as good as those fics!!...i love the way that you mantain the character soo IC!...and the way that you dveloped their feelings,wishes, hopes, and pains..... To tell you the true i couldent stop reading your story!!...when i started to read it...i couldnt stop m self...!! i am soo hoock up with your story!!
    And i love the couples...Draco and Hermione is my favourite one by far!! and i loveee he Harry and Hermione....and also i would like a Ron+ Luna relationship....only f you ant...( causthinthink that she has a crush on him....). write like JKR......yourve made such a great Job with this story!!!....amazing plot!!!
    Please i want you to continue with this fic ASAP!!!! cuz it sooo great that i CANT wait!! iam daying to know whats happen next!! is he going to trust in her again?? i hope soo!!!...and what about Lusious?? if he realised that he will kill Draco!!
    i cant wait till the Yule Ball chappie!!!

    cya la8r!!!!!! n_n

    ps: sorry if i have some 1st language isnt english!!

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  • From ANON - Lessa on October 08, 2003
    I think you did a great job in this chapter resolving their conflit. You did a much better job than I ever dreamed possible. You drew out and gave a valid reason for Draco being able to torment Hermione like he did and I can see Herm being so desperate... I am so not saying this the way I want to. Any ways the gist of it is that I enj the the chapter and you left me wanting more without a doubt.

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  • From ANON - Draco_Fan on October 08, 2003
    Awww! Draco/Hermione moments PLEASE?!?!?!
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