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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - busybub on October 05, 2003
    I love this story. It's truly amazing. One of the best i've read in ages! Keep updating
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  • From ANON - deedee on October 01, 2003
    I feel bad for both of them. Poor Hermione, she's going to have a harder time if he meant what he say. After all, she was only in this mess because of the two idiots. Otherwise she would not have had a relationship with Draco at all. I think Draco was a bit too harsh. I mean she did finally give him head. Isn't that one of the things he wanted she to do to him? But I could understand his feelings of hurt when she said 'I hate you'. Even if she didn't mean it, it still hurts to hear it. I hope he forgives her. But, it would be fun to see what they're going to do for relief in the mean time. Draco is so going to eat his words. He's going to need her. I can already see the angst coming. I can't wait. Please write more.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot to ask, does Ron still want to be with Hermoine? Or is there going to be a Ron and Luna? And you never mentioned who that person was that saw them leaving the classroom that one night.
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  • From ANON - Brian on September 30, 2003
    you need to do a fic about Luna and Ron or something, or at least with Luna, she seems like an interesting subject to write about.
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  • From ANON - Brian on September 30, 2003
    bout time you got the next chappie up, that wa an AWFUL cliffhanger...and i loved it!!! Keep the chappies coming, you're an me wme writer.
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  • From ANON - Jessica on September 29, 2003
    Excellent story, can't wait to read more!
    ...puts me in mind of the smashing pumkins song, Ava adore...
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  • From ANON - HPfreak18 on September 29, 2003
    Wow, things are really messed up between these twI amI am looking forward to your next chapter soon I hope!
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  • From ANON - Linis on September 29, 2003
    This is sooo sad. I really hope Draco forgives Hermione. I mean it was an accident. And he will need her if the potion carries on otherwise every one is gonna ask questions especially his daddy. Just one question where's pansy? wouldn't she have more to say on the fact that Draco got really angry at the mudblood. and wouldn't she tease her about her room getting trashed.... unless of course it was pansy how did thashiashing.

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  • From ANON - MsLessa on September 28, 2003
    Man, now I'm all stressed out over how things are between Draco and Hermione. I hope things work out a little better for them in the next chapter.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for hope.

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  • From ANON - RaffyV on September 28, 2003
    OMG! I feel awful not only for Draco but for Hermione as well
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  • From ANON - Ernie on September 28, 2003
    I love this story. I like it even better than the real Harry Potter books!
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  • From ANON - sushified on September 28, 2003
    AHHH! You can't do this to me. You can't make them hate each other, or at least not Draco hate Hermione, because we know she doesn't hate him. I hope you let it turn out alright. Man oh man.
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  • From ANON - SnapeLover on September 28, 2003
    Awww, poor Draco!! Funny, though, I never saw him as such a victim through the years, lol. Good development and writing... wonder what'll happen next?! How long will it take him to forgive Hermione? (Wow, WILL she be forgiven? That was pretty nasty!) Many, many thanks for such a quick update. I'm really enjoying this story as per usual.
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  • From ANON - campy_capybara on September 27, 2003

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  • From ANON - Victoria on September 27, 2003
    So glad that you updated your story with Chapters 10 and 11. They both were very good! I can't wait to read the rest of it. By far one of my favourite D/Hr fan fics!
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  • From ANON - calicat on September 27, 2003
    wow! that really is all i can say about this. normally i turn my nose up at draco/hermione stories fac fact i usually am a strictly draco/ginny fan. but this has got to be the #1 fanfiction i have ever read, and considering i have been reading them almost daily for nearly 4 years i have read alot of them. it is incredibly well written, i couldn't find any errors, but i also got the feeling that i was actaully reading a novel. which, even with good grammer, is a rarity among fanfiction. aside from that i was drawn into this story and read the entire 11 chapters in one sitting. i was highly disappointed when i saww that chap. 11 was the last one posted and it wasn't done yet. it was like finding the best book you have ever read was missing the last half. i think i am rambling now. but i rarely review more than "good job and keep it coming" so that should tell you how much i think of your story. please continue, i am looking forward to the next chaper. and thank you for an awesome story.

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