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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - Anon on September 27, 2003
    Yeah!!! You updated. This is one of my favorites. Please continue
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  • From ANON - Jules on September 27, 2003
    Oh wow --
    What a chapter. The angst. The drama. The pain. Fantas
    Plus this absolutely fabulous quote:
    "I will be quite amazed if the trauma of what I've witnessed this morning ever wears off."
    The images of Draco & Hermione at the end are heart-wrenching.
    I literally will be breathlessly waiting for the next chapter. I am interested in how they will rebuild their relationship after this.
    Great job Pixie!
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  • From ANON - jenn on September 27, 2003
    I just love this story! You have done a wonderful job at keeping everyone in character. The chapters are nice and long and twi twists and turns are just delicious. I hope you update soon. This is one of my all time very favorite fic's!!
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  • From ANON - ladydeathfaerie on September 27, 2003
    i am SO glad you've posted more on this. i started reading it over the summer, and when no new chapters were immediately forthcoming, i was a touch let down. but there is light at the end of the tunnel, and i want to thank you for the continuing journey....

    i do so enjoy the way this is going. i find the characters and the situations completely believable, and the fact that you've worked in so much of the books is wonderful.

    i'm looking terribly forward to the next bit of thi
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  • From ANON - Apollonia on September 27, 2003
    Man! I feel so sorry for Draco and Hermione. He's so angry with her and she's angry at herself. I know that things will work out though. Please update soon. I want to know who ransacked her room and why. And, more importantly, I want them to make up. ;)
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  • From ANON - sugar-coated sushi on September 27, 2003
    Oh wow! I've been following this fic and I think it's really great!

    I especially loved the last chapter. I mean that was really intense! All the emotions flowing through them was realistic! As in really wow!

    I love the portrayal of your character! Draco in chapter 11 was just... (I'm at a lost of words) I cannot believe that Hermione could do that! I'd love to know what she plans on doing to have Draco forgive her.

    This is one of the best fics I've ever read!

    I hope you update soon! As fast as the wait between ch. 10 and ch. 11. Or maybe faster?

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  • From ANON - Hannah on September 27, 2003
    That was so amazing! I loved it so much! I can't wait to see them make up though. That was a pretty spectacular fight, and I loved every line of it!
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  • From ANON - Sonja on September 26, 2003
    I really love this story. I pretty much never write reviews for these things- but yours is exceptional. For one thing, I am impressed with the way that you have continued to represent the characters in the spirit of the original author. The actions and dialogue that you have written are so true to what they would have done in JKR's hands. Thank you for that. I also love that, even though the story is erotica, it still retains that very sweet and angst-ridden dynamic that teenage love is all about. The fact that Hermione is cruel but not mean is so true to the age, don't you think?

    The only thing that I am missing is Ron's deadpan remarks- i.e.: "She has really got to get her priorities in order." But he is too busy being all mature and nice at this point. And, anyway, after reading this much of your story, I can't any more imagine Hermione with anyone BUT Draco...
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  • From ANON - Adriana on September 22, 2003
    This is one of the most delightfully smutty fics out there! I was rather sad, thinking you'd abandoned it and was so happy to find that you're continuing with the story. Most authors who write this sort of thing have no talent with regard to storytelling, but this is definitely the exion.ion. Beyond the eroticism, there is a good story here and I'm anxious to find out where this is leading. And good formionmione for putting Malfoy in his place, LOL. Please update soon.
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  • From pixiezombie on September 22, 2003
    I finally got around to making the minor tweaks that I mentioned at the end of chapter 9, to bring the earlier chapters into line better with OotP. There is one more tweak that I might make later for our darling us, us, but I really haven't found a good spot to impart that OotP information sooner.

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  • From ANON - SnapeLover on September 22, 2003
    Okay, read it. Another brilliant, enjoyable chapter. Wonder where you're going with the 'attack' on Hermione, hmm? Is it Death Eaters... or a school prank? And re: your cliffhanger -- poor Draco, but I'm glad he finally got some, heh heh!
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  • From ANON - genrou on September 22, 2003
    wicked! man, that was extraordinarily cruel. man, and i thought nothiouldould top off the last chapter! my mouth just hung open forever after she petrified him. my god. wow. im just totally mind blown by that-thats possibly the most shocking moment in fanfic history...well, at least for what i could remember at the moment. and then of course there was the exclaimation of "holy fuck" after he wasnt in the closet no longer. know what's amusing? while i was in the shower this morning i was actally thinking of this fic and how sad it was that it seems to be another terribly great fic lost to abandonment. luckily that wasnt the case and i got to read and revive my intense love for this fic. that chapter was beyond worth the wait and now ill have to suffer the 2 weeks until the next. though my suspicions that it was snape who set him free...ooohhh do we get to relive the moment? ahhh if it was snape, i could just picture the amusement and the -what's the word- to granger for the audacity to do such a cruel thing. ^____^ man, i cant wait. and i more than thank you.
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  • From ANON - SnapeLover on September 21, 2003
    Do you know what?!? I haven't even READ the update (ch. 10) yet; I'm reviewing just to day THANK YOU for updating my alltime favorite fic!!!!!!!!!!!! I was soooo hoping you hadn't forgotten this story (alas, as other writers have done from time to time). I will give an actual review when I read it, but suffice it to say for now that I'm tremendously grateful for whatever you've written. Thanks again!!!
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  • From ANON - Irol on September 21, 2003
    I can not believe it.... OMG you updated... you really updated. Think im going to die from shock.

    This is anzingzing story. This is one of the best Draco/Hermione fics around. It has everything. I love the way you characterize the chracters. I mean you wrote Draco amazing... it makes him human in a cutely bad type of way. and Hermione shes becoming stronger with the way that Draco brings out the lioness in her.

    And the Sex scenes... omg. i mean the birthday present to himself and the candy... speechless.ok one word HOT.

    I wondered when you were going to update or if you were just leaving it as it is. Its good to see that your back.

    Poor draco... ndernder if Pansy found him..ewww.

    I thought that it was ginny at first that found out about them but then i would think that its Ron

    Well i cant wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Kiristeen on September 21, 2003
    Ack! Looks like things may have taken a turn for the worse. Filch has *Incredibly* bad timing!!!! Love this story, btw. The slow build up in the beginning until they both realized there was no way on earth they were going to resist the whole time was perfect. I also got a huge kick out of Snape figuring out what was going on. I bet he had fun watching the progression. ::snickers:: I'd also be willing to lay odds it to took less than 24 hours for him to know they'd given in to the potion. lololol

    Kiri -- eagerly waiting for more.
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