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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - RaffyV on September 21, 2003
    Oh man! You're evil! hehe... I can almost feel Draco's 'frustration'.*winks* Where the hell did he go? I don't feel good about his sudden disappearance. I hope he's just hiding somewhere to surprise Hermione and give her a taste of her own medicine.*nasty lusty grin*
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  • From ANON - moon74 on September 21, 2003
    Just started reading this one - "his most fevered and creative spank me thoughts" snort, giggle, snort, giggle, giggle......
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  • From ANON - sushified on September 21, 2003
    Great new chapter. I hope you keep it up. I love this story and your writing is wonderful. I especially liked the quidditch game chapter. It seemed to real.
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  • From ANON - Draco_Fan on September 21, 2003
    OH shit... That's not cool! Update soon so i can find out what happened to Draco! OH! By the way... the last time Draco and Hermione had sex... I didn't hear/read a contraception charm being performed... hmmm.... didn't know if you noticed it of if it meant nothing... Update soon!
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  • From pixiezombie on September 20, 2003
    Good catch there! I can't believe I forgot to mention Crookshanks. I've added a line to the first paragraph to include him though. He's not hurt. Okay, I'm a cat lover, so I couldn't let anything bad happen to the little fellow. ;)
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  • From ANON - Jules on September 20, 2003
    Hurray! A new chapter, and what an evil one it is. I almost feel sorry for Draco, but not much. To say what he did, especially after his B-day celebration, what an ass!
    Love the smut along with the mystery plot.
    Question: was Crookshanks okay after the attack?
    Looking eagerly forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Tabata on September 20, 2003
    OMG OMG *jumps up and down*
    You updated!!!!
    And OMG what a chapter! So much drama! The two of them went along so nicely *sigh* and know ...*sigh*
    Oh you naughty girl Mione *G* but look what you
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  • From ANON - Tabata on September 17, 2003
    Oh please, update! *begs on her knees*

    Update one of your stories,on
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  • From ANON - TygerLily on September 14, 2003
    OMFG. I'm kind of in a state of shock right now because that fic was sooo good. I must say that I loved it. I loved your characterization,r der description, and the things you're doing with the plot. I haven't read a Draco/Hermione fic this good in ages so I'm really glad that I came across it. Anyway, I hope I get the chance to read more because I can't wait to see what else you do with this. Awesome job!
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  • From ANON - serena on September 10, 2003
    plz plz plz update soon.....
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  • From ANON - Serena on September 06, 2003
    I was wondering if youing ing to continue with this story because it would be a shame if you stopped here...
    Please update soon...I love your story!!!! :)
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  • From ANON - thedecembrist on September 03, 2003
    oh wow... that was just ... i lack the proper words to describe it. your story is just sensational. truly sensational. it is the first time in the history of my long-standing career of fanfic reader that a story has ever invoked such a response from me. i absolutely adored your quidditch match! can u believe i was gripping the edge of my chair in anticipation? and when draco was going straight down.. down.. down.. i was like 'NOOO' and had to shield my eyes with a hand for a moment before realising that duh, you need ur eyes to read the rest... needless to say, i felt rather sheepish.. and then the part where draco bravely climbs up to the top box... wow.. that was beautifully written.. u nearly brought tears to my eyes..ade ade me want to sob openly.. hermione's reaction throughout the entire the match, and esp. at the top box at the end of the match, made me want to sob openly... even snape! i can't believe what u wrote abt snape.. so well-written and so humourous at the same time! i love all the sex scenes.. truly erotic and perfectly well-played out... esp. love the latest one with all the sweets! it was so delicious, if i may say so myself. i truly love the way you've been writing draco and hermione.. they've been quite realistic and believable and my stomach is fluttering with anticipation to when they're really gonna fall in love! i feel they are already starting... aren't they? the entire story plays out so fluently it's like i can see it all so clearly in my mind's eye.. like i'm in a cinema watching the movie of ur story. truly fantastic. pls do update... i'll be eagerly waiting! PS:this, i think, is the longest review that i've written, ever! :)
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  • From ANON - Jules on August 29, 2003

    Where for art thou?
    I love this story but it hasn't been updates for ages. Please don't forsake this!

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  • From ANON - Victoria on August 24, 2003
    Where's the next cer??er???? I am dying to read it!!! This one is one of my D/Hr favorites...please please please give us a Chapter 10!
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  • From ANON - anonimo on August 22, 2003
    im going to die if you dont put a new chapter please
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