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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From on August 11, 2003
    wow! this was a really good story. I went through a whole bunch of things to finish it, and it was all worth it. Say, when i read that bit when Hermione and Draco go on their trysts, i wondered about: the Marauder's Map. Wouldn't Harry see the two dots in the same room and not suspect something? Hey, maybe thats how ... nm.
    anywhos, kudos on your story!

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  • From ANON - Rhiannon on August 08, 2003
    What that's it...that's a terrible cliffy!!! Who wrote that on her wall...i mean you can just end it there...please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!hurry hurry!!!!!!

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  • From ANON - Apollonia on August 04, 2003
    This is, by far, one of the BEST DAMN Draco/Hermione fics out there! I have printed this baby up so I can read it in cast my computer crashes or whatever. Please update this story soon. I want to see what happens next. The drama is so intense as well as the love between our favorite Slytherin and favorite Gryffindor.
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  • From ANON - Serena on August 01, 2003
    Great story! I just finished it.... plz add another chapter faster...thanks
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  • From ANON - SnapeLover on July 30, 2003
    Ohhh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story but it's been so long since the last chapter!!! Sincerely hope all is well, but please consider updating this lovely fic - thanks!!!
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  • From ANON - dinabugg on July 29, 2003
    I am really enjoying this story! You have an excellent writing style and excellent character development. Yay you you!

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  • From ANON - Chiara on July 26, 2003
    thanks so much for an excellent story! I don't usually review fics, but I felt that your talent certainly deserved it. not only can you spin an interesting and believable storyline (in readable and clear prose, no less), but your characterizations never once struck me as even slightly off. what's more, you manage to avoid the fanon cliches of a D/Hr relationship, which is an accomplishment in and of itself. I think that this is hands down one of the best fics I've read--and that's saying something.
    again, my congratulations, and I'm looking forward to the next installment.
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  • From on July 24, 2003
    Congrats pixiezombie, your story is awesome.

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  • From ANON - Anon on July 23, 2003
    more more more story please
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 13, 2003
    Well, that was a very creative way to use candy! Very ...ah... effervescent! Let's all scream Happy Birthday to Draco! Poor Things ... so addicted to almost feel sorry for them... NOT! Oh No! Who found out about them! A very entertaining read. And very easy to read! Great writing descriptions! Interesting plot! Please continue! I have this funny feeling when they take the counter-potion, they may still continue to "lust" for each other after allt set sex for all those months. :)

    ** The Wishful Witch **
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 09, 2003
    I've just read this story for the first time.
    It's great!
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  • From ANON - Priya on July 06, 2003
    This, my dear, is beyond any descriptions I could give you right now. I could say that it
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  • From ANON - Keshu on July 05, 2003

    ^ Oh my god, you got a mention ^

    ps.ll lll loving the fic.
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  • From on July 04, 2003
    pixiezombie -

    Love the fic, ALMOST makes me like D/Hr but I'm a hardcore D/G fan ^.^ SO I just read an article that featured your disclaimer ::grin:: The article was about Harry Potter fanfiction and I was like "I KNOW THAT AUTHOR!!" I was laughing pretty hard because it looks like the author of the article did some pretty impressive research into the topic (and internet surfing =P). I mean it's the Boston Globe Magazine! Anyways, just sharing in case you hadn't known, look forward to Chapter 10!

    - J
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  • From ANON - Zahrah on July 03, 2003
    Oh my god this story is o great. Hope you update soon.
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