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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - deedee on July 02, 2003
    I loved it! It's so cute that Draco's learned to share:) Nice touch incorporating the candy. But seriously, evil cliffy. So PLEASE write more soon!!!
    By the way, I think Ron and Ginny know.
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  • From ANON - HPfreak18 on July 02, 2003
    Hey, sorry I barely noticed that you updated, I have been so busy lately. That was an excellent chapter!! Everyone in the yahoo group I am in has been discng ing it. It was very sensua with a cliffhanger that has me waiting for more!!
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  • From ANON - genrou on July 01, 2003
    wthatthat has got to be the best sex scene, if not the most creative that ive ever seen written, at least in a very long time. man....damn if only i had access to wizard candies... well beside that, i was excited to see an update to this fic sice i adore it so much and its so swet to see how things are developing between them. though i wonder when will the shit hit the fan. and of course i wonder about those who know such as snape and dumbledore. please write more soon. thanks.
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  • From ANON - Moosin on July 01, 2003
    Oh my god. That's such a wonderful story, I LOVE IT.

    Please, please, please update soon. I love the plot and the character development! Oh my god, it's wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Spoonie on July 01, 2003
    AAGH! That was brillinat! I come back off a mini-vacation & this wonderfuapteapter was ready and waiting.
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  • From ANON - Jezebel on July 01, 2003
    Wow the story is amazing and Chapter nine was outstanding. That twist at the end was something I hadn't expected but my god did it ever make me want to read more (I wanted to read more anyway but that just made me impatient for your next chapter which I hope will be out soon)
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  • From ANON - Bess on June 30, 2003
    Pixy, this chapter was great! Really hot and steamy! It seemed more like Hermione's birthday than Draco's - she was getting all the good stuff. ;-) This is definitely my favorite NC-17 fanfic.

    I was wondering where I could go to be notified of your updates - I noticed that you're not hosting AF at 'Sleeping with the Enemy' anymore. I don't mean to pry, but why did you take it off? It's cool if you have your own reasons - I'm just glad AF is somewhere on the net, where I can still read it. I'm anxiously awaiting chapter YouYou're a wonderful writer!
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  • From ANON - s on June 30, 2003
    wo-o-ow. honestly one of the first hp fics i've read - and now my standards are crazy-high. this is incredible. just read nine chapters and eagerly awaiting more. pretty fucking hot. wow.
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  • From ANON - Kel on June 29, 2003
    Good chapter! More soon please! :)
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  • From ANON - Ally on June 29, 2003
    This keeps getting better and better. Love it!
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  • From ANON - Karena Elizabeth on June 29, 2003
    Holy... OMG. I *wish* you'd posted this at night. After my kdis were in bed. When I could drag my husband away without little kiddies wandering around - but alas, I will take an update whenever you are ready to give them! Thank you for the excellent update and if that's your idea of a party game *WHEW*!

    Update soon please?!?
    Karena Elizabeth
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  • From ANON - madamshark on June 27, 2003
    Great story, cannot wait for more.
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  • From ANON - elena on June 25, 2003
    I recently discovered this piece of fan fiction and have enjoyed it immensely. The situations, while not likely to happen, are plausible. I hope to see more of this story soon.
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  • From SeaBlue on June 24, 2003
    Absolutely the best Draco/Hermione story I've ever read--I'm almost embarrassed by how often I check for updates! Wicked hot, with great Draco characterization.
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  • From ANON - gin on June 18, 2003
    I love this story!!! I cant wait for an update :)
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