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Reviews for Adamo Fidelitas

By : pixiezombie
  • From ANON - Jen on June 16, 2003
    I love this story! Everything about it really. The fact that Draco and Hermione are in character is awesome (and quite rare in Hr/D fiction lol) I really liked the Malfoy dynamic. It was funny and heartbreaking and raw and just, real. :) That said, there is no chemistry hotter and more palpable than that between Draco and Hermione. You capture it wonderfully in this story and I hope you write more soon!

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  • From ANON - Spoonie on June 16, 2003
    Loved it. Trust Malfoy to almost kill himself to beat Harry! Anyway, congrats on the 2nd placing, you deserved 1st i reckon, but hey, I think you rule. *dunno if that means much, but hey, there it is*
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  • From ANON - rashaka on June 15, 2003
    excellent new chapter; let's see another!
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  • From ANON - Sharon on June 15, 2003
    I just love this story and I always wait anxiously for each chapter! (I'm waiting anxiously now as a matter of fact LOL) Congrats on the Icicle Awards (I voted for you!) Anyhoo, don't keep us waiting too long, please? I'm dying to see what Draco and Hermione say to each other when she visits him in hospital!
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  • From ANON - dwmerrell on June 15, 2003
    Great story...I'm putting you in my author list. Keep it up..... I'm hard for more... :)

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  • From ANON - MayaKoneko on June 14, 2003
    Second?! It should have placed first!
    Once again, an excellent chapter! Everything was portrayed beautifully and the interractions between the characters was awesome! Great job! I hope you update again very soon!
    ~*~ Koneko
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  • From ANON - * on June 14, 2003
    I voted for your fic 5 times at the icicle awards. Congratulations. You definetly deserved what you got. Job well done.
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  • From ANON - HPfreak18 on June 14, 2003
    I love this story. I have been waiting for you to update. I now have the Internet at my house so I can check on the story unlike the way I had to check it out at my school's library. Continue soon.
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  • From ANON - C.T. on June 13, 2003
    I'm almost speechless. I like this very much! :) Draco seems very . . . delicious.
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  • From ANON - Amber on June 04, 2003
    I am sooooo addicted to this story!!! You have the characters pegged completely...I check the site twice a day just to see if you've updated! Thank you for the wonderful HG/DM romance!!!
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  • From ANON - MayaKoneko on June 04, 2003
    Just a little comment. When Draco "paused to adde sae saliva to his finger" (I forget exactly how it was written) I couldn't keep myself from laughing. I don't know why, but I found that funny. Maybe because I could just envision him doing that and then stopping, an almost pensive look on his face as he puts his finger in his mouth again.
    Well done!!!!! I really love this story!
    ~*~ Koneko
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  • From ANON - Rashaka on June 03, 2003
    I've enjoying this to an extreme degree. It's the first long HP fic I've ever read, and the first H/D. I can't wait to see how this si all going to play out. On top of the amazing smut and tension and the love quadrangle, I especially like the parts about Draco questioning his evil destiny. It's something that would be a cool twist to have in the actual books-- if Draco, like Snape, had at least half a concience. I don't know what will happen any more than anyone else, but I really do hope that Rowling doesn't just throw away Draco's character into the maisma of future evil. Conflicted characters are much more interesting than all-evil-all-the-time villians. Plus, it makes sense to me that at 17 or 18 Draco would still be young enough to question how he wants his life to play out.

    Anyway, I was hoping you could help me. Since I enjoyed your fic so much, I'd love to know what you could rec to me. I've been to the website linked in your profile, but there's so much there. What are your favorites? I enjoy both smut and PG stuff. I find it's a good way to start into a fandom by finding out what the people whom you like read themselves-- almost always guaranteed a good rec.
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  • From ANON - LadyCailin on June 03, 2003
    I love this fic. I know that sentence is neither original nor constructive as a review, but its true none the less. I love this fic. You've got a wonderful sense of sexual tension. Its just the right mix of sexuality and senity,ity, with some very nice and yet wonderfully subtle emotion behind everything. You've also managed to keep everyone fairly in character. Its strange because I really coulmostmost picture this happening behind the scenes at Hogwarts. Everything else seems so utterly normal, and then theres Draco and Hermione, sneaking off to secluded classrooms in the middle of the night.
    I like the use of the bone, I
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  • From ANON - Sinclair DuBaney on June 03, 2003
    Excellent! Perusal of the offered seven chapters in one evening. Sated and desiring more, of course. Quidditch chapter to be completed soon? Gratitude for the submis and and patiently awaiting continued installments.

    .:| Sinclair DuBaney |:.
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  • From ANON - Karena Elizabeth on June 02, 2003
    WHy is your story getting bumped to the top when you didn't update the content? I wish you luck with the award, but it's sort of annoying to get excited one of my favorite stories is updated, but it's not really =(

    Anyway - PLEASE UPDATE FOR REAL SOON! House points will be deducted if you 't!

    Karena ELizabeth
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